Isekai Adventures

adventure 1024

The eagle tried to protect his compatriots who were being attacked, but because the ground was trying to restrain him, the eagle could not protect his compatriots. Abandoning his compatriots, who couldn't protect him, and overcoming their sacrifice, the eagles tried to attack the Origins, but were interrupted by the attack of the middlemists, and the eagles couldn't even get close to the Origins.

"Damn it! If we stay like this, we'll be wiped out sooner or later! This situation! We have to open it up as soon as possible!" The eagle was desperate to attack the middlemist, as he said.

Eagle was thinking about a lot of maneuvers when he was attacking the Middle Mist. After pondering various manoeuvres, Eagle decided to use a last resort to unlock the current situation.

"Listen carefully, my fellow countrymen, who can still fight! If we stay like this, all the plans Tsubaki-sama has in mind won't work! There must be no such consequences! Guys, now is the time for us to use the trump card!" The eagle shouted out loud.

"I don't know what kind of trump card you said earlier, but whatever you do, Tsubaki-san's plan won't go as far as you think! I don't want any more battles, surrender quickly!" I also heard the middlemist say what the eagle said.

"Ugh! There's no way we're surrendering! The battle is coming, you fool! It's all for the second!" The eagle shouted to the middle mist.

And the eagle concentrated his entire body of energy on his head with two hundred secondmen he could still fight. The Eagles' heads were greatly strengthened by the concentration of their entire body's energy on their heads.

"" Sacrifice Crusher!!

Shortly after they were ready, the eagles aimed at the Origins simultaneously, flying at super high speeds.

"If you think you have some kind of secret... I'm disappointed! I'll knock you off right now!" The middle mist told the eagles.

And the middlemists threw such powerful energy bullets that the eagles couldn't count. The eagles flew straight to the target they were after, not fleeing the Middlemist energy bullet.

"You're not wrong! This is our secret!

"Hey, what?! Stupid!"

The eagles have struck out the energy bullets fired by the middlemists with their fortified heads. That's not all, their heads also smashed the deformed ground and finally got close to the Origins.

"Go, people! Defeat the Origins now!" The eagle cried out to his compatriots.

After approaching the target, the seconders immediately attacked with their heads to inflict significant damage on each target. The eagle did not aim for the ordinary origins, but for the middlemist, the king.

"Are you going after me?" The middle mist asked the eagle in a spare manner.

"That's not wrong! In any war, any enemy, it's my style to target the Admiral's neck first! Besides, if I take your head off, I'll put an end to this war immediately!" The eagle flew straight to the middle mist, saying.

"That's for sure! I'm not saying it's impossible, but if it's something you can do, try it!" Even though the eagle is headed super fast, the middlemist still said in a spare manner.

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