Chapter 55 is everyone’s blessing

Feng Xuanrui noticed that his sister was scared, so he raised his hand and touched Suisui's little head.

The two children were about to get on the carriage when King Qing strode over.

When Doctor Liu saw him coming, he thought he was going to ride in a carriage and made room for him.

Seeing this, King Qing sighed helplessly: "We have to change our route."

 The route they planned was the shortest and most convenient.

 Beyond this, there are other plans.

 It’s just that everything else is an option.

Now the most convenient way can't be walked. The rocks piled up after the landslide and the official road has been compressed. There is not much space. It is naturally impossible to walk again.


This means that many plans need to be changed.

Moreover, you need to say hello to those who are following you.

Of course, the most important thing is that King Qing has to let everyone know that they escaped a disaster yesterday because the child Suisui got sick at the right time.

Although this doesn’t sound very pleasant to say.

 However, they did avoid the landslide because they were sick year after year and did not rush to travel.

Thinking of this, King Qing sighed again, and faced the doubtful eyes of everyone, he briefly explained what happened to the landslide yesterday.

 Doctor Liu naturally knew what a landslide meant.

 After listening, the old face turned pale and his legs became weak unconsciously.

He didn't even dare to think about it. If they were on their way normally, where would all the people around them be?

 Perhaps, some people are already separated from yin and yang!

 The fear made Dr. Liu break into a cold sweat.

 He turned his head subconsciously and looked at Suisui, who was huddled behind Feng Xuanrui.

 The child was curious and stuck out most of his head.

 Meeting Doctor Liu's eyes, Suisui smiled obediently.

 The child was sick all day yesterday, and his complexion today is not very good, with a somewhat sickly pale look.

 However, his eyes are lively and bright, and his smile is well-behaved and soft.

After reading it, Dr. Liu’s originally frightened heart slowly calmed down.

 Feeling lucky to have survived the disaster, Doctor Liu couldn't help but step forward and hugged Suisui: "Oh, grandpa's good grandson, you are really everyone's lucky star!"

 Being sick is not a good thing.

 But it was a good time for me to be sick yesterday!

 It was as if God was secretly protecting them.

 That's it, whoever doesn't say a word will be blessed!

The more Doctor Liu thought about it, the happier he became. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he had seen through something.

He gently lifted Sui Sui up, and considering that the little girl was afraid of such a move because of past events, he quickly and gently put it down.

After putting the person away, Doctor Liu touched Suisui's head and repeated what he said before: "Good boy, you are everyone's lucky star!"

Feng Xuanrui didn't understand what a landslide was. He looked around and found that Uncle Qing's face was solemn and Grandpa Liu was as happy as a child.

 However, there was a hint of wetness in the corners of his eyes.

Are you crying?

But, why are people still laughing?

Feng Xuanrui can’t understand.

However, he agreed with what Dr. Liu said: "Yes, my sister is a lucky star, not someone else's sister, she is so cute!"

Thinking of his cute sister, Feng Xuanrui thought for a while and didn't know what he thought of. He quickly muttered: "My sister is still the cutest. Look at Feng Youtan and Feng Ruolang. Each one is more annoying than the other. snort!"

 Doctor Liu:…

 Sixth Young Master, just say this.

 We dare not respond!

These two princesses are very favored by His Majesty!

 Sui Sui doesn’t know who the two people mentioned by his brother are.

 She was touched on the head tenderly by Grandpa Liu, and praised by her brother who proudly raised his belly, making her feel shy and happy.

She pursed her lips, gently leaned towards Feng Xuanrui, and then stood there obediently without moving.

 Although the route has been changed, all necessary preparations and supplies have been made. Now with a brief understanding of the situation, they can continue on their way.

Suisui and Feng Xuanrui climbed into the carriage with the help of Dr. Liu.

 With Dr. Liu accompanying him, King Qing could feel a little more at ease.

 The road we have to take again requires a longer detour.

 With the previous route, they could reach the next town in about the afternoon.

 The new route will probably arrive in the evening.

  Spending half a day longer is relatively safer.

Moreover, this route has only some small hills on both sides, so there is no fear of landslides.

 The road after the rain was not completely dry in some places.

 In addition, the new road they chose was not an easy one.

 So, they arrived at the next town more than half an hour later than expected.

 The new town is called Shuiqiao Town.

 Because the town is crossed by several rivers, many arched bridges were built, which is why it got its name.

 Perhaps because of yesterday's landslide, the sky in Shuiqiao Town is getting dark today and the city is also very lively.

Especially in places like medical clinics and medicine halls, you can hear people screaming or shouting from time to time.

 The restaurants and inns all seemed very crowded.

 Prince Qing and the others looked for three or four inns, but in the end they couldn't find any vacancies.

 With no choice but to split the team into two.

  King Qing brought four followers, plus Dr. Liu, and these people were together every year.

Others got together and went to another inn not far away.

 Perhaps it’s because Shuiqiao Town has many places to go, and the economy is also good.

 So, the town looks very prosperous, and because of this, there are more inns than before.

 Otherwise, it will depend on yesterday’s landslide situation.

  King Qing felt that if they came today, they might not be able to find a place to stay.

Shuiqiao Town belongs to Nanqiao County, which is still some way away from the county seat.

 Even if they wanted to disturb the county magistrate and stay in the inn, they would not have enough time.

 At this time, the gate of the county town had already been closed.

 After settling down, Doctor Liu took Qingshan and Dijiao to prepare dinner.

  King Qing sent two followers to follow them.

 Lunch is just what you need, and you can’t eat anything good at night.

 After all, they have two children.

 Suisui was sick for a whole day yesterday and is not feeling energetic today.

 The porridge I drank in the morning and only a few bites of puff pastry at noon.

That thing is tasteless and tasteless, and Doctor Liu is not willing to eat it.

 Seeing that Suisi couldn't eat anymore, Doctor Liu felt very distressed. He had to prepare something good now.

 Fortunately, the city is very lively today, and all restaurants are open for business.

Doctor Liu directly ordered the food and took it back to the inn. Prince Qing asked the innkeeper for a larger table, and everyone sat around to eat.

Feng Xuanrui was not full at noon, so he was ready to eat more in the evening.

If Doctor Liu hadn't reminded him not to eat too much, he would feel uncomfortable due to overeating. Feng Xuanrui felt that he could have eaten one more bowl of rice.

 But after thinking about it, he couldn't do this.

 He is an older brother and must be a good role model!

 So, hold on!

Second update



 (End of this chapter)

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