Chapter 388 Baked Potatoes

King Qi cried for a long time, then grabbed His Majesty's sleeves and howled twice more: "Brother, oh oh, punish me!"

His Majesty:…

Okay, at this time, he didn't forget to vent his anger on his precious daughter.

Your Majesty didn't even know whether he should cry or laugh.

However, it is indeed time to deal with the fake in Jinyang Zifu.

I didn't deal with it in the past because I was afraid that Jinyang Zifu would get angry and compete with them again.

There is no need to be afraid now.

Suisui is not their child, so why are they robbing him?

Although King Qi felt so uncomfortable that he wanted to cry, he still chose to confess to King Qing frankly.

After all, it’s not easy for the other party either.

If it were any other brother, King Qi might not be willing to say it.

However, Brother Qing...

never mind.

Just for the sake of the other person having the same problem as you.

King Qi comforted himself in this way.

However, compared to this matter, the potato matter is more urgent.

King Qi also reacted belatedly: "Yes, yes, brother, potato!"

His Majesty:?

The topic went by so fast that His Majesty couldn't keep up.

King Qi quickly said excitedly: "Potato, three thirds of land and three stones are enough!"

His Majesty was still feeling sorry for his younger brother, but the topic suddenly changed and he reacted suddenly.

Yes, yes, potatoes!

High yielding potatoes!

It is said that the taste is okay, much better than couscous.

The most important thing is high yield, which means more people can be supplied!

If this were put on the battlefield, I don't know how useful it would be.

Thinking of this, His Majesty's heart became hot.

How could he still sit still at this time?

Arrange someone immediately, he wants to leave the palace to see it in person!

If you haven't seen it in person, you won't feel at ease.

Not just him, no one from Shanglinyuan or the Agricultural Supervisor should be left behind.

Several people from the Ministry of Industry were even called together.

His Majesty led a group of people to King Qi's Zhuangzi.

As for Sui Sui's life experience.

Don't rush this yet, let's take a look at the potato matter first.

After eating steamed potatoes every year, I took my brothers and sisters to bake potatoes.

The children did not need the help of the cooks, so they started by themselves, set up a fire, and skewered the potatoes and roasted them.

Baking potatoes actually requires skills. Aoyama was afraid that the children would be shocked, so he kept putting forward opinions.

Don’t choose potatoes that are too big as they won’t cook easily.

In fact, it is best to bury it in the fire after the fire is done, so that it will bake better.

However, everyone liked different attempts, but Qingshan couldn't persuade them, so he let them go.

Baked potatoes are a different flavor.

Especially after peeling the skin, sprinkle the prepared powder on top to enhance the taste and make it even more delicious.

Although today's potatoes don't taste soft enough, they taste novel!

Children are still interested in things they have never eaten before.

“It feels weird when you bite it, but it’s delicious!”

"Wow, Aunt Qiu is so awesome. This recipe is delicious. Sprinkle it on and it will taste even better."

“I think it’s delicious too!”…

Children gather around to share food.

Suisui thought it was delicious, so he asked Aunt Xiang for a plate, picked out a particularly clean piece, sprinkled some powder on it, picked it up and walked towards Princess Qi.

The weather was hot, and Princess Qi was worried about it, so she held an umbrella and sat under the shade of a tree not far away to look at the dug potatoes.

Seeing Sui Sui coming, Princess Qi stood up quickly.

Sui Sui walked over steadily, smiled and put the plate in front of Princess Qi: "Concubine, let me eat this for you!"

The child's speech becomes clearer and clearer, and his movements become more and more agile.

Princess Qi has watched her children grow step by step, and now seeing them like this year after year is heart-warming and gratifying.

She smiled and took two steps forward, took the plate from Suisui's hand, and touched her soft hair: "You can go and eat with your brothers and sisters, my mother and concubine will eat, thank you for my support. "

It was a little hot when I was busy. I took off my hat and some beads of sweat appeared on my forehead.

Princess Qi felt distressed and wiped it carefully with a handkerchief.

Sui Sui did not leave, looking at Princess Qi with bright eyes: "Mother, I will eat with you."

Wouldn’t it be boring for the mother-in-law to eat alone?

Sui Sui was worried and followed her mother and concubine obediently.

Princess Qi was warmed by the little girl. After helping Suisui wipe away the sweat, she smiled and said, "Okay, Suisui will eat with my mother and concubine."

The taste of the potatoes is average, at least when steamed, that's it.

After having a taste of it, Princess Qi was not prepared to eat more.

However, things are different year after year.

Therefore, after Princess Qi sat down, she took a small spoonful and fed it to Suisui first.

Suisui obediently opened his mouth wide and ate it with a slurp.

The little face was bulging, and it looked like a small animal was chewing rapidly.

Princess Qi also developed a bit of appetite when she saw how old she was.

She used the same spoon to scoop out a piece and put it in her mouth.

Roasted and steamed potatoes have slightly different textures.

But in fact, if you feel it carefully, they are almost the same.

For Princess Qi, who is used to fine food, it is not too attractive.

However, seeing Suisui happily eating, Princess Qi also took a few more bites.

While she was eating, she was feeding Suisui.

The mother and daughter shared a spoon and a plate. Aunt Qiu watched from the side, and her heart felt warm.

Princess Qi controlled the amount and did not let Suisui eat too much.

After the mother and daughter shared a small potato, Princess Qi felt nothing except spiritual satisfaction.

Suisui is a bit unfinished.

Princess Qi looked at it and couldn't help but lightly nodded her little head, "Watch your food carefully, otherwise you will feel uncomfortable."

I still remembered this matter every year, so I nodded quickly: "Yes, I remember it!"

After Princess Qi finished speaking, she was still uneasy: "I don't know if this thing can be cured or not. I'll let Dr. Liu show it to the children later. Don't let them eat too much and hurt their bodies."

Aunt Qiu responded hurriedly.

The brothers and sisters were still playing. Although Princess Qi was reluctant to leave Suisui, she still motioned for her to come over and play together: "Let's play with the brothers and sisters. My mother and concubine are watching here. Don't go far."

Sui Sui is not willing to let go of his mother and concubine, but he also wants to play with his brother and the others.

When I was in a dilemma, I heard what my mother-in-law said. I thought about it for a while, then said goodbye to my mother-in-law with a smile, and ran over.

Feng Xuanrui had been paying attention to Suisui's movements. When he saw his sister coming back, he hurriedly gave Suisui a bite of the roasted potatoes he had just mixed: "Come on, sister, have a taste."

I should have eaten some more every year with my mother and concubine.

Feng Xuanrui also remembers not to eat too much, otherwise the body will feel uncomfortable.

Therefore, he was only going to give Sui Sui a little taste, and the rest...

He comes to eat!

He is not afraid of discomfort, let him eat!

Second update at 19:00

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