The two stories finally get to the point. In other words, this is why Fawncavn has come to the Great Curse Realm, and what he is acting for.

Of course Tonukapoli and its true purpose - it will not reveal everything with regard to the investigation into the origin of the barbarians and their resolution.

Showing your own hands is synonymous with showing your opponent your weakness, and no matter how friendly your opponent may be, you will be at a disadvantage in the negotiations.

They therefore put in some bluffs and only have concerns about the barbarians, investigating the Great Curse Realm as a pre-investigation to take measures, including the elimination of specific root causes.

The most inexplicable thing to do is to be around the back about barbarians' responses. Lack of force and insufficient support for Dragon Tan.

Only this point was explained with great care.


"You have a shortage of combat power."

Ira-Tact's words were an accurate discernment of their situation.

Words released in a direct ball were the biggest insult to the opponent if you normally think about it, and even though it was true, - no, it was true, but therefore not strange to be so exaggerated.

It's just that Tonucapoli never shook a particular heart to this word.

I understand that existence in the first place is isolated from the average person.

I guess it's not a word released with the kind of sensibility that people usually have.

Instead, I just said what I felt.

If so, outrage all at once is tantamount to futility. On the contrary, this one will only upset you, giving them a gap to get into.

Nevertheless, that sentiment - being seen as lacking in combat power is not tasty.

We have to hit this place with one hand.

Tonukapoli replies slowly and quietly, making a look as soft and calm as possible.

"No, no, nothing. It doesn't matter if Atashi and the others get serious. We can repel them now. Just outbursts of barbarians are still amazing, sometimes in case. First of all, it's the view of the other hard-headed scepters that we need to investigate."

It may be a slightly painful excuse, but it also seemed reasonable.

It would be quite convincing, especially around attributing reasons for not being able to take concrete action to slow internal decision-making.

In addition, it also conveys the marvels of the barbarians to the faces of Minoghura.

It has never been confirmed before that a barbarian occurs suddenly. For the most part, they come from far away, thinking more commonsense. If so, it can be seen, and if it occurs in large quantities, there are prior signs.

If you think of it as a nation, such as a dangerous organism that suddenly springs up on domestic territory, it would be the biggest trouble.

While emphasizing that point, it wields a thermal valve that defies the interests of Minogula from its own national power.

"Certainly Barbarians are troublesome, Master Tonukapoli. I can't solve the phenomenon of especially sudden occurrences. It is easy to deal with, but the fundamental solution is difficult to solve. Did I just say?

"That's right, Lord Atu. That's why now the barbarians suddenly occur? I was just investigating. Well, I didn't expect to meet your country."

"We were surprised, too. I almost sent a mission to have an exchange..."

Shit. And Tonukapoli sent a praise to himself in his heart.

I was really good at it.

The interest of the proposed Minogula has shifted to the Barbarians. This eliminates the need to be unpleasant about Fawncavn's decline in national power.

Hooray if you can draw some support after that.

In fact, the Great Curse Realm, where Mynogura exists, is close to the city of Dragontan, a place where it is not strange for barbarians to occur.

Perhaps the barbarians are not on their way because of the complications of the Great Curse Realm, but there is no guarantee that they will be safe in the future.

In addition, in the unlikely event that a dragon tan falls, it is possible that the barbarians will base the land. If that happens, the threat level is not the ratio of sudden raids.

Though Tonucapolis had the pride of not letting it fall because it was their city, it was also different from what Mynogura thought.

In other words, Mynogura is not a human resource. Fawncavn's rep Tonukapoli put it on well there.

"And it's also a little troublesome where the city of Dragontan exists. I'm not going to pinch my mouth about another country, but it's going to be a little hard to defend as folk cavs."

"Hmm? Oh, well, there are a lot of circumstances. I decided to put my roots in that place."

There are further cases where Tonukapoli must be deceived.

Dragon pulse holes exist in the city of Dragontan. That place, where pure mana blows up, is the land of miracles they stumble upon during their quest for land.

An unlikely amount of magic for a person to handle. Ritual magic, for example, does not require mana of this magnitude.

There is no help in using them at present, but on the contrary, if the technique of utilizing the mana of the dragon pulse hole is completed, we can only gain the power to pull other nations apart at once.

For this reason he has forcefully built the city of Dragontan and has secretly continued his research.

If barbarian problems hadn't arisen, the technology "Military Magic" would have been completed by now.

While moaning at the irrationality of a world that didn't go very well, Tonukapoli lied with an ever-unchanging voice.

"Really? Well, if you build a city a little further away, that's how easy it is to claim ownership of the land, including the surrounding area. It's also common that things don't always go reasonably well with you."

"Totally agree. If that barbarian hadn't come out, Atashi would have had a relaxing cup of tea in my country by now... That said, I could have met Lord Atu, Minoghura and more importantly King Ira-Takt, so I'd have had some luck in my misfortune.

... Ma'am, I can send both of you cane holders to the perimeter survey. I want you to look at this fact as a way to afford our country. "

"It's good to see you with Fawn Caven."

"Yeah, yeah, you're right, Master Tact! We can all be at peace with each other, just like the folk at Fawn Cavn."

The atmosphere of discussion is extremely soothing.

This crossing was also apparently successfully accomplished.

I was also fortunate that Pepe did not pinch an extra mouth in the negotiations. This would not have happened if he had been actively mixed up in the conversation.

Tonukapoli felt strange discomfort from behind her chest at this moment in time.

Well, I wondered if Pepe was quiet.


Transfer your gaze to the Lord, where everyone raised their bare voices.

It's Pepe there who hasn't caught a single incision before.

He is troubled with his arms together with some difficult look on that child's face.

What happened once?

Was it also a difficult part of the conversation earlier?

"What's wrong?

King Takt asked, as Tonukapoli asked.

Receiving the words that anyone but Pepe would ask on this occasion, Pepe nodded small with the same difficult expression and put his thoughts straight into his mouth.

"If you stay like this, the country will perish, so you didn't manage to investigate the Great Curse Realm to escape the pinch?

"Pepe... who's you?"

"Oh, that? Did I say something wrong?

"Uh, that. Dear Tonukapoli, what do you say, I sympathize..."


That's how quiet times come. Everyone only had the skill of silence.

I just hold my head as far as Tonukapoli goes.

That would be the case, too. State secrets have also been smashed into negotiations with the wheelies. I'm not as good at my tongue as I am at fixing the place with my boulder girlfriend.

Rather, it will be difficult to overcome this difficulty, no matter who you are, even with rare generations of talent.

So much so that he refused, the words Pepe leaked left Fawncavn in distress.

But even if they are trapped by silence, the future depicted by how they react shows a variety of complexions.


"Yes, Tact."

... and apparently, as far as the future of Fawncavn was concerned, he was about to head in a direction that was surprisingly to be welcomed.

"Dear Tonukapoli, Don't worry, we don't mean any harm or malice to Fawncavn."

In an attitude as if he were communicating his own Lord and will with an invisible connection, the girl in front of him expressed Minogula's view.

That look is a troubled face somewhere. It was understandable that we would be showing sympathy for our own faults, but it was clear from the serious look behind it that we were not saying the words ahead with insults and jokes.

"It may not be very believable, but our interests are always inward facing. It seems odd that we, the demonic beings, do not have malice towards the outside world, but that is what our, and hence Master Tact, wants."

An incredible word was brought out of her mouth.

It is commonly said that demonic things desire the suffering of all things that live and live, and the ruin of the world.

Claims that can be described as anomalies in such a theory.

But it is also obvious from the previous welcome and the dark elves who follow them that they cannot be truncated as lies.

Without concealing confusion and agitation, Tonukapoli asks you to turn your gaze to the tact as you wave.

"But the existence of demons... No, I do, and uthira. Well, I think it's best that nothing happens..."

"Peace is best"

"... mmm"

There's nothing more you can do if you say so.

Tonukapoli's heart is not made of steel enough to be hit with words of pursuit against Ira-Tact on this occasion, nor is he an ignorant fool.

But I came in peace.

Honestly, the suspicion is as good as this, but in case it's true, it's never been more in tune with our own thoughts.

"Just calm down the days, seclude. Instead, I am worried that this tranquillity will be broken by unwanted teasing in other countries."

"Oh, because I don't even seem to be able to talk about Qualia or Il-Nah..."

"Can you understand"

"We've been annoyed by a lot of things."

Tonucapoli is convinced that it must be natural.

No matter how peace-loving they were and how little they thought about invading another country, other countries wouldn't go either.

There is a mixture of different races, and they are struggling to make decisions with Fawncavn, a multi-ethnic nation with understanding of a wide variety of cultures.

Blindly believing that the goodness of God and the Spirit is still this, it would be more obvious than to see fire in those who, if they had time, are praying.

Hmm, and Tonukapoli enters thoughts looking ahead.

Either way, Fawncavn will have to make a decision when it's exposed.

A good force that signs people of good order and pushes their laws for obedience and obedience.

And an evil force that proclaims its desire for peace and tranquillity and seeks friendship and dialogue.

Either way, it's hard to tell, only the trouble is obvious and I'm going to have a headache now.

"But I see that in this case, at last, we can no longer be said to be irrelevant either. I think we need to do something about it. King...... how about that?

"I need to help each other with my friends"

"Sasa is Takt!!

"You keep your mouth shut, Pepe!

"Aww! Today they beat me more than usual!

Support was decided while Tonukapoli was haunting his head.

She decided to leave herself to the flow as it was, which she thought could no longer be.

I'm no longer trying to figure out the big picture because of the size of my device and it just causes headaches.

It is an act that is tantamount to foolishness beyond renouncing all thought in an important setting, but it has not aged with her to Dada.

I left the last trump card properly and as it stands it worked well.

"Hmm, this is what the king says too. I might be able to help you with the dragon tan thing. And barbarians of all abilities are meaningful enemies to us..."


With a joyful, two-handed look on Pepe's face, Tonucapoli feels a response to Mynogura's support.

As far as Atu, who has not identified their power but is nevertheless close by, will be reassured. No hands or feet, I'm sure, to the barbarian degree.

Then we can also shift the policy that was one-sided in defense, and we can conduct a massive investigation into the outbreak of barbarians.

Under these circumstances, I was just thinking that the abandonment of the dragon tan must also be put into perspective. It is truly wonderful to see the light, whether the survival of the city has just become equal to certainty.

I chilled my liver for Pepe's rudeness, but aren't we moving in the right direction as a result?

Most importantly, he pulled out all this after being gripped by weaknesses.

You should be grateful for that.

At the very least, the lack of service is evident in the extent of the daily groceries requested in the earlier trade.

Now what will they say?

Tonukapoli prepares and hears their judgment.

"That's a thankful story. But there's nothing more frigid than the word" good intentions. "You're a nation, too. It doesn't work without profit. Thanks to the idiot, you can look at our feet all you want. - What do you want as consideration?

"Dragon Pulse Hole"

Atu answers with Nico and an uncontrolled smile.

Learn everything in an instant in response to a hairless response.

All this time Tonukapoli curses his shallowness and breadth from his heart.

Apparently, they were many times better at it.

"I knew it was a prospect..."

Speaking of which, I have never negotiated with anywhere else before.

I realize that and understand that somewhere in my mind I had pride in my abilities.

That said, it is subtle to be able to stand around on an equal footing with her national counterpart even if she was in full swing, and at the same time she gave up.

(Somehow, Atashi can't fool around about Pepe either)

Laughs mockingly.

The situation equals the worst. Dragon Pulse Hole is arguably the most important confidential thing for Fawn Caven.

Even in the harsh environment of the southern continent, there was hope for the future, and there was anticipation for the enormous mana brought about by the dragon pulse hole.

Exactly where it can be described as a steeple in Fawn Cavn.

It will be difficult to stand on par with other countries in the future with national power if the place is requested. At least, you won't get your head up in Minogula.

"You don't mind joint management, do you? As things stand, we don't need mana on a massive scale. However, we will specify the conversion elements here."

"Elemental conversion of pure mana out of the dragon vein...... hey. I've never heard of Atashi before. Such technology."

"Oh. Did they take one of these?

In that word, Tonucapoli understands that they are already in the great twist of history.

It was a ground-breaking story such as trying to deceive them from the beginning, and it's difficult to get along.

Apparently, they have the magic skills to be a few steps ahead of them. I guess there's no way left to join hands with them.

If so, just give me a belly.

If you poison it, it's even a plate.

When Tonukapoli breaks the slightly nervous and uncomfortable look he had shown until earlier, it slowly takes him to the chair, laughing and losing his mind.

I made up my mind.

"King Ira-Takt, and Lord Atu. Pepe is an idiot. You're the biggest idiot we've ever had!

Sounds strange with shrugging shoulders, but somewhere proud, Tonucapoli says.

Sudden confessions also seem to have a little hint of atu and tact, looking for words.

By the way, Pepe himself, who has been credited with being a big idiot, is laughing corny about what's wrong.

"Uh... whatever from me about that"

"You can't be mean."

Two gentle and attentive minogulas.

To that attitude of the evil being who cares to the fullest, Tonucapoli adds, laughing out loud, "But it is".

"Who's Pepe? It's okay to look at people first. I have the most eyes to see people than anyone else in my country. I've never been wrong before. Not once."

Fawncavn cut the card.

I decided to put it on the talent Pepe has on this occasion.

The nation is proud to have the best cane of all time.

The talent of a great leader to usher in a time of national calamity.

- There exists a last resort in all states that is effective enough to dictate their fate.

Whatever form that capacity may take varies according to its time and state policy, but it is no exception to Fawncavn.

Nobody in the world - not even the tacts, the outer beings, know that law.

"Pepe! You're the judge. Cane holders have the authority to do so."

"Already, Grandma. I told you from the beginning..."

To anyone on this occasion - it was secretly activated without anyone in the world knowing it...

"He wants to be friends with the Minogula people."

It was called the 'Great Rite'.

"That's why. In the name of Tonukapoli with a cane and Pepe, we seek a formal friendship that can be placed between your country, Mynogura, and our country, Fawn Cavn. Like?"


An alliance has been formed here.

It's all the discretion of Tonukapoli and Pepe.

We would have to go back to the country and exchange opinions with other canes.

Rather, it is natural to do so, and it is not surprising to be rebuffed that the arbitrariness so far has been an abuse of power as a cane holder.

But they made a decision.

It was unknown what the consequences would be, but for some reason there was a strange certainty in the hearts of the two visitors that this was the best.

= Eterpedia = = = = = = = = = =

[Complete Negotiation] Grand Rite: Fawn Caven

have consequences beyond the possibilities in important negotiations that determine the fate of the nation.

Turn every negative element to positive and repaint it with what can be described as the best achievement.

* This effect is only available when the instructor is' stupid pepe '.

* It will not activate again once used.


= Message = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The Great Rite [Complete Negotiation] has been activated.

In the future, the value of inter-state friendship between Fawncavn and Minoghura will not fall below "favorable".

* Excludes the reduction in the likelihood of Minogula arising from the deliberate betrayal by the Fawncavn side.

The impact of this negotiated outcome on the future of Fawncavn is' immense '.


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