Day 8

12 PM

After the engagement ceremony, the holo-screen had a message written on the screen. "please come back shortly for the live grand meeting." Some elves stay at city square for the grand meeting, and some had left. That afternoon, you and Ava head to the dining hall where everyone has lunch together. The nobles and other elves came to congratulate you and Ava and then you have a friendly chat with them.

RING* "May I have your attention, please." (Linda) She rang her little bell. Everyone then turns toward her. "The grand meeting will begin soon. If anyone is ready, please make your way to the meeting hall." (Linda) Some of the Elves started to leave the room and made their way to the meeting room. You and Ava as well. But as you head toward the exit, Linda calls you. "Tony-sama her majesty require your present."(Linda)

"Ok, I'll be right there." You then turn toward Ava. "Ava-chan, wait for me at the meeting room."

"Alright, don't take too long. Kiss*"(Ava) she kisses you and exits the dining room.

And then you follow Linda to Saria's private room.

"Knock* knock* knock* your majesty; I have brought Tony-sama." (Linda) she knocks the door.

"You may enter."(Saria) Linda opens the door for you to enter. You entered the room and saw Irin and Saria having tea. "Thank you, Linda-san; you may go." (Saria)

"Then, please excuse me." (Linda) she closes the door and when on with her business.

"Tony-san, come and have some tea." (Saria) She waves at you. You walk toward her and sit down.

"Irin-san, I didn't know you could talk normally."

"muuu.......Talk normal.......can't breathe." (Irin) then you turn toward to Saria.

"so did need anything from me?"

"Before the meeting started, I would like to discuss with you…."(Saria)


1:30 PM

The Meeting Hall

Every noble, Leader of all division and high-status elves are present in the hall, sitting and waiting quietly. The holo screen at the outside start to broadcast the meeting, some elf that had left has return to watch.

Then the massive door open. Saria, Helen, Irin, Ava and you had entered the hall. Everyone stood and paid respect to the royalty. Saria, Irin and Helen went and sat on their throne. You and Ava sat on the small throne below Saria, Irin and Helen's throne. Then everybody sat down.

"The meeting is now in session! We will begin the report from all the city's Nobles! Margaret! The representative of the North city!" (Saria)

"Yes! your highness!" (Margaret) She stood up and opened her scroll. Then she began to present her report to everyone after Margaret's report end, Saria called out the next noble for a report and another...and finally everyone has finish there reports.

"Thank you for all of your hard work; you all will be reward appropriately. Now for the main topic of this meeting. Linda-san, please report to everyone what happening at the outside of our kingdom." (Saria) As soon as she outside. Everyone eyes were wide open from shocks because there hasn't been anybody that leaves the Forest in a 1000 years.

"Yes, your majesty." (Linda) she bows to Saria and walks to the middle of the room. "First, I would like to say thanks to Tony-sama. Without him, all of these unique items wouldn't exist, and study outside our forest wouldn't be possible." then she starts to type on the holo bracelet and pop a large 2D image to the audience to see. "This is the full map of the land we live in right now. As you can see on the west side is the forest of our kingdom, and the rest is a remote region that hasn't been recording for 1000 of years." Many of the elves look at the large map hoving above Linda's head and discuss among themselves. "This map is currently showing the whole continent in real-time, which mean the map you are looking at now is a live view that came far above us right now." (Linda) A lot of elves was shocked about this, and you heard some of them say "what Sorcery is this!?"

"And with this, we manage to learn a lot from this wonderful map. For example, a few days ago, the beast kingdom has been completely wiped out." (Linda)

"WHAT!?" (everyone) Even you are shocked by this news. You completely forgot about another monster girl that exist on this continent. And the beastkin was also one of your favourites as well. The fox girl and cat girl were the next things after the elf.

("Who? Who could have done IT-!!!!!!!.") then a flash of an image appears in your mind. "Those bastards....." you whisper in a very icy tone. You ask Aisha to warn you about the other human activity, not the shadow spawns and you were so focused on the project that you completely let your guard down.

"Darling you're ok?" (Ava) She saw your expression and was frightened by it. So she quickly holds your hand and tries to comfort you.

"I'm fine, thank you, Ava-chan." You snap back to yourself and smile brightly at her.

" The one that attacks the beastkin is no other than the Shadow spawns. After failing to attack us, they change their target to the beastkin. Although the kingdom itself has been destroyed. There are some beastkin that still alive from the chaos." (Linda)

"Is it possible to save them? You stood up. Everybody eyes have their eyes on you. "Your majesty, it seems that the shadow spawns attacked the beastkin because of me, so please allow me to go and save them." you turn and look at Saria. Saria turns and looks at you; then she closes her eyes."....Sigh..I'm sorry, Tony-san, you may not." (Saria) you felt pain when you heard those words.

"Tony-san, its that I don't want to help them. We were once a great neighbour to each other, but ten years ago after new king ascends on the throne, he immediately declares war on us and swears to make my whole family his slave! I could not forgive this new king of the beast no matter what! Ten years and we are still warring with the beastkin. I know that the fat bastard probably been slain by the Shadow spawns by now. But unless any of the beastkin come to us in person for apologies. We will not help them in any way!" (Saria) The way she shouts was like a hammer slam into the wall. Then you notice all the elves in the room raise head high with pride, which amaze you very much.

"I understand...…. Linda-san, sorry for the interruption, please continue." You sat back with a sigh. Ava looks at you with worry eyes. You grab her hand smile back at her, telling her that you are fine. She was a relief to see you are fine.

("Aisha, can you hear me?") you update your tech, and now you can communicate Aisha through your mind.

("Lound and clear, master") she replies through your mind.

("Deploy the stealth assassin drones at the south and kill many of the shadows spawn as much as possible. Oh and make sure no one sees the drone.")

("As you wish...opening sector 35....depolying SA Drones...The drone is on route to the south.") (Aisha)

You felt more relief now since there is a chance to save them. But in your mind, you think about how to deal with those guy from the church.

"Now let talk about the shadow spawns that appear on our land. At first, they only seem as one individual in each encounter, but as time passes by they begin to appear in packs and next thing we know they turned into an army and not just a regular army but army that has been equipping with a full plated enchanted armour. Not only that, the army seemed to be extremely organised as if someone is controlling them, and it was also the greatest crisis that we haven't face before. But everything changes when Tony-sama had arrived and saved us not twice but three times!" (Linda) She gestures her hand toward you. Then every elf claps for you. You stood up and did a thank you bows. And Linda continues.

"So, who is the mastermind behind the shadow spawns, and why did they target us?" (Linda) At the back, Margaret scream in her mind says "IT TONY STANK! HE BEHIND ALL THIS!"

"But first, I would like to remind you all that Tony-sama is human from another world." (Linda) When she spoke this sentence, everyone figures it out who is the mastermind. You drop your head down in shame. In shame for being associated with them, you were disgust of the human's nasty nature.

"That the one responsible what's the human on our world." (Linda) she zooms out the enlarged map, shows the other two vast continents of the world.

"100,000 years ago this world face a calamity which nearly destroyed our world, we assume the humans perish in that calamity, but it seemed we have mistaken the human we do not vanish from the catastrophe, but instead we were separate from them for 100,000 years. And this is the reason why the sea expedition an always end up a failure because there is a barrier that prevented us from leaving this continent. And that's also why the human did never find us. But now for some reason, the human has found a way to pass through this barrier and creating chaos to this land. And we knew what they want." (Linda) she turns toward you. " Tony-sama, please enlighten us on your finding." (Linda)

You stood up and walked to the centre. "First, I would like to apologise for what the human did to you all. I'm a human, but I am not one of them! If those humans came back with another army. I will personally destroy them! Seeing that you are truly serious, everyone stays silence and accepts it. Expects Margaret, who shouted "Lair!" in her mind.

"Now then, here what I discover later." You pop up a recording of the fight between you and the church's agents. "This the people who Attack the Mining city. They are from the west side of the continent. The organisation called the church. And they were after something shocking. And it was enough to shock me as well." You took out the table from your inventory and put a pile of mana stones on the table. "These are the things the church were after. They called mana stone." The camera zoom in to the Maná stone and show on the holo screen so everyone can see.

"These are a new discover stone that found in the Mining city called Mana stone. And let me tell you all how amazing this a rock is, As you, know I'm not a mage, and I don't have a magic power at all. Your Majesty and all the Mage here, please check for magic power on my body." Then Saria and other Mages do just what you said and scan your body.

"There is no magic in his body!" (one of the mages)

"No magic confirm!" (Other mages) and others began to call out.

"I have confirmed there is no magic power in Tony-san." (Saria) she gives the final check.

"Excellent, Please observe!" you grab one of the mana stone and raise your other hand and chart the spell. Suddenly a magic circle appear above your raising hand and a fire pop up. Everyone was shocked. How could a none mage use magic? Even the outside of the city was noisy by this.

As the flame disappears from your hand, the Mana stone shatters from your other hand. "And this why the church from the west continent attack us. They know what the mana stone is and there a massive amount of the mana stone under the Mining city. If the west church got their hands on these Mana stones, they would have the ability to rule over this world!"

"Can anyone use it?" (Elf noble) she raises her hand.

"Yes anyone can use it! But unfortunately, these Mana stone can only be used once after that they shatter just as you all saw just now." A lot of the elves were a bit disappointed by what you said.

"Sigh….it is regrettable." Then you smile. "To the west church, that is!" then everyone had their back on you.

"The stones can only be used once, but I have found a way to use it in unlimited time without shattering the stone! With my help, everyone in this kingdom will be able to use magic!" all the noble in the room claps and cheer for your achievement, and the outside of the castle went wild. They were happy and excited that they a chance to learn magic."

"Quiet down!" (Saria) Everyone turn silence. "Ahem! As you saw, there's a lot of significant change that's about to happen to our Kingdom, before we move to the meeting discussion. I want to announce a new two-division of our kingdom. First the science and technology division and 2nd the Mages division!

"The science and technology division and the leader would be Tony Stank! As you already know, his achievement and what he can do with his unique Items and with the new division, he will guide us into the new age! Tony-san, please tell us what science and technology's goal is!?" (Saria)

"Right away, your majesty!" you bow to Saria and turn toward the audience. "Everyone! Please look at this." You then show all the video of the convenient inventions and what it can do. Everyone watched with a mind-blowing eye. "As you can see with all this tech and what it could do, this will improve the kingdom's civilisation to 1000 times!" everyone cheers at you.

"Now I plan to distribute the Holo bracelet to everyone for FREE!" cheer outside got very loud! "with this necessary daily tools will help everyone to improve your life to the max. Also, I'll hold a lecture every week at the Tower so, If you plan to improve your engineering skills or blacksmith skills, please come and visit! And every week I will release more of my inventions to the public, and it will continue on and on and on. And slowly we would be developed the city's into a new age! Long live the Eilven Kingdom!!" all the nobles stood up a gave you the loudest claps, and the outside was lively as well. Even Margaret stood and claps for your excellent presentation. She doesn't like you, but she respects your skills.

"Thank you! Thank you! You bows.

"Magnificent truly magnificent! As expected from my son in law! You indeed are the blessing of our kingdom!" (Helen)

"Thank you very much your majesty!" you bow to Helen and when back to your sit next to Ava.

"Darling, that was fantastic! Kiss*" (Ava) she kisses you on your cheek.

"That's because I have you by my side."

"Oh stop it, you~" (Ava) she turns away from embarrassment.

"Now then with all the announce out of the way. Its time for the real grand meeting!" (Saria) The grand hall was noisy with the noble discuss how the new Mages division should be and how would it function. Then you also told them about the Mana gem and its tiers, but you keep the pure mana stone a secret because of it too dangerous to exist.

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