Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru!
Tragedy in the dining room
Here in the northwest of the continent, where the water is currently present, winters are correspondingly cold, but other seasons are not wet or dry, but calm in relatively stable climates. To the north, however, there are many tough lands for people, such as the rugged mountain ranges where dragons are said to live and the black steel woods (Black Wood) forests, and there are many more places than in other countries where people do not have access.
Shuiming, who got off the cowhorn car in front of the border fort on the imperial side, passed the fort, then through the bridge fort on the Union side without a word, and the Sardias Union was visiting the first city of the first country.
Clouds are neglected in the sky, and the sky looks there, though not sunny. The usual complexion, the weather. The breeze blows are cool and easy to spend, even though it is a time of false heat even on different world calendars.
Unlike other cities in the empire and empire, where the use of colour in the compartment had been determined by the inhabitants, the city of the first visit was not colour coded, often vivid and, worse still, painful to the eyes.
Triangle roofs, flat roofs, wife-cutting roofs, etc. come in a variety of shapes and colors, with an overall soft atmosphere. The spacing between the house and the house is also wide, where trees and greens are planted, and pavements in flat shredded stones are often visible, but there is considerably more nature than that.
It would be partly due to the fact that it is still far from the centre, but from the eyes of Shuiming, the city of the Union also seemed to show a stronger pastoral sentiment than to say fantasy.
"Is this the city of the Union?"
Shuiming looks around at buildings, city decorations, people who live, and so on, and speaks with emotion. The city of the Union also had another scatter of different fun than Astel and Nerferia.
Then continue with the words later, as Liliana supplements.
"To be precise, one of the countries of the Union, one of the cities of Graphile, is. The Union is very different from Astel, Nerferia and the Autonomous Prefectures, and it is a gathering of five nations."
So you're saying this is one of the countries in the Union of Nations.
Talking about that with Liliana, I saw Fermenia looking around just as slightly as I did on the side.
Shuiming speaks up to her fellow runaways who can't help but wonder about the fun of the house and the magic lights being presented on the street.
"Fermenia seems unusual."
"Yeah, yeah. I've never had a coalition before, so I was wondering... and the coalition is very different from Astel and Nerferia."
Liliana pinches the explanation when Fermenia is about to look a little like she was seen even where she was embarrassed.
"The people of the Union have long had a harmonious breeze with nature and flora and fauna, so there are few buildings and objects, like empires. But the coalition feels relaxed, and I like it."
Sure, it's something I prefer where there's a lot of human nature. So does Liliana, who breathes deeply with her arms wide apart, but the people of this city seem somewhat laid back.
Fumi Shuiming looks at Refile. She looks calm, not much different than usual.
"Refi doesn't look like the first time."
"I used to come to the Union at a very young age. This isn't the first time."
"So you haven't changed much since then?
"Oh. I guess places like the Union change less because of the slow passage of time"
Refill says as he gently lifts the broad hat of the tweezer he is wearing. Do you miss when you came before? Being an adult, I can still feel the flair in every trick.
Then Refile dropped her gaze on Liliana.
"Nevertheless, Lily is familiar with the Union."
"It is the duty of the Information Department to keep in mind the situation in neighbouring countries. Plus, I used to infiltrate with the colonel."
"Does that mean intelligence?"
Nod, Liliana affirming Fermenian predictions. After all, she also seems to have a lot of experience from being in the military. With Liliana's magical prowess, I guess it's because I can do so much. As a young girl, she is a girl who wanders through the training grounds inside.
As Mizuminos walked down the street continuing their conversation about the coalition that way, he heard some loud speech from the side of the road paved with fudge stone.
When I turned my gaze to rely on the hustle and bustle transmitted to my ears, I saw a pair of men and women in white monastic clothes, giving the name of the goddess and appealing to the audience.
"Sons of men born in this world! Guys, now is the time to throw your faith in Arshna away!
"Because the Demons are imminent yet, people must unite and be free from all sorts of clutter, not just from the imminent threat in front of them!
Men and women in monastic clothes who speak alternately are skillful breathers. The gesture and gesture are the same, with an indescribable intensity. But not many people stop and listen to that speech, and it is sparse to say that there is a crowd at the end of the road.
I guess because the content of the speech is what disparages Arshna, the thick goddess of faith in this world. Most humans turn their frigid gaze and pass before them.
"... then what?
When the stopped Mizumi looks funny and tilts her neck, Fermenia and Refile also look suspicious, as follows.
"Come on...... what is it? I've never seen anything like it before."
"Neither do I. I didn't expect to develop criticism of the goddess in front of such a public at all... it's a tease to live with the blessing of the goddess on this earth"
Refile is puffy. I am angry. But most people would feel like her inside. Faith in the goddess Arshna, because the teachings of the Salvation Church underlie the people of this world.
But with that in mind, I don't think it's possible to make a table of speeches like the ones you're looking at right now.
Then narrow even the left eye that opened like Liliana was asleep and look at them.
"That's the Anti-Goddess Order, right?"
"Anti-Goddess Church? What is it?"
"There are now more believers in the five countries of the Union and in the autonomous provinces, it's a religion. The basic teachings trample on those of the Salvation Church, but for the first time since being released from the patronage of the Goddess, they set forth the philosophy that a species called man can prosper, urging people to desist from the Goddess faith. You're mainly criticizing the spread of magic to the general public, the proclamation, etc."
"In this world where magic civilization prevails, that kind of thing is likely to be eliminated soon,"
"There seems to be movement about it, and every once in a while I hear there is a skirmish between the followers of the Salvation Church and them. But it means that the people who join the group will never stop doing so."
Is it so appealing to an organization that just disagrees? The type of iconoclast that feels alive to trying to destroy the bulky forces of the status quo is not generally inexplicable because it occurs in any place and some states use such groups to harass their enemies, but it is imperative that in view of the current state of this world, where the goddess is the main goddess, they will not be able to bulk against most countries if they do poorly.
So I guess these groups are coming out right now in a period of chaos where the demonic invasion is starting.
"The goddess is not protecting us! Profit yourself! To secure your rights! I'm just making it look like I'm protecting the world!
"The Goddess word is poison that rots people! If we are just blindly listening to the Goddess's words as we are now, there will be no more prosperity for man and he will remain a slave to the Goddess of Eternity in the future! Therefore, now is the time for us humans to escape from the palm of the goddess!
Shuiming glances at the pair who still wrap their valves in a strong tone.
"... I'm not denying the existence of the goddess, I'm trying to make her stop believing. I guess it takes that form because the magical presence is such a mon as to prove the existence of a goddess..."
But these kinds of arrangements often cite the existence of other gods who complain about the teachings that are good in their ears. After launching another organization to counter religion, it is quick to create a slippery God. But I don't know what I'm profiting from, because listening isn't even encouraging a saddle of faith. Just to Shuiming, don't believe in the goddess, you have to escape, words like that felt real when you did it.
"Lord Swimey? How you doing, sir?
"No, it's nothing. So? What am I going to do... Is there only one thing I can say? Let's do something about the day first."
When Shuiming proposes, Liliana, Fermenia and Refile also agree.
"Me too, I'm hungry"
"So where shall we..."
"It's noon, so I'm sure it's crowded everywhere. Shall I try to find the right place?"
Three people nodding at the suggestion that you can even just take a hit on the go of Refile. As we divide up and go around the nearby shops, we find a store that is likely to have open seats, and dare the four of us to storm with Refille in the lead.
As we peered inside from the outside, there seemed to be an empty seat, and the Mizumings were led to a slightly wider seat for the four of us to use.
A wooden, seemingly everywhere dining place, but empty barrels are placed everywhere, making tables and chairs based on barrels. Some magic lamps were made based on bottles, and the interior was so elaborate that even in the modern world it didn't take a pull.
Eventually, when I asked for a recommendation for the service I came to pick up my order, the food was shortly carried.
... For a while, the Mizumins, who drummed their tongues on the dish, drink water for chopsticks rest, without chopsticks, and look at the seats around them. The store presents a horrible intrusion and noise at noon, and the crowd is ongoing.
I realized that such busy guests had something like a kind of commonality.
"After all, you just say the land of swords, and the number of magicians is low..."
People who are not swordsmen or warriors because they see are also scattered with swords on their hips. In that regard, the percentage of swordsmen is definitely higher than that of magicians compared to empires. Five or six magicians per ten were reduced to two or three.
Refil and Fermenia react to Waterlight, who shares their thoughts as they look around.
"The Union has a culture that weighs swords more than any other country. Because a swordsman who is not a brave but a hero of summons has a history of freeing the land around here from demons and cutting it open for people."
"It would depend on that. The brackets of identity are slightly different from those of Astel and the Empire in the Union and the Autonomous Provinces. Much more likely to be a swordsman than a major position in Shirai."
"Ho, so as long as you have a sword, you'll be treated preferentially?
"No, I didn't even say that. In the Federation, you have permission to name a swordsman. You can't call yourself a swordsman in the Five Kingdoms of the United States unless you have permission from every government, or from the Midnight Pavilion."
"So now Leffi can't name himself a swordsman?"
"It will. You can call yourself Stopping here."
I don't think he calls himself or anything to those who deal with the sword, but Refill has a self-derisive grin.
Then Liliana, who was chewing a sweet bread bigger than her own face with a smile on her face, explains as she chewed the bread.
"Still, in the Union, you just have a sword, and you're very well treated,"
"Ham. Priority, rising. There are a number of people who contribute to the country, so when you're in a hurry, you'll see it in the eyes of the public sector."
"That's a good thing..."
"All of it, not all of it, though. Ha Mu."
Still, it would be quite a thing to have a sword just to give it priority. Obsessed with sweet bread? So I'm talking to Liliana, who's sticking her cheek out, and Fufu and Refill cut it out.
"So, with that in mind, I have plans for the future, why don't we go first to Meerzen, the Sovereign Nation of the Union?
"To the Sovereign Nation?
"The current guild master of the Xiao Dark Pavilion in that capital is someone I know of my father. If you rely on a handover, you will have the swordsman's permission, of course."
"Ha-ha. That's good."
"We are told to hire swordsmen when walking in the Union without them. I agree with Lephire, too."
"Well, we'll see what we can find..."
Mizumi says as she carries herself to her mouth of fish. Returning to the original world is certainly a rush, but not until we do something else. If you're going to go ahead, you'll never have crossed to keep your feet on the pebble.
As the Mizumings were tongue-in-cheek at the dish as they talked, the serving woman approached with a troubled face.
Older than the other women on the payroll, they have a better width. If you wear cooking clothes, you'll probably be a damsel with the look of an aunt in a fixer.
"Do you have a minute?
"What's wrong?
When Shuiming asks, the woman laughs as weak and points her finger towards the front door.
"I'm sorry, do you mind if I take a seat with that guy over there?
and was in the place indicated by the index finger of the general was a tall colored black man.
I can't see the full body by weaving a sand coat, but I can see that the arms stretched from inside the coat are muscular, thick, and forged. Brunette in long hair, bandana with unique embroidery on her forehead, scars running on her face, but with tougher details than noise, she looks nostalgic somewhere. Such a colored black man says "hey......" like trouble, but comes a pleasant smile.
In particular, because there is no bad vibe, Lefir answers on behalf of him.
"Oh, I don't mind"
When the general says, "I'm sorry..." she tells the kitchen that one guest has come in with a flimsy, tense voice. Then other young servants brought chairs and water.
When Shuiming vacated the neighbor, the salaried laid down his sledge and chair, and the man also laid his butt there.
"No, it's bad where it's booming! When I come to this city, I really want to eat this place's recommendations!
A man who slaps himself in the back of the head and laughs luxuriously. I got the impression that it didn't look so bad, but it still seemed like a good character for everyone. I didn't look bad, but the bright smile was pleasant.
A man shows an unexpected, evil laugh for some reason.
"No, but have you done something wrong to your brother?
"... hmm? Is that for me?
I don't know what the word means, and when Shui Ming tilts his little neck, the man suddenly turns his thick arm behind Shui Ming's neck and puts his shoulders together to even tell a secret story.
(No, 'cause another guy broke into eating with all these partisans, huh? Well, one of you is a little girl, but I'm totally disturbed by this, aren't I?
(Ha? Yes, no, I'm not thinking that way ⁉ and they're just my people...)
The man lets go of his arms, looks like he's been taken aback, and looks down at the illuminated water bright in haste. Sumiaki asked with a strange look on his face like he was also such a strange one.
"............... No, I see. You're a virgin, right?
"No, that's why I said virginity"
"Oh, you just met and all of a sudden what do you say!?
With words like haste, Shuiming rises with a sound. To his momentum, the man leans back lightly.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'll be honest with you. I'm gonna say what I think right away."
"That's too annoying!!..................... ah"
So, Shuiming noticed. That dialogue was to the left of proof that I was a virgin.
"Uh, well. I knew it."
"You must have done it..."
A man with a prolonged voice of sympathy and a boring Mizumi. Have you used energy in your narrative, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha and look around you restlessly. Neighbor Liliana was passionate about sweet bread whether she was listening or not, while Refill turned away from her face.
Fermenia, on the other hand, has no wind that I particularly cared about.
Are you a virgin, Lord Swimey?
"Wow, is that bad!?
"No. It's not bad. I haven't heard from you so far... it doesn't seem like it, so it's very subtle."
"What the fuck is that subtle!!
Basket… When Shuiming returned her gaze, Lefir and I met each other.
The eyes meet, and the voices uttered are two at a time. Weird air, often stiffening watering and refilling. Eventually, Refill blushes slightly and pinches the cough so as to get rid of the unpleasant air along with it.
"No, yeah. I'm glad you're a virgin."
"What do you want? What..."
Stay standing, don't be shocked. Dripping water. Everyone knew the secret (?) and it was full of embarrassment and despair.
Fermenia, who felt that the air of Mizumino's sumptuous air had dwelt more and more, spoke to Liliana, as she said to join her in forgiveness.
"Why don't you tell Lord Swimey something, too, Lily?
The way the story was told was clearly a failure.
Liliana, who noticed in Fermenia's voice hanging, turns toward Shuiming and pulls her sleeve as she struggles.
"Awesome. I'm not ashamed to be a virgin, am I?
"Fugu -"
To words so powerful, Shuiming collapses from her knees. The innocent encouragement of the courteous girl dramatically leapt the power of the word.
Liliana, on the other hand, who unleashes a stomach on Mizumina, is still obsessed with sweet bread, and is at best committed to the rest of the offense of bread.
And the one in Mizumi, he put enough air over his head to hold pity.
"... I'm a virgin anyway. I don't have any experience with women. Not at all. What the hell is wrong with that? Always this guy's a virgin. Some people say virginity is evil and they don't experience it when they're about my age, but what's wrong with that? He's still alive so hard. Ugh..."
Shuiming shrugged herself, spiritually rolling down to the bottom of Naruto. Seeing such a pathetic man, the culprit colored black man takes encouragement in a white manner.
"... well what. Brother, you're still young to cheer up. Life is coming."
"Shut up, you murderer..."
Shuiming utters a resentful voice, pointing a staring at the man.
Speaking of which, on the other hand, the man slapped his hand like he realized something.
"Whoa, you didn't introduce yourself. My name is Gaius Fauburne. He's a martial arts teacher in Ralseam."
After his introduction, Mizuminos also say their names. Fermenia and Liliana use pseudonyms, and Refile names them as they are. It goes without saying now that if only one of them did it, the tension would be low and there was someone who was a throw.
Fermenia asks instead of him, who won't be joining the conversation for the time being.
"Speaking of Ralseam, it's a country in the north of the Union, but how did you end up in this city?
"I've got a job around here, and I'm on my way back to Meerzen."
"To Meersen?
"That's where I work right now."
"Really? But Meersen and we are going together."
"Ho! That's odd."
Gaius laughs that coincidences that don't come to mind are delightful. But he turned away from his smile and clasped his jaw with a strange face.
"But you guys are an unusual gathering."
"Of another country, not a spy, right?
Liliana pauses to eat bread, tung, and blankly says. I dared say it to her first, and Gaius laughed to say he understood,
"That's all you need to know. 'Cause you got a virgin brother and a woman, huh?
"You still say..."
To Gaius, who still pulls virginity stories, Shuiming makes a low voice as if he were cursed. But Gaius probably doesn't know either because he has a former spy.
Refile asks Gaius.
"So how come it's changing," he said?
"That's because you guys, your outfits are falling apart. Two of them wore Astel's clothes, and one daughter who pretended to be popular right now in the Empire. So, you got a reflex on you? You're out of Norsius, aren't you? It's a strange combination. Well, maybe it's just that we know each other, but it's strange to come all the way to the Union."
Isn't this guy who says Gaius, just Mr. Luxury? In the midst of unraveling it, Shuiming did not miss that her eyes sharpened for a moment.
Gaius, who made a statement holding down the main point, is followed by Lefir.
"Why do you think it's weird that you're in the Union right now?
"Well, the northern part of the Union is now one of the fierce battlefields against the Demons. That's not the kind of situation where you can go sightseeing with your old man, is it?
Surely there are not many people who like to come to sightseeing in such a dangerous area where the Demons may attack.
Then Lephire answers, this time with a strange look on his face.
"I know someone in the coalition. I'm going to go see him now."
"Ho, is that so? If that's what you're saying, maybe it's ants."
Meanwhile, the finally resurrected Shuiming swoops back into his chair and arms together.
But it's a war zone.
"Surely I heard the demon army pushed back?
"Ouch! A brave man called in the Union! The Demon Warlord is dead! It was spectacular."
Gaius slaps his chest at Fermenia, who points the gaze of the inquiry. It's like bragging about your reliance. But when Mizumi saw him like that, she frowned and asked him.
"You were watching that it was spectacular?
"Pfft, what are you hiding? I've been fighting demons with Sama, the brave warrior of the Union, until now."
When Gaius proudly revealed it, he turned his eyes to see even what Mizumi seemed frigid.
"Old man, is that it? Are you paranoid? That's a shame."
"Hey! It's true!
"Are you serious?
Gaius laughs with a disturbing voice as Mizumi clasps her shoulders as she browns with a niyanya face.
"Heh heh heh heh... or are you telling me I'm a mess fish?
"He said he was kidding. If you get beaten up, you're gonna die instantly. I can see that."
"Right! Nice muscle!
Set aside whether it's good or not, this martial artist named Gaius, would be quite skilled. I don't know the details, but there is an atmosphere where the room that is put together is close to those who are strong and masters.
Fumi Gaius turns his brave, norinous attitude around and sighs to divulge his stupidity.
"Well, because of that, most of the army has moved north."
"Is something not good?
"That would be great. It's like all your power is going to the Demon Clan, huh?
Is that a bad thing? Liliana explains in a firm manner when Shuiming tilts her neck.
"Defense for the Empire fades. They must be afraid of it."
"That's the thing. Young lady, you're so clever. You want me to stroke him?
"Please don't. I'll sue you, won't I?
Liliana didn't care about Gaius' handling of children, or she meditated her eyes and clarity. I missed my face. Earlier conversations, though, I'm not good at defending the Empire either.
"Is the Union and the Empire evil?
"Don't you know much about it? You don't know the world. The Empire has a joint voice with the Autonomous Prefectures and Astel, but the Union remains just a neighbor, right? When I heard about it, recently, the Empire was stuck in a country with alliances."
Gaius was stunned, but Mizumi didn't stick around. In fact, we are oblivious to situations in different worlds. It's not a mucky place to deny it.
Then Liliana next door comes closer to her ear.
(Deceptive work,. Recently in the peripheral countries of the Empire, we know that we were bragging about the armament enhancement of an empire where there was no one else)
(I see...)
I guess that's the story I got when I was in the Imperial Army Intelligence Department. But then I don't know what I'm spreading false information for. When we intentionally exacerbate external sentiment is often when we decide to turn hostility in a different direction, when the country is in a recession or when bad sentiment is being recruited by the government, we have to lean our necks not only when it comes to one country but also to other neighboring countries, and moreover, the Demons are attacking us.
Second, Gaius gets better.
"It's a lot of trouble, but we have me and Sama the Brave. There's no problem."
That would be a statement made with care to dispel the dark stories. However,
"Brave man."
"And me, too."
"No, what kind of a brave guy is that?
"Don't ignore me... dammit. Sama, the brave man who was called to the Union, is a very different swordsman."
Lephire asks Gaius proudly.
"So the brave men summoned in the coalition are women,"
"Oops. You guys are all set, but you're so pretty and good-looking that you're comparable. Well, I still smell like milk, so I'm out of defense."
I didn't ask you what you liked.
Gaius sends a frightened gaze as Shuiming puts in the penetration.
"... you can't seem to get on with a story like this, you're a virgin for life, huh?
"You still say it, Temehe!
Shuiming rises again with a shout. All sorts of things came to light, but for him it was almost a dining table.
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