Isekai Adventures

Adventure 1265

While Re = L's super powerful healing ability was working on Moye's treatment, Dante's people were working hard on what they could and should do.

Victoria and Sultanate, who were running around the vast Tokyo metropolitan area, found three tiny Dante counterparts each, treating all the people who were badly injured super fast.

Caesar, Catherine, Constantine, Lania and Arthur did everything they could to destroy all the Champion Forces before they jumped out of Japan. Then, to fight with Louissander, Caesar and the others went from their respective places to Louissander.

"Louissander Gun! Louissander cannon!

While in the air, Louissander was desperately pursuing annihilation, he continued to shoot powerful artillery shells with his left arm shaped like a dragon's head. And thanks to Louissander's furious shell attacks, he kept shooting at the annihilation, which took him far north from Tokyo.

"Alright! Very well! Fight hard at this pace and we'll take him down soon!

Louissander was attacking the extinction with his whole body without giving him a chance to fight back for a moment. Not only does Louissander use his left arm in the shape of a dragon's head, but he also releases powerful lasers and missiles from various parts of his body to inflict additional damage to his annihilation.

Louissander focused on pursuing and attacking annihilation without thinking about anything else. As a result, his body was badly injured and he couldn't afford to recover. But on the other hand, Louissander, who was focused on attacking, threw away all his defenses.

After Louissander had invaded the extinction with his whole body for a few seconds, the extinction hit several large mountains violently.

"It's time to stop stabbing! Louis Sword!"

Louissander took advantage of that moment of immobility, when he hit the mountain violently, and jumped super fast toward the extinction. And as soon as he arrived in front of the doom, Louissander took a dagger out of his slime-shaped arm and stabbed him in the head of the doom.

"" I'll cut your body in half like this!!!

After shouting loudly, Louissander desperately shook his dagger, which was stabbing him in the head.

As Louissander shook his dagger towards his body, the devastation was painful with a loud voice. And as soon as Louissander severed his extinct body, Louissander shot a powerful shell into the heart of the extinct with his left arm shaped like a dragon's head.

The skin of the body was instantly wiped out when the doom was hit by a shell fired by Louissander. Then Louissander fired a second shell into the heart of the doom with his left arm shaped like a dragon's head.

As soon as Louissander received a second shell fired at super close range, many of the flesh of the extinct body was destroyed.

"" This is the last blow, doomed!!!

Louissander fired a third shell at the heart of the annihilation to make sure it was extinct. But just before the shells came out, Louissander's merger was disarmed and split into Slime Louis and Alexander.

"Nah, what!? Our merger?!" Slime Lewis screamed in shock.

"We're getting out of here now, Mr. Lewis!

Alexander screamed and then, with Slim Lewis, tried to escape the doom. But as they tried to escape, the extinct gold and silver wolf toothpicks flew in super fast, the golden wolf toothpicks slime Lewis, and the silver wolf toothpicks Alexander all at once to the ground.

"Looks like you got my guess! Your merger was still time-bound! Dante's people, this is why I never fought back, and I never did, because your merger will eventually be disarmed! And when your mergers are disarmed, I will relentlessly crush you with all my might!

As we shouted at Slim Louis and Alexander, who were in the air, the extinct flesh and skin regenerated.

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