Chapter 83 The princess changes her face

Feng Xuanbo's words brought all the hatred of the other two brothers away.

Feng Xuanbin didn’t mention anything about going back to find his sister.

 Feng Xuanrui's mood has also improved a lot.

Aunt Qiu watched from the side, her anxious heart finally settling down.

When the three brothers returned to the south courtyard, quarreling and quarreling, Suisui was washing his face and brushing his teeth.

The concubine said that if you don’t brush your teeth after dinner and dessert in the evening, your back teeth will rot!

How can a child resist being frightened like this?

 So, go and brush your teeth.

Actually, Sui Sui can do it by herself, but Princess Qi couldn't help it and wanted to do it.

She brushed her teeth with unfamiliar movements, wiped her face, put on clean pajamas, and then returned to bed.

There are many rooms in the main courtyard, and Princess Qi chose the one closest to the main house.

Haitang and the others cleaned the room early.

 The quilts and the like were also made soft and comfortable in the sun.

After Suisui was washed, she was carried to bed by Princess Qi and tucked into the warm quilt.

 The quilt is warm and soft.

 Satin fabric feels smooth to the touch.

 His old hands are still a little rough.

I always feel that if you are not careful, you can scratch the fabric.

Suisui was too frightened to move much, so she huddled under the quilt with only one pair of eyes exposed, looking at Princess Qi obediently.

Although Princess Qi has raised two children, she really has no experience in coaxing children to sleep.

 Children have wet nurses from childhood, and as they grow older, they have servants.

 As a mother-in-law, most of the time, she is just a decorative companion and does not need to do anything.

Now that she was really faced with the matter of putting her to sleep, Princess Qi was a little at a loss.

 Sui Suisui was well-behaved and didn't say much, just lying there and looking at his mother-in-law with bright eyes.

The maid Shaoyao watched from the side and couldn't help but want to laugh.

 After a while, Peony gently extinguished the light inside, leaving only a candle outside burning dimly.

 The darkened atmosphere made Suisui, who was already tired, slowly fall asleep.

Princess Qi didn't know how to coax her to sleep, and she didn't know what to do. She could only rely on instinct, raised her hand and gently patted Suisui's quilt.

She remembered that when Xiaoliu was little, the wet nurse seemed to pat the child to sleep like this?

 When the children are older, they don’t remember many things in the past very clearly.

Especially things that I haven’t really experienced and haven’t had much exposure to.

Princess Qi's movements were very light, and even though she was separated by a thick quilt, she was afraid of hurting her.

 The dim room, the soft quilt, and the gentle patting of the mother-in-law.

Suisui's eyelids soon started to fight. She tried to hold on to sleepiness and wanted to say something, but in the end it only turned into vague words: "Good night..."

 The sound behind is too low and too vague.

Princess Qi didn’t hear it clearly, but it didn’t affect her good mood.

She gently helped Suisui tuck the quilt and smoothed his hair, and then said softly: "Good night Suisui."

 Princess Qi did not hear the following bytes clearly, but the system captured it keenly.


 The last two characters of Suisui refer to mother.

 After the system captured it, I felt a little sad. Originally, he was still worried that he would be a little uncomfortable adapting to the new environment. He also secretly prayed in his heart that tonight, he must be rocked by a gentle and reliable coaxer.

 As a result, Suisui fell asleep and was of no use at all.

However, this is actually quite good.

It doesn’t matter if there are fewer people who love Sui Sui in the virtual world, but it would be better if there are more such people in reality.

Princess Qi was worried. After seeing the little girl's breathing stabilize, she didn't leave in a hurry.

She sat for a while longer, looking at Sui Sui's sleeping face, becoming more and more relaxed, and then she quietly stepped out.

Seeing the princess coming out, Shaoyao was walking in front of her holding a lantern.

Princess Qi was worried, so she spoke to Haitang who was on duty for a few more words, and then slowly walked out.

The night was slightly cool. Princess Qi gently gathered the shawl on her arms and asked Shaoyao softly: "Has the person come here yet?"

Shaoyao nodded and responded: "Yes, I'm already waiting in the side hall."

After hearing this, Princess Qi nodded slightly, and her originally gentle expression gradually cooled down.

In the side hall, Aunt Zhou was standing there uneasily.

The maid Fang Xing asked her to sit for a while, but she didn't dare. She placed her hands in front of her and held them back and forth repeatedly.

No matter how you hold it, it’s uncomfortable.

 In the end, he simply gave up and put it next to him.

 However, she couldn't sort out her tangled heart without holding something.

 This made Aunt Zhou even more anxious.

The princess sent someone to invite her over during dinner. She said she had finished her meal and would wait for a while. When the young masters returned to the South Courtyard, she would come and wait.

Princess Qi has a gentle temperament and has always been tolerant of her concubines.

As long as they don't cause trouble and don't mess around, the princess is often willing to indulge them.

Aunt Zhou couldn't imagine what was going on, so she couldn't wait until tomorrow and asked her to come over in the evening.

By the time Princess Qi came over, Aunt Zhou had already had several bad things going on in her mind, and she was sweating a lot.

But when she heard Princess Qi's footsteps, Aunt Zhou carefully wiped the sweat off her forehead with a handkerchief, for fear of being seen losing her composure and being punished again.

As soon as Princess Qi came in, not only Aunt Zhou was nervous, but her maid also became nervous.

If something happens to her master, how can she, a servant, be okay?

Fangxing couldn't help but comfort herself, it's okay, it's okay, they still have the Seventh Young Master.

  No matter how big the matter is, should the Seventh Young Master be able to tolerate it a little bit?

After Princess Qi came in, she sat down at the main seat, and Aunt Zhou bowed politely and said hello.

Princess Qi didn't scream, she just sat there, drinking tea quietly.

Aunt Zhou didn’t hear the cry and thought to herself: It’s over!

Princess Qi deliberately ignored her. After taking a few sips of tea, she raised her hand.

Shaoyao said with a smile: "Aunt Zhou, please get up quickly, the ground is cold in spring, so be careful with your knees."

Aunt Zhou didn't dare to use Fang Xing to support her. She began to tremble, and she didn't dare to sit down. She just stood on one side obediently, with her head lowered and didn't dare to make a sound.

Seeing her like this, Princess Qi sighed softly: "I remember that your ancestral home is Wenzhou?"

Hearing the princess mentioning her ancestral home, Aunt Zhou’s heart skipped a beat again, with a bit of panic on her face, and her voice trembled: “…back to the princess, yes.”

After saying this, Princess Qi did not speak again.

She deliberately left it dry, but Aunt Zhou didn't dare to say a word, let alone look up.

After a long while, Princess Qi sighed softly: "You are Xiao Qi's biological mother. In addition to restraining your own behavior in the house, you must also remember to restrain the people of your mother's clan to avoid causing trouble for Xiao Qi. He is a prince and has a high status. If there is a foreigner who is holding him back, how will he behave among his brothers in the future? "

  Second update

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