Isekai Adventures

Adventure 634

After killing Koba and his other compatriots, Cornelia carried the food she received by herself back to Zilla's. "We're all set, let's get to work now. What you couldn't do before, now it's time to succeed!" Cornelia, running, said.

Meanwhile, the Caesars. Caesar, Lewis and Alexander cover Constantine. Constantine is running desperately under their cover. "Good luck, Constantine!" Rania backed up. Caesar, Lewis and Alexander defeated as many synthetic beasts as possible, but too many to defeat all synthetic beasts at once. "? Are you serious?! Yabe! Grr!" One synthetic beast bit Constantine's foot. "Shit! Sorry, Constantine, Skullforce!" Lewis said, defeating the synthetic beast that attacked Constantine.

"Are you all right, Mr. Constantine? Does it hurt? If it hurts, you can take a break!" Sultana was very worried. "Thanks for your concern, Sultana! I'm still okay with this! I don't have time to rest right now, so I'll take a lot of breaks later!" Constantine desperately endured the pain she had received. "Hey, Caesar! You should think of other ways, there are too many of these guys! I don't care how you knock it down, I don't see the end!" Lewis attacked the synthetic beast, "he said.

Lewis isn't the only one, Caesar and Alexander's attacks are still going on. "I think so too, but unfortunately, I couldn't think of anything right now!" Caesar said. "Mr. Caesar, Mr. Lewis, I came up with something. Leave all attacks to me now, you two just have to focus on Mr. Constantine's defense. I'll do my best!" Alexander said. Seeing Alexander's confident face, Caesar believed him.

"I see, okay, then I'll leave all attacks to you, Alexander. Lewis, I'm on the left, on the right, please!" Caesar said. "Roger!" Lewis and Caesar were by Constantine and ran with him. If all synthetic beasts deal with each other at once, all health drains quickly. Compete with all your might, Alexander challenged straight.

"I can't evolve without being angry before, but not now, I can evolve anytime soon now. Until Mr. Dante gets here, I'm your opponent! Grrr! Great Reggie!" Alexander said, there was a change in his body. Alexander's body grew more and more red, leaving his red tail out of his ass. "It's been a long time since I've been transformed into this figure. Eat, synthetic beasts! Burning crimson waves!" Alexander attacked in all directions. "" "BOO ON!!!" "" "It's not over yet! Dragon asthma!" Next, Alexander attacked with massive amounts of energy ammunition.

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