Chapter 6 The God of Death tells a story

 Having never heard the story before, I was naturally looking forward to it.

She nodded obediently, but was afraid that the system wouldn't hear it, so she quickly spoke out in her mind.

  【Ready, Lele! 】

During the day, the system had already told Sui Sui that the communication between them could be done directly in their hearts without being discovered by others.

No matter what happens, never let others know about Lele’s existence!

 Sui Sui nodded solemnly and agreed.

 But children are forgetful and think less. Sometimes they don’t notice, and it is easy to be exposed.

Just like her nodding just now, Feng Xuanrui just turned his face away and wiped his tears quietly, so he didn't see it, otherwise he would probably have asked out of curiosity.

Of course the system is reluctant to talk about Sui Sui, but it still has to remind you.

  【From now on, tell Lele in your heart, don't nod, others will see you. 】

If someone sees it, neither she nor Lele will survive!

 I remember it every year.

After thinking about it, she wanted to nod, but then she realized: No, I can’t.

 Then, she subconsciously tightened her mouth, not even daring to make a sound.

There were two candied fruits in total. Sui Sui just took a small bite. Seeing Feng Xuanrui crying quietly, Sui Sui thought about it and moved to his side.

Feng Xuanrui was still thinking angrily in his heart: Why haven’t those servants come yet?

 As a result, I felt someone approaching me.

 Small, but with a little warmth.

Feng Xuanrui turned his head and faced Suisui’s dirty little face, his shining eyes, and...

 A piece of candied fruit handed to him.

Suisui looked at him eagerly and said in a small voice, "Brother, you eat too."

The timid and soft voice has some magical healing power.

Feng Xuanrui felt that he didn't feel so aggrieved anymore. He wiped his face carelessly and pretended to be fierce and said: "Young Master is fine. You don't need to eat at all. You should eat quickly."

 Sui Sui didn't feel aggrieved even after being told this, she still obediently stretched out her hand in front of him and looked at him eagerly.

Feng Xuanrui is not really not hungry, but he wants to take good care of his sister.

 In the past, candied fruit was just a pastime for him after taking medicine.

 But now, it is his dinner with Suisui.

 The sourness in his heart couldn't help but amplify, and Feng Xuanrui felt that his eyes were beginning to feel sore again.


 I want to cry again!

Feng Xuanrui felt that he could no longer control himself. Under Suisui's curious and worried eyes, he picked up the candied fruit and stuffed it into his mouth.

 The sweetness of the candied fruit exploded in his mouth, Feng Xuanrui barely suppressed his tears.

 Watching Feng Xuanrui eat it, Suisui laughed happily: "Brother, this is delicious."

After hearing this, Feng Xuanrui raised his head proudly, even his embarrassed eyebrows were shining with color: "That's right, this is something from the palace!"

After finishing speaking, Feng Xuanrui lowered his head, looked at his miserable appearance, and then looked at Suisui's little face like a tabby cat. He swallowed the candied fruit wholeheartedly, and then said: "When brother takes you home, I want to There’s everything to eat!”

go home.

 It sounds so desirable!

 However, Suisui no longer has a home.

 Her uncle and aunt no longer want her.

Moreover, there is no such delicious food in that house.

Even if there was any, I wouldn’t give it to her.

 She is a loser, a **** without a father, she is...

 The existence that is not expected.

Thinking of this, Sui Sui lowered his head in despair, hugged his knees tightly, and tightened his clothes.

But, it’s nothing. I have become accustomed to comforting myself every year.

 It is enough to meet such a good brother and be cared for by him so tenderly, even for just one day.

Feng Xuanrui had never raised a sister, so he didn't understand children's emotions. When he saw Sui Sui lowering his head, he thought she was sleepy, so he raised his hand and touched her head gently: "Go to sleep, take a nap, and we'll Go home."

 Feng Xuanrui's comfort made Suisui quickly calm down.

 She whispered to the system in her heart: "Lele, let's listen to the story together." 】

 The system has been waiting for a long time, and this guy Feng Xuanrui has stolen the show, and I feel unhappy.

At this time, when I heard what Suisui said, I was so busy that I responded lovingly.

 【Hey, here it comes~】

 The system clicked on random person, and three seconds later, a person appeared in Suisui's consciousness.

 When the system saw the incoming person’s information, it felt dark in front of its eyes.

Wu Anjun—Bai Qi.


Isn’t this storytelling on a children’s channel?

 Bai Qi plays a children's channel?

 Is this a ghost story?

Suisui didn't know who Bai Qi was, but he felt that the uncle who suddenly appeared seemed tall and mighty. He was much taller than his uncle... no, he looked much taller than his third uncle, the tallest and strongest uncle in the village.

 He looked a little fierce, and when he looked at people, his eyes had a frightening light.

Suisui was a little scared and hugged herself tighter.

 Seeing this scene, the system felt instantly distressed.

  【Don't be afraid every year, he won't hurt you, he is... Xiaoqi, the uncle who told you a story today. 】

The system thought: Fortunately, their system has a protection mechanism. No matter how unwilling the big boss is, he can't say anything harsh.

 After all, the system really does shield properly!

However, the God of Death seems to be in a bad mood.

The system has to repeat the system rules for it.

The rewards for telling stories are also very good. You can accumulate blessings for yourself and have a good pregnancy in your next life. You can also pray for your friends, family, and future generations.

 In short, there are many benefits, but the amount of merit each time is a little small.

 But, a little adds up to a lot!

 If you can do it from scratch, you must be familiar with the system rules.

 In fact, Bai Qi did read it.

However, he thought that to tell a story, he could just pick out a paragraph from his past battles and tell it.

 As a result, when he saw Suisui, he was dumbfounded.

 No one told him that the child was so young?

Bai Qi took a few breaths and polished the story he had prepared before speaking in a deep voice.

 Hello Suisui, I am...Uncle Xiaoqi. 】

Suisui was a little scared at first, but her uncle took the initiative to greet her and smiled at her.

Lele taught her to be a polite child during the day.

Suisui thought about it carefully, and then whispered in his heart, "Hello, uncle Xiaoqi, I am Suisui." 】

 After finishing speaking, he seemed to have thought of something, and quickly said, "Thank you for telling me a story." 】

This kid is quite polite, but he is dirty and has blood on his face, which makes him look a little scary.

However, for the God of Death, these are not even small scenes.

 He cleared his throat and slowly began to tell a story.

What uncle is going to tell you today is: How to put 400,000 children in a pit. 】

system:? ? ?

Uncle Xiaoqi is very gentle.

  ——Notes from every year

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 (End of this chapter)

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