Shortly after the game started, he said, "Now! Run as hard as you can, Silver!" Dante told his own horse, Silver. "Grrrrrr!" Silver ran at full speed from the start, as Dante said. Unlike Dante, some pairs run slowly at first, but some run at full speed from the same start as Dante. Dante is leading because Silver is above other horses in strength and speed. "At this rate, Silver! You're still the best horse ever, keep up the good work at this rate!" On the way in, Dante told Silver. I hate to do what Dante said, but Silver's will to fight has burned.

"Exactly, ladies and gentlemen! That's the horse in the horse, the silver horse is faster than any horse, the winner is bigger! If you're going to win a match on top of a normal course, you're definitely going to win, but check out this course, ladies and gentlemen!" The host also does the relay work, he tells the audience about all the state of the game. As the moderator said, it's not hard to win a normal course if it's silver speed, but this course has a path, running at full speed without thinking is very dangerous. "Falling off a horse isn't out, players, keep running no matter what!" said the host.

"Way to go! The horseback riding course is hilarious! Silver, you just have to run as hard as you can, trust me!" Dante told Silver. There's a stray in Silver's mind, but I bet Dante. Silver ran all he could without doing anything extra, like Dante said. "Hmm?! Oh my god, the skeleton player pair is accelerating without slowing down, what the hell do they want to do?!" said the host. "With Silver's speed and my skill, you don't have to be scared on the road!" As soon as he entered the path, Dante took good control and drifted brilliantly. "Brilliant! This is brilliant, ladies and gentlemen! I've never seen anything like it! The Skeleton Pair isn't really the only one, but the other pairs have cleared the path safely! This must be a fierce fight!" said the host.

"Well done, Silver! You're still strong!" Dante praised Silver. Before coming to this world, Dante had already mastered equestrianism, so it's not super difficult for him on this course either. The other pair also cleared the crossroads, but the distance to Dante was huge because they almost slowed down. "All pairs have cleared the path beautifully, but can you dominate this course with that? The answer is no! Waiting for them ahead is a handicap flyover competition! I'm really looking forward to the obstacles ahead of them, and what maneuvers all pairs will overcome!" said the host.

"Obstacle flyover competition? Oh, that or that bar? Whatever's waiting for us, we'll get over it, Silver!" A lot of bars, an obstacle, waited, but Dante hasn't slowed down the silver, "Running at full speed again, skeleton player?!" said the host. "Of course! Run at full speed at any time!" Dante found the right time to jump in experience and made Silver jump. Dante's skill and experience and the power of silver speed overcame all the bars. "Silver, you saw the goal! This clears the first week!" Dante and Silver saw goals. "This is a complete lead, a complete lead, gentlemen! The skeleton pair completed the first circle beautifully!" said the host. "" "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" "" The audience is very excited.

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