Dante today was also observing the town in the sky. From a high point of view, there is nothing particularly strange about this town. Only one thing is weird, it's the castle gate. The castle gate is twenty meters high, good for a Giant castle gate, but very weird for a wolf castle gate. Dante made a lot of hypotheses, but most likely someone or all made this town for blockade, this castle gate. With a twenty meter castle gate, you can have most enemies, dislikers, and complete blockade. The castle gate is very sturdy, easy and unbreakable, so this hypothesis is most likely. I had a bad feeling about the high castle gate, the outsiders, the wolves, and Dante's heart. Dante wants to attack, but there's no proof, anyone doesn't believe it. Dante was searching hard for suspicious places, but there was nothing. When Dante wanted to give up, there was suddenly a shadow of a middle-class person in town. From that shadow, it's not a wolf. Dante flew to the shadows at his best speed.

Weird shadow identities were very thin people. The person isn't just thin, he's worn out all over his body. This guy must have seen terrible, Dante thought so. "Something happened, how could it be so lame?" Dante asked that man a question. "Undead! Why are outsiders in this town?" That man told Dante. "Me and my crew happened to get to this town for an adventure. Why are you here?" Dante asked. "Then, fool! This town is very dangerous, get out of here." That man told Dante. "Don't worry, about what." Dante asked. "Is there a way to go elsewhere in this town that we can talk about?" That man asked Dante a question. "There's a way to get somewhere else, of course. Leave it to me." Dante said, holding that man, flew through the sky.

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