Isekai Adventures

Adventure 756

Victoria was quite ready, but Zarfeld laughed out loud at her like that. "Oh, will you stop us alone?! Ha, ha! Victoria, you made a good joke!" After laughing, Zarfeld told Victoria. Victoria's readiness isn't upsetting, even if Zahrfeld is laughing at herself. "I'm not joking! Before I got here, I made up my mind, even if Mr. Dante couldn't make it here, I wouldn't run away and fight!" Victoria said.

"That's the joke, Victoria. How do you stop us when we have no fighting skills or experience?! I ask you once, Victoria, are you trying to take me down?" Saarfeld said. "Oh yes! If I defeat Mr. Zarfeld here, all tragedies will end!" Victoria said, then punched Zahrfeld with both hands.

One, two, three shots, Victoria hasn't stopped punching, she's used all her powers, she's been hitting me. "Mr. Zarfeld, how did you fool me?! Aren't we best friends?" Victoria asked. "I'm not fooling you! You're my best friend, that's why I'm not fooling you! You never said I was a good person from the start! You just imagined me on your own!" Zarfeld did not fight back and took all of Victoria's punches.

"There are people who are still suffering, crying! Mr. Zarfeld should be able to, stop this tragedy!" Victoria said. "Like you said, I can stop you at any time, but I won't! Unless you kill all those in Amusement Land, I will never stop!" "Why do you want to kill the people who are so far away?! Mr. Zarfeld doesn't like the people here that much?!" Victoria asked.

Whether you were in the previous world or because you came to this world, Victoria has never learned how to attack others. Because of this, Victoria has never actually fought, even if it's an animal. Victoria did beat Zarfeld all the time, but did little damage. "If I tell you everything, you can't understand how I feel! I'm pretty sure you hate them as much as you want to kill the people here! I hate them, I hate them so much I can't forgive them!" Saarfeld said.

"If so, I will help, but I will stop Mr. Zahlfeld! Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Victoria is still beating him. You may want to apologize to Victoria, Zarfeld did not avoid a single Victorian attack. "Only now can we say good things! If you experience the days I've spent, you'll be me too!" Saarfeld said. "No! That's not true! Whatever happens, I will never be a murderer!" Victoria said.

"That's because you don't have the ability to kill others! Victoria, how many shots did you hit me from the start?! I still don't have a scratch on my face! Your punch is so light, as if you were stroking it!" Saarfeld said. "Even if I had great combat skills, I wouldn't be like Mr. Zahlfeld!" Victoria said,.

"Is that true?! Fine, I'll let you experience everything I've spent!" Zahlfeld said, then caught a powerful, Victorian punch. "Chi, powerful! I can't get out!" Victoria said. "Memory World, Memory World!" Zarfeld said, then put a rainbow energy bullet from his finger into Victoria's head. After letting him in, Victoria's consciousness was lost and he fell.

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