Zarfeld didn't understand the status quo, because his moves were supposed to have hit Victoria, but Victoria was intact. "What the hell happened in the moment ahead?! My moves should have hit Victoria, why are they intact?! How did you suddenly change the clothes you're wearing?!" Zarfeld did not understand the current situation, so he stopped the attack once. "What's up, Mr. Zarfeld? If you don't attack me, you won't win forever." Victoria provoked Zarfeld.

"Apparently, it's not just the clothes that have changed, it's the mouth that has changed. Don't get on with it, Victoria! Don't think you can beat me as much as your clothes have changed! I'm not going to ride your provocation, but as you wish, I'll strike again!" Zarfeld said, then traveled to Victoria's side at high speed and struck with a powerful punch with his right hand. "I didn't have the means to fight it first, but not now! If I were you now!" Victoria said, punching back at Zarfeld's punch.

Zarfeld seriously punched out, but couldn't beat Victoria's punch. "Grrr! Don't think that's it!" Zarfeld punched out and attacked next time with his left hand. "Of course I don't think that's it! The punch ahead is just a warm-up!" Victoria said, caught a Zarfeld punch and attacked him with a kick in the belly. "Puuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Zarfeld was kicked over by Victoria's kick.

"There he is, there he is... Apparently, there's something in that armor Victoria's wearing! What the hell is the trick inside?!" Zarfeld tried to solve the mystery of the armor Victoria was wearing. "Zarfeld is smart, that's why I don't give him time to think!" Victoria said, moving forward in Zarfeld at high speed, attacked him with a punch. "You think you can beat me with as much as one of your kicks in?!" Zarfeld started a fierce melee with Victoria after he said it.

"Mr. Zahlfeld is strong, but Mr. Zahlfeld is the enemy I can win right now! I can't beat Mr. Zarfeld right now!" Victoria exclaimed to Zahrfeld. The melee between the two looks like a draw, but in fact Zarfeld is in pain. "Ugh, damn it! Don't get on with it!" Zarfeld was angry and increased the speed of the attack, but it didn't work for Victoria. "I will win!" Victoria said, then attacked Zarfeld's face with a punch as much as she wanted.

"Impossible, this is impossible! Why does Victoria's strength change so much?! What the hell is that trick on that armor?!" Zarfeld was thinking. "These clothes are really amazing! With these clothes, I can't lose!" Victoria was impressed with the power of her clothes, "she said." Don't fuck with me! Sure, your offense worked on me, but don't think I can win with it! Infinity knife! "A lot of knives fired from behind Zarfeld.

"This move, I couldn't defend ahead, but not now!!" Victoria shot down all the knives with punches and kicks. "Hey, what's good?!... Apparently, that garment really strengthened you considerably. If you can't even get an infinity knife, you're a clown!" Zahlfeld made the nine-man split. "Are you going to increase your stature and fight me close?!" Victoria didn't know what Zarfeld was going to do, so Victoria concentrated all her spirit and was on her guard.

"It's not such an easy attack! I'm angry, unusually angry! Plus, punches and kicks didn't work on you, either.

We have to make more powerful moves! Can you stand this?! Sad door flashing! "In front of each Zarfeld, a gate appeared, and a beam was blackened from that gate. The beam has been fired in every direction, so there was no place to escape." I can't stand this move in my current clothes. There's no room to escape, even if you want to. "Victoria analyzed calmly.

"Whatever you do, it doesn't make sense! You, Victoria!" Zarfeld exclaimed. "Certainly a desperate situation, but I won't give up! I'll do everything I can to avoid it!" Victoria was shot by massive amounts of light from the book, "she said." Battlesuit change! "Victoria said, after the red heavy armor she was wearing turned blue light armor. The unusual Victorian speed soared and beamed all." Hey, what?! What do you mean?! "Zarfeld was very surprised by all the moves." Empress Armor, Code Lightning!

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