The bookstore is not large, it is small. Dante said we looked for books in the bookstore, too. Fortunately, all members, including me, don't hate books, so everyone didn't complain. All the books in this bookstore are bamboo books, light but durable. "I knew we could read the words in the book. good or bad?" Alexander said. "I don't even know if it's a good idea, but if we figure out Braille at the time, it's good for us." Dante said. Dante, Alexander and Victoria worked very hard to censor the book. Six others, including me, have censored the book, but it's slow. Few books in this bookstore have education, teaching materials, news or newspapers, etc. This store is small, there are books, but the quantity is small. Of the nine of us, only Victoria could buy a book. The book she chose is the most advantageous for us. She was happy, but dissatisfied because of the small amount of books.

Out of the bookstore we arrived at the weapons store. This weapons store is the same size as a bookstore, it's not that big. Lewis is very interested in this store, but not at all interested in the women. The men saw the weapons store merchandise, but Dante, me, Constantine and Alexander are not interested. The weapons are common weapons, no special weapons. Lewis doesn't need slime, weapons for offense, that's why he could buy protective equipment.

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