Isekai Apocalypse Mynoghra
Lesson 77: Truth and Falsehood
It was around that time that Renéa God Kitokuni began to show how rough it was due to the killing of the Paladin.
The side of the minogulas also rushed to deal with various problems.
"Now, everyone's things are gathered."There's nothing else on the agenda, so let's see what happens next... "
Old Mortar, the most wise subordinate in Minogula, gazed around the faces gathered there and gave a quiet signal to begin.
But the strange thing was that he would normally give out various kinds of wisdom and be the lubricating oil that would smooth the meeting, and he kept his mouth shut when he came here.
Instead, the quiet eyes were turned toward the twin girl.
"While the king was absent, he was entrusted with the minogulas."
It's Mary!
The girl's energetic voice echoes in the conference room.
There was a strange atmosphere, but there was something going into the chapel.
"But... I didn't expect the lords to ask the king to represent them directly."
Gear and Emul's gaze turned toward them.The Dragon Tan City Chief's anterise is only the city chief's position, so he did not participate.
It was the usual side with the exception of Takudu and Atu, but the roles were very different this time.If you dare to say it, it's the opposite of standing.
Good luck!
"I can't help but be ordered by the king."... I'm worried. "
"There is no doubt about that.The king has been judged.We will do our best to help you, so that we can meet the King's expectations. "
That said, I was an old Mortar who kept quiet, but I could see that there was something unexpected about it.
Carrier who sighed that this attitude was inner trouble, remembers when he was vaguely given this position by Takudo.
I was initially dissatisfied with Takudo's words asking for help, but I felt that I could not help but give up.
(Grandpa Mortar seemed to be too useless for me, so I had to replace him... but this is the correct answer.)
Although it shouldn't appear on her expression, a thoughtless smile flies out from her sister sitting next to her.
In fact, Old Mortar and the adults of the Dark Elves are mostly useless nowadays.
The assault on the king and the news that his life will be taken.
The fact that no resistance was achieved against enemies with unknown abilities, and the despair of being deprived of the hero Atu who thought that he was the enemy with the greatest power.
Even though Takudo escaped the critical situation by some means, the shock still took away the ordinary mind from their hearts.
... Takudo, who had been in contact with Old Mortal, felt the dark elves' agitation from the beginning of the conversation as he attempted to break into the saints' roosts.
Although this operation is mainly carried out by myself, the backup is by no means negligible.
There's no room to tolerate a situation where their Dark Elves are useless.
Therefore, Takudu decided to change the operation quickly and give more authority to the Elfur sisters than originally.
The Elfur sisters... they are witches.
The witch does not waver to this extent.
The hatred and regret that lies in it does not allow for any weak emotions such as agitation.
... but at the same time, there was certainly a frustration with these girls about why they still had to do such a big thing.The point is that the witch is still a child.
No, I was filled with dissatisfaction.
“In the meantime, Carrie and her sister are working hard, so I'm glad you're following their instructions.”
"Those who disobey are executed."
"Hmm! Hmm, well, you don't have to be so preoccupied."
The gears pull a little.Because Mary's eyes weren't laughing.
It seems that Mary, as an adult, is unhappy with this shameless attitude.
It is the time of day.The moon is not out, and it is bright around here.
Even so, it was possible for the twins who had become witches to stab the nail.
"Let's start by checking the current status of Dragon Tan."Emul-san, are you able to manipulate the information as I told you? ”
"Yes, but that day, the pedestal in the central square was fired by suspicious fire."The inhabitants of the city do not seem to have any doubts about the story, but they seem to be as suspicious as those close to us because they have been bumping around for the past few days.One of the reasons is that the king and Atu-san don't show up. "
"The Dark Elves of the Great Curse Realm are well explained by me, but those who live in Dragon Tan won't."There will be an urgent response. "
The chaos that struck the Minogulas has subsided in the last few days.
Rather, it is more correct to say that most people do not know what happened.
Even with that kind of incident, the situation is very good.
That should be the case, their dark elves are those who were originally working on the sidelines under the elves of the El-Nur Spirit Pact Alliance.
This was one of the areas of specialization in information control.
In addition, several brain eaters with the city's ability to maintain law and order stayed in the city of Dragon Tan.
The current situation is surprisingly calm, and at first glance nothing seems to go wrong.
This strong control power was one of the unremarkable powers of the Minogulas.
“Basically, when it comes to domestic controls, we keep doing it.I think people close to the heart of the Minogura need some explanation..... "
That said, it's about time we hit the ground running.
The career reminds me of a rough plan that I had heard from the king in advance, and I will explain about the future while looking at Hirari and her sister who laughs happily next to me.
"I think we need to explain the situation to the stone for Fawnkavn."The king also understands this, so Carrie and I will take care of it. ”
"Rather than in Japan, you may have more problems."They haven't said anything in particular, but they'll have to hold a meeting soon. ”
The carrier nods and agrees with Gear.
Although we have a strong relationship with Fawnkavn, we are only standing as an ally.
We need to be considerate of our opponents, and we need to ask for some kind of help given the position Minogula is in right now.
In some cases, nail penetration was also necessary.National friendships are established in the name of contract and mutual benefit.
It doesn't mean we won't be negotiating to push our weaknesses and come up with better terms... "
More than that.
"This time, the underdog is the Saintess of Qualia."We must also consider entering a state of war with other countries.Rather, this concern is more likely to become a reality. ”
As the gears suggest, the outbreak of war was already inevitable.
It was unclear what strategy the Ira-Tact, the king of the Minogulas, was using, but there was no doubt that the battle with the Holy One would begin on any scale.
In that case, as a minogul who loses on his own, he must always drag Foenkavn as an ally.
No matter how powerful they are, they are sometimes powerless against the number of violence.
Now, one of those heroes, Atu, has been robbed.
I had to say that the situation was very painful.
"You too... I have to talk to you."I don't think I want to make much trouble for other countries, but I can't say that for us. "
"I'm going to make concessions around here."We just need to keep an eye on the binational sphere of control of this dark continent. "
Thereafter, a number of topics related to national management will continue to be discussed and decided.
In the end, the conclusion and future policy of the twins were terribly difficult.
We will continue to allocate resources to domestic peace efforts and work closely with our valued ally, Fawnkavn.
Then, in due course, he takes orders from Ira-Tact and acts as he wishes.
There is nothing special about it, nothing that stands out.
It wasn't even possible to draw that mediocre conclusion from the top level of the Minogulas.
It was an unpleasant situation, but as long as there were these two girls, it seemed like it would end in misery.
"By the way... how is the king spending his time?"Is Lord Atu safe? "
And the subject changed. Rather, this is the point for them.
The eyes of the adults are dyed in interest, and the girls concentrate their gaze on whether they have any information at all.
What are you worried about?and a career with sensitivity that is slightly remote, but a slight exhale even if it is only a matter of dissatisfaction when appropriately misleading.
"The king is Qualia... it looks like he's in a village somewhere called Renéa God Kwangoku."That is the area known as the former Southern Province.Those who attacked Minogula are also in this country. ”
The situation is changing dramatically.
In the first place, the preconditions were turned upside down.Career tells them what they know at the moment.
The departure of some of the saints from the Holy Kingdom of Qualia, and the fact that they celebrated the country with the merits of the Ira-Tact punishment and annihilation.The fact that the area was once called Southern Province in Qualia...
"Southern Province, a land of fertile soil."I didn't expect the entire area to leave Qualia.And at the dawn when we destroyed the king!?What an arrogant shore! What a stubborn shore!Your intestines are boiling back! Not in the first place!Why didn't you say such an important thing first!? "
It was the next item on the agenda.
“If you want to add more, you're the ones who asked about the king's trends before putting it on the agenda.”
With those words, Old Mortar's nose blurted out in an instant.
Is this a bad thing? Because I understood that the meeting was still full of concern in the scrutiny and confirmation of information.
By being defeated by Old Mortar, the adults finally began to realize that they were losing their coolness.
However, since the king was attacked in front of them, their problems are deeply rooted, and there is nothing they can do by their own will.
This will not allow the king to carry out his task to his satisfaction.
It was they who felt self-critical, but the gear deliberately changed the subject in order to wipe out the dark air.
"However, when the king turned towards him, the enemy was no longer a lamp in front of the wind."Rather, we may have already taken Lord Atu. "
It is an optimistic word, but at the same time it can be said to be a manifestation of absolute trust in the king.
They've never seen a king fight before.
But his subordinate, the sludge of Atu, and the lost queen of all bugs, Islam.Other heroes and countless subordinates.
The idea that the doomed king leading them was weak was nowhere in his heart.
Seems that's difficult.
But the words were immediately denied.Rather, the narrative seemed to include the caution of not adopting an optimistic imagination.
"Why not!?"
It was Old Mortar who was not convinced.
"Have you forgotten their power?The king was safe indeed.But Atu-san was eventually captured. "
It was a testament to the fact that there was no room for disagreement.
"The king can't measure the power of his enemies."She said that she didn't know anything and that she hadn't taken any action.So it might take a while. ”
My career is painful and I twitch.
In response to the words, anxiety swept over the Minoguera leadership all at once, making it feel as if they were going to a funeral.
- Most of what we're talking about is a lie.
Ira-Tact, the king, did not say such a thing.Of course, I have not received an explanation for such a situation.They just refused to answer me when I asked for details.
Career looks at her sideways.
Nikoniko and the laughing girl made it a good thing that the adults were thinking down, and when they put their index finger on their mouths, they gave a terrible smile.
All the information that is given to the king is confused.
This was what the king had told me.
It is not that the King has no faith in the Dark Elves.
Rather, she understood that it was the enemy's actions that were increasing vigilance over their abilities.
The twin girls were not present during the raid.
I did not see first-hand what the situation was, but I was given a detailed explanation of what happened.
In addition, it was determined that the other party had some extraordinary abilities and had to deal with them with the utmost prudence.
That's why we deliberately interwoven false information to explain it to everyone, as if we were deceiving ourselves.
Well then, what about the lords?I knew that I had inherited the power from Lord Isra.If I inherited my power as a hero, I would be able to deal with that mysterious power as well. "
"It's difficult. The opponent's power is unknown."You can't forget what you don't know. "
"Well, onee-chan... even if Carrie and the others can fight with all their might, there's a good chance that she'll be defeated before that power."Above all, Atu-san was stupidly brainwashed. "
"I see..."
When they lost their second mother, Islam, they were being slapped about the dangers of their incomprehensible abilities.
It's a force that you can't resist, it's like the laws of the world.
They are events beyond simple power or wisdom.
Ira-Tact, the king of the Minogulas, has the power of a god to subordinate the nation and the darkness, while his enemies have incredible power.
(Guaranteed that the enemy does not have the ability to extract information from us.It's nowhere to be found.)
Perhaps that's why the king has suspended his word and sealed off the information.
The battle on the board was no longer a simple comparison of forces, but a move towards a fight between fraudsters who hid each other's hands and falsified each other.
They are all strangers.No, it might be hard for you to figure it all out in this situation.
"Why does the king not rely on us?"Why don't you reveal everything to me?Even though we can't betray the king, are we still too shy? "
“Maybe I don't want to lose everyone.Several Dark Elf fighters were martyred during the recent raid.They were never weak, but they couldn't resist. ”
"Bugs and humans died, too.I'm sure the king has a hard time repeating it. "
Mary, her sister, bursts into tears in her eyes.
The carrier who saw the figure rushed out of his seat and hugged his sister.
"Onee-chan, please don't cry."It's getting sad even for Carrie... "
Sobbing, they comfort each other.
It is a deception from the mouth.
It's all a lie, a self-made story.
It's not sad at all, and this tear is a spurious thing.
But it was fine.
I'm sure that's how the king lies to himself.
"King... that's how much you think of us."Damn, that's insolent! "
Were you fooled by the girls' performances, or were your eyes clouded?
The adults' expression on the head of the gear made them feel awe-inspiring.
What they were aiming for, Career and Mary are making the grown-ups feel more uneasy now that they're too lightly tricked.
"What, what mercy!"So much for us!That's all for us! "
I don't know how to do that. The old wise man bursts into emotion as he weeps in tears.
Since he became a citizen of Minogula, he was highly dependent on the king, so the price of it was a price to pay.
On the other hand, the girl's eyes at the emotionally unstable adults were extremely cold.
If there is only a pathetic adult, the child may have to grow up.
Anyway, that's not what matters.
I think about my career while hugging my sister.
(What will be done from now on is the confusion and deception of information.No one knows what's true and what's not....)
What tactics did the enemy use to attack?
Why did the king pierce his heart and bring him back to life?
Why did the king go alone to the kingdom?
What does the king know and what does he intend to do?
Everything is still wrapped in deep darkness.
It will never be revealed until everything is settled.
(Carrie must also be careful not to be inadvertently deceived.)
Career reminds me of the most important and important things to remember in this situation.
"That's right..."
Because the information reported is true, and no one is saying anything.
Truth and falsehood come into disarray, and it flirts with them without repentance.
There was only one person who knew everything, Ira-tact, king of Mynogurra.
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The [Witch of Repentance Erfur Sisters] temporarily became the leader of Mynogurra.
During the same period, Ira-Tact leaves the faculty.
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