Isekai Futanari Monster Girls

74 The Grand Seaport City

You woke up and opened your eyes. Then you realize that you were outside in the dark but the most eye-catching things you see this a massive Moon in the dark evil red sky, and on the Moon there seem to be a magic circle. No, it more like a Crest that belongs to a kingdom or a royal family crest, but it more ominous and evil-looking crest.

You then look around you and saw some ruined building and dead trees, but overall the place you're standing was like a dead world. Suddenly you spot someone at a far distance. You can't make of its appearance, but you look at it you felt a deep chill in your bone and then a creepy whisper enter your ears. "Fear.....anger.....pain...suffering.....death." you keep hearing these words over and over as if its some kind of curse chant. You quickly look around you for that creepy old lady voice but you can't anyone. Then you turn to look at the mysterious person in front of you, but this time it was a bit closer in front of you.

You can't see him clearly, but he had deep red eyes with a creepy smile. In his hand is a great golden sword with an exquisite feature but it soaks heavily in blood. Then you start to feel pain in your head, and the whisper is getting louder.

"Fear! Anger! Pain! Suffering! Death! Fear! Anger! Pain! Suffering! Death! Fear! Anger! Pain! Suffering! Death!" (Whisper voice)

You couch with your hand press against your head to stop the pain. Splash* you felt a certain splash on your feet to your knee. You look down and notice the water is slowly rising up above your knee, but as you look closer, which made you instantly panic because the water is actually blood. You quickly look around you and realize that you were standing in a sea of blood.

"Fear! Anger! Pain! Suffering! Death! Fear! Anger! Pain! Suffering! Death! Fear! Anger! Pain! Suffering! Death!" (Whisper voice)

"Too weak." (????) You turn toward the voice owner, and it is the creepy smile man who is now right in front of you. You try to speak but there no voice coming out.

"Fear! Anger! Pain! Suffering! Death! Fear! Anger! Pain! Suffering! Death! Fear! Anger! Pain! Suffering! Death!" (Whisper voice)

"Kill more and throw the world into chaos! That the only you'll be strong!..........otherwise you will lose." (????) Then a lifeless body suddenly surfaces on the sea of blood and more and more keep surfaces.

"Fear! Anger! Pain! Suffering! Death! Fear! Anger! Pain! Suffering! Death! Fear! Anger! Pain! Suffering! Death!" (Whisper voice)

"Fear! Anger! Pain! Suffering! Death! Fear! Anger! Pain! Suffering! Death! Fear! Anger! Pain! Suffering! Death!" (Whisper voice)

"Ty not to disappoint me otherwise....these corpse might be your future." (????) And then he swings down toward you. and now, there is nothing but blackness.

"Al Hell Zygon" (Whisper voice) the last whisper was soft but ominous. Like an evil spirit calling for their God's name.


Day 13

8 AM

You quickly open your eyes, and you saw a familiar celling then you start to look around, but you can't get up because of heaviness on your body. You look down on your chest and saw the sleeping beauty, sleeping happily on your chest, with her arm around you, and in exact position from last night. You sigh in relief, knowing those events were just a dream.

"!!!! Holy….." you try to get up, but you could still feel Ava's rod preventing you from getting up.

"Mmmm...…." (Ava) she slowly turns her face toward your and gently open her eyes. She blinks a few time and smiles brightly at you "Good morning, my dearest darling \u003c3." (Ava)

"Good morning to you too beautiful. Now it already late in the morning why don't we- Ohhhhhhh!!" you feel and movement from your rear.

"Nope. 5 more minute...Ahhhhh, being inside you is the best. It's like my second home." (Ava) she gives a big thrust from her hip. You sigh and let her as she wishes.

("Aisha. Anything I should know today?") you talk with Aisha through your mind.

("The HB public distribution event is in progress in every city, and it is going well as expected.") (Aisha) The one that is handing out the HB right now is the royal's family maids. These maids were the first to receive the HB and been using them for a few days now. So they are excellent staff for this event, and of course if there anything the maids don't understand Aisha will help them.

("Anythi-OHHHHHHHH!! Sorry, anything else?") Ava starts moving faster.

("A massive fleet from the west is approaching this continent.") (Aisha)

("Hmph! Good luck getting through! I place the blocker all over the continent.") the blocker you were talking about is a device that prevents the Gate skill user from opening the portal on the middle continent, by blocking the Gate user space bending signature. ("What about the horde from the Beastkingdom?")

("They to be moving toward to the centaur territory.") (Aisha)

("The Centaur huh….") Centaur territory, also known as the land of bandits. Because they raid all the time, and most civilize people even describe them as savages. But fortunately, not all of them are a mindless barbarian. Some start their own kingdom but it not impressive as the Elves and the Beastkin.

So, if you enter the Centaur territory, without a centaur escort, they will try to kill you without any question. And besides, the western church is coming to knock your door, so you must finish the preparation that you start it.

("Mm, Aisha, I'll let you handle the horde in the Beast kingdom. I trust your judgement.")

("As you wish... also the city project is now complete.") (Aisha)

("Great! Now the-OHHHHHHHHH GOD, that was deep!!") you look at Ava who is enjoying every second of it. She then comes closer for a deep hot kiss which you turn kindly.

10:15 AM

You and Ava were enjoying a few rounds of sex on the bed and in the shower. And now both of you and Ava clean up and fully dress ready for a day.

"What are you will doing today, Darling?" (Ava) she hugs your arm while exiting your bedroom with you.

"Today, I'm going to build a city for our new friends."

"Wow, such a big task, but I know my darling can do it." (Ava) she kisses your cheeks.

"Oh, want to come with me?" she shakes her head and gives a bitter smile.

"I wish I could come with you, but I have to attend Linda-san lecture because, after the ritual finishes, I quickly came to you right away without listening to the lecture. But don't worry, I'll be living here from now on. so we will see each other every day." (Ava)

"Mmm, that great. We will have a lot of fun together." You happily at her.

"Oh so naughty, but I love it." (Ava) she bit ber bottom lips, and her hand reach for your ass. Suddenly a happy little voice calls out for you and Ava.

"Big brother and Ava-onee-chan!!" (Esta) A sweet baby girl is running toward you both. You kneen down with open arms. Esta the leap into your chest.

"Good morning, their sunshine!" you hold her in your arms and kiss those chubby little cheeks. "Why are you so cuteeee!" you just can't stop kissing her, she is too cute.

"Hehehehehe, that tickle!" (Esta) she happily giggles, then she turns toward Ava who eager to join in as well. "Ava-onee-chan!!" (Esta) she stretches her little arm out toward Ava. Ava grabbed the baby off you then she lovingly gives hugs and kisses to cute little Esta.

"How are you doing, Esta-chan? Do you miss big sister?" (Ava)

"Mm! Esta miss Ava-onee-chan very much! Where did Ava-onee-chan go?" (Esta) she gives Ava that adorable, curious look.

"Big sister when somewhere very dull and I miss my cute Esta-chan so much I have to come back." (Ava) she kisses Esta cheek.

"Then, Will Ava-onee-chan stay here?" (Esta)

"Yes sweetie, from now I'm going to live here as well." (Ava)

"Really!? Yayyyyyy~!!" (Esta)

"Why don't you show big sister Ava around." You gently stroke her little head.

"Ohh! Ohh! Ohhh!! Esta will do it!!~" (Esta) she raises her hand up, eager to volunteer.

"Then, I'll be in your care. Esta-chan" (Ava) she giggles.

"Mmm! Leave it to me!! ~" (Esta)

"Ok, I have to see the Beastkin now. I'll see you both later."

"See you later, Darling!" (Ava) she kisses you on your cheek.

"Ahhh, no fair! Me too!!" (Esta) Ava move Esta closer and Esta give a cute little kiss on your opposite cheek.

"Ohh, you're such a sweetheart." You pick her off Ava and lovingly hug her gently stroke her head. You then put her down. "Bye, bye now." You smile and wave at her.

"Bye, bye!! ~" (Esta) she waves her little hands.

"Take care. Be back soon" (Ava) She also waves her hands as well.

"I will." You walk back a few steps and turn around, headed toward the portal room.

"Esta-chan, why you show me around." (Ava)

"Okie!! ~" (Esta) She grabs Ava's hand pull her along.


Refugee Camp

A blue tunnel opens up, and you causally exit from it. You look around and notice that everyone was looking at you. You lightly wave at them and make your way toward the Beastkin leader's tent.

As you walk toward the tent, someone approaches you.

"Boss!" (Ren) The centaur is jogging toward you.

"Oh, Ren! What's up!" You were checking her out, and you notice that she is not wearing her armour, but a bikini with two sheathed blade you on her human waist. You also realize that you can see her clearly now since its day time. Ren had Long dark red hair. Her human body is absolutely gorgeous. With well build muscle, not too bulky, there is some slash scar on 60% of her body. She still was a skirt for her lower horse part, but it was not armoured like last time.

"What brings Boss here today?" (Ren) you continue walking and walks beside you.

"I'm here to see Kaguya and the others." You glace at her and saw the nipples poke through her bikini. ("Oh, that is so hot.")

"Oh, Ren knows where they are. Follow Ren." (Ren) she a left turn and you follow her. A few minutes later, you see a familiar figure talking to her attends. That sexy curves, glorious twin valley, and mysterious charm look. She is 100% your type. You read a lot of manga that feature Mamdem fox like Kaguya, be spoiled by her or spoiling her was one of your dream romance fantasy. None futa is acceptable, and of course, futa is a 100+.

Kaguya notices that you are walking toward her. she then her conversion with her attends and walk toward you.

"Tony-sama! Good morning." (Kaguya) she smiles at you and bows.

"Good morning to you too, Kaguya-san. Can you gather everyone here? It about the new city."

"Right away. Ku!" (Kaguya) then a ninja catgirl appear next Kaguya in one keen.

("Holy carp that was awesome"!) you were impressed with actual ninja instantly appear instant.

"Gather the others." (Kaguya)

"As you wish." (Ku) she then disappears in the same position. A few minutes later, all the beastkin higher up gather around you and Kaguya.

"Hi there, Tony-dono. what brings you here?" (Karin) the long sliver horned girls run toward you with twinkle eyes.

"Hello, there, Karin-san."

"Please, I told you before just called me Karin." (Karin)

"Umm sure, Karin…." You notice that the Tigerskin Run doesn't look very happy when you say it. "Ok then, since everybody here, let's start." You start typing on your HB, and the 3D holo image of the city appears.

"This will be your new home—the Grand seaport city." Everyone gasps because of the city's scale are massives and some of the structure they see before. The Grandseaport city located on the west coast of the middle continent. You choose to build a new city next to the sea because there is no major seaport city in the Eilven kingdom and most of the elves prefer to stay on land. This is why you want to build the first large port city where there will be a lot of trading that is ideal for all type all cultures and races. And the most important reason is that there a massive fleet heading from the west and this city is arm to the teeth, the city defence system will immensely destroy any invader that would come so close to the city.

"Such a colossal city...Tony-sama are you sure the kingdom is alright with this plan?" (Kaguya)

"Hmm? Why? What's wrong?"

"It is not that I doubt Tony-sama ability but to build a city at this scale would largely amount required manpower and resources. Which I find hard to believe that the kingdom would pour all of the things for us." (Kaguya) some beastkin nod in Kaguya's opinion.

"Mm, I see your point, and the most troubling things are the time of construction. From the size I think would take at least ten years to finish." (Karin)

"Oh, so that what you all worry about. It fine, come, I will show you." you open the portal a walk through it. The beastkin look at each other with a confused expression. But Karin enters the portal without a second thought, Run and Yuna also her master near as always, and then Kaguya and her ally enter as well.


Far west of Eilven Kingdom.

The Beastkins exit the portal and then notice they are standing a high cliff next to the open sea. Next, they turn toward you who looking at a particular direction. As they walk closer to you, they finally see what you see. Their eyes were wide open, and jaw drops in disbelieve. You gave the beastkin a satisfied smile.

"What did you think? The Grand Seaport city." You extend your arms toward the city that is 10 miles away from where you at. And it also exacts same a the 3D holo model that you show the beastkin.

"W wwwhen did you even finish it?" (Karin) she asks with a trembling voice.

"Meh, last night." You shrug casually, which made everyone there speechless and their opinion of you had skyrocketed with fear and worship but mostly fear.

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