Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru!
Parade of the Brave
The Mizumins, who were to be allowed to use the empty rooms in the dormitories of the Night Dark Pavilion at the recommendation of Le Maire, had laid their luggage in the assigned rooms and, relaxing in their respective rooms, had healed the fatigue of their long journey from the Empire.
And finish your meal, at night. Shuiming was alone in the assigned room, producing materials.
The inside of the room is brilliantly illuminated by the light of the magic lamp, and there is a brightness that does not diminish with the inside of the room where the lights are lit. Everything that is illuminated has a light orange color because the light emits an orange light like the glow of a flame, but not so much as it is of particular concern.
Doing so, Liliana, who had called in advance for treatment, visited the room.
"Awesome, I'm here."
"Oh, well, hang it in that chair over there."
To Liliana, who opened the door and came into the room, Shuiming points to the chair in front of the desk. The two of you will be face-to-face right next to your desk. The positional relationship was as if it were a doctor and patient in a hospital office.
"Well, take your eyelids and gloves."
Liliana snorted at the doctor's instructions. And remove the gloves and eye bands with a sneaky behavior. The reveal foamed like a mess, with thin arms that turned red and black and right eyes that stunned around like red and black scales. Besides, his eyes are golden, elongated and vertically cracked.
Looking at his arms, Liliana narrows her eyes sadly. She has been treated several times since she joined her peers, but she still looks sad when she sees a lot of thoughts, a perverted spot. This has tormented me for a long time. I guess I find myself in a hard mood just to see what I can show you.
Shuiming gently takes Liliana's arm and exercises the magic of healing. He placed his finger on the soaked skin, moved his finger to stroke the affected area, and cast a cure spell.
"Buzz, Bajia, trout, Mashiya impose, Kashiya, Sharurai, Arumarai..."
(Buzz, Bazier, Mass, Mathier, Kass, Kassier, Sharlai, Almalai…)
In Kabbalah, the magic of curing swellings, things that are made, etc. After a while of treatment, the demonized part only became smaller in the mind. Shuiming goes on to apply the same healing technique to the skin around his right eye.
I guess Liliana cares. She asks me in an anxious voice.
"What do you say?
"I have a little skin on my arms and hands, but it's healing. As always, it would heal properly if it continued on a regular basis. Same around the right eye, so I don't think it's a problem. Just..."
"Just what's up?
"I'm totally fucked about the eyeballs. I've been exposed to too much malice, and it's not human eyes. It's turning me into something else."
Like roaring in a sinister voice, Shuiming communicates the exact situation of the affected area. Separate from what I would say here, it should be said that in this case the appearance of a monster is projected that comes to mind when humans hear "bad things". It was by taking in such bad imaginations with the exercise of dark magic that they were superficialized in her body.
Listening to the words of Shuiming, Liliana leans down as if she had been discouraged.
"... So this won't heal, will it?"
"Oh, I can't fix it"
Liliana's voice sinks even deeper. With that voice, Shuiming realized that she had made the wrong choice of words. I was speaking mechanically because I was concentrating on witchcraft.
Immediately Shuiming re-says in a rushed manner.
"Bad, bad way of saying it. Just because I can't fix it doesn't mean I can't fix it. There are also psychotherapy experts and magic conductor production technicians in the other world. If only we could get to the other world, it wouldn't be a big deal."
"Is it true!? You're cured!?
Liliana screams when she hears the good news. The surprise she emitted was certainly interspersed with joy.
Shuiming doesn't specialize in healing techniques, so it's not that deep, but there are magicians in the other world who can even laugh and fix this condition with their noses. If you ask a magician who said that, there's nothing wrong with healing.
But Shuiming has a complicated look on his face.
"I'm cured... it's just that the most skilled magician I'm about to ask for is Dr. Monster..."
To his words, Liliana tilted her little neck wondering that she was not.
Yes, the magician who is looking to ask for her treatment is the identity of the anxiety shown by Shui Ming.
What comes to mind is that mushroom-haired Phantom with his white coat in his fuzzy shape and a creepy thin and laughing face. He is a man who inhabits the basement of the ancient castle (Alto Schloss), where the Order is based, and who uses untranslated sorcery to create this and other untranslated things.
There is no anxiety in the treatment of Shuiming either. It is in the highest ranking chief (magister) class among magicians, and the arm of medicine is probably the best, and the skill of psychotherapy would not allow its follow-on if it were an expert opponent. Failure and other anxieties don't even look like this. But it's about that monster. It is quite likely that if you do poorly, you will come with unwanted features and wax.
Good or bad, but Liliana, who doesn't know it, innocently shows joy.
"Good for you."
"As it were, well, right. Fine. So all you have to do is find a way home - a way to get to the other world. Let's cure the skin by then."
Shuiming mumbles the spell again and exercises the magic of healing. The look on Liliana's face, who receives a lot of treatment, was much clearer than when she took her gloves and eye bands earlier.
"All right, it's over."
Thank you, sir.
With a happy look, Liliana hugs me all the time. It's because we're used to ourselves a lot. Apparently, she's got a hugging habit. This is true when you hold Lefir's arm when you're talking to Lemaia, but when you're happy or lonely, use your body to represent your emotions, including yourself, Fermenia, and Lefir.
Instead, I hear things that used to be neglected from my surroundings, things that Rogue couldn't really sweeten me, etc. Because I couldn't be sweet to people, I guess higher emotions will make me more recoil or more in love.
Gently stroking Liliana's head as she held her, she narrowed her eyes happily.
Sardias Union in the northwestern part of the northern continent. The name of this Union of Nations, which the five nations were able to gather together, is said to have taken the name of a swordsman who won the hopes of the regions and peoples of the North from the Devil Nation. Among them, Miasen, a patriarchal country in the center, has produced many swordsmen named after the Seven Swords, and has a significant number of swordsmen, the main strength of the coalition, among the five nations of the coalition.
Because there are many people who admire a hero who sounded like a sound, and they aspire to that hero, too, because they have no spare time in drilling sword moves.
Because of that reason, all the swordsmen in the city are bloody, every duel noise, etc. They are acquiesced, if not disturbed by the security, and it is a daily tea meal.
"Dude, did you hear that!? We'll have another duel before noon!
"That's a different day for a monster! Where are we today?
"Weapon Shop, it's the city! They're betting on the masterpieces they finished yesterday! I need to pick up a place as soon as we're done here!
I hear voices from around me doing calculations for the next duel sight. Because of the festivities (parades) that mention the country, I wonder if all the dueling parties and wild horses can't contain the rolling of blood.
And there's a duel going on right now.
A big man, who had a two-handed sword with as much back length as a child, blew up with a wild scream.
Behind his will, the big man is butched where crates and wooden barrels placed in front of empty houses stack unwrought, then turning his eyes in scattered wood.
On the other hand, face-to-face with one hand a giant sword that Refill is her specialty, a remnant. After a bare gesture that didn't precipitate me to move on to my next move immediately, I was looking to the blown up big man.
- Yes, the beginning of things begins the day after the Mimes arrive in the capital of Miazen. The first thing we're going to do is look around the city, and it's about the arrow tip that the four of us were walking on.
From the big man who walked in face-to-face, Refile was offered a duel by sword.
Did you spot her strength, or was it just because she was making a stand out, carrying a giant sword? When the man showed the two-handed sword he had and stood in front of Refill, he hoped for a match in a courteous manner. Lefir was reluctant once, too, but he was rooted in a big man who was a so-called 'conscious swordsman' who preached and ate down such a high theory as Swordsman's Heart - and now he's going to join hands.
The wild horses watching are breathtaking and staring at Refill by busting the giant with a single blow.
"Whoa... who is that girl? You're too strong, aren't you?
"Wow... I thought that was a show sword. I lost three pieces of silver..."
"Wow, wow, that giant blew up in one shot, huh? The Beast Man is also bright blue, isn't he? What a power..."
Seeing the extraordinary power of Lephire, there are those who are excited, and those who are afraid. He saw an overwhelming settlement to defeat a man much taller and wider in the shoulder than her. It won't even be possible.
Meanwhile, the Mizumings had already anticipated, for example, the development of a duel, watching where the battle went with pity for the inner man at the edge of the road.
"Well, that's a fair result."
Fermenia and Liliana nod at the words of Shuiming, respectively.
Eventually, after the big man was transported, the wild horses gather in Refile with no distinction between men and women. I guess it's a duel equals festival for them. In no time you will hear a voice praising her, or a voice making her stand up.
When people gathered me together and the Mizumings tried to go under Refill, who looked distressed, several men from among the wild horses approached me with a floating grin.
"Hey brother, you're with that woman, right? You're not gonna do it?
That's what one of the men says and shows a bare gesture of pulling the sword out of his waist. Inspired by watching the current battle, he must have laid his eyes on the water bright with the mercury knife up his waist.
But I don't intend to do that to Shuiming,
"Huh? No, I..."
"Hmm? You don't want to? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I don't know what you mean."
Seeing Shui Ming refuse to join forces, the man speaks to his ears. The men around them laugh furiously at the words, including such provocation. I guess I'm up a lot in a festive mood. It didn't matter to Mitsumi as much as they laughed at me.
"Ho? Is it an insult to me to call Lord Swimei a coward who beat me to pieces without my skin..."
"Fermenia, like the man just now, let's blow him away"
The look on Fermenia and Liliana's face made it all the rage at once. Two people floating blue on their foreheads with anger and seeping swordswallowing magic out of their bodies. Behind them lies a gloomy shadow if it is not backlit, an atmosphere that is likely to erupt as soon as they say something.
One of them used to say something similar, so it also sounded like a word I put up on the shelf about myself for a long time - aside from that.
When Shuiming looked back at trying to trick the two of them into making any more noise, a heavy impact sound, like a car crash, struck him in the ear.
(- Huh? Car accident...?
There can't be car accidents in different worlds. I feel an unspeakable rush at the sound of it, and everyone and he all turn their gaze to the audio source.
When I saw it, Lefir was waving his sword down the ground.
Regardless, there's a big hole in the ground that's swung down.
And then Lephire grinned and laughed as if she were a loving Virgin,
"Why don't you start with me instead of him? No matter, without a clue."
"No way, you wouldn't say anything unintentional about not liking it"
"Just kidding, sister... I was just kidding..."
The men she told me off-the-shelf, "I'm gonna bust you, you bastards," show a uniformly bloody face. I can't help but look into the heart of it, but what do you have to do in view of your words and actions in good shape?
"Well, then get out of the way."
The wild horses then pave the way to escape to the chilling pleas of the unleashed Refill. Meanwhile, walking back with her sword on her back, she sighed a silly, easy sigh.
Looking around like that, Shuiming mouths the sentiment.
"I don't know, we're all floating, it sounds like fun"
The city is overflowing with buzz. Sounds fun and festive all over the city. On the contrary, it is the beginning and end of a dueling noise.
"I heard it in the morning, but I guess it's because of the parade of braves"
"Oh, no..."
Out of the way, Lumaia also told me that there was a parade of brave men of the Union. Everything was set to be held rapidly in Mearsen today because of the great hustle and bustle that the brave men of the Union had struck the armies of the demons and took over the generals of the demons.
So, I guess the people in the city can't keep the blood rolling.
"I hear you have a parade for everything this afternoon. What do you want to do? Do you want to go check it out"
"Right. Sometimes that's good."
Shuiming nods at Fermenia's suggestion. This is the first time I've seen a proper parade of brave men. When I was in Trinity, I just dropped him off, and Elliot's parade in the Empire was about the coma incident, and I couldn't see it.
"But we still have time until the parade begins, right?
"Then, as originally planned, let's take a look around the city until it begins"
Everyone agrees with and moves forward on Refile's proposal. Walking through the western compartment wondering if there was any place that seemed like a time crush, a store with a fuzzy exterior caught my eye.
The first person to raise his voice who saw it and daunted it was Lefir.
"Oh! This store!
I found a clothing store that also handles groceries and more. The products displayed in front of the store for promotional purposes are all adorable and I think they are specially designed for women. There was a similarity in Teito, but it was of such a magnitude that it did not suffocate, and there seemed to be a wide range of products.
Shuiming, who similarly caught the store's eye, looked familiar.
"Uh, is this the place or the clothing store like before..."
The store that caught my eye was somewhat similar to the costume grocery store that was in the city of Klant. When I was looking for smaller Refill clothes, I bought some kind of girls' clothing for the latest model made in the Sardias Union there, but it's probably the head office. I wonder how much money it makes to be able to open stores in other countries in this underdeveloped world.
Clothes placed outside - in detail, Shuiming asks Lefir, who is blinded by pretentious clothes.
"There, you want to go?
"What!? No, that's not true, but..."
That said, I swim when my eyes do. To her like that, Mizumi turned a mean grin,
"You can't wear kids' clothes right now, can you?
"You didn't say anyone wanted to wear that!
"Really? I can wear it when I'm little, so I don't have to..."
"Shut up! I don't hear anything!
When they were having such an exchange, Fermenia, right behind them, unexpectedly released a tense voice.
"Lord Swimey! Let's go to that store!
"What. So does Fermenia."
Fermenia is also doing well looking excited sometime. After all, if you're a woman, you'd like a store that deals with those cute things. Lephile will react to that hand store, too, and I wonder if she will.
"Let's go then"
"Shit, you can't help it. If we're all going, why don't I go too?"
Following Refill, who was speaking strong with a trembling voice, Mizuming also walked out toward the store, for some reason a strange voice hung from behind.
"... Lord Swimey? Refile? Where the hell are you both going? This way, right?
To the voice of Fermenia, Shuiming and Refile look back. I thought it was for the same person, so I thought you wanted to go to the clothes store, but you didn't.
However, she turned around and in the direction she pointed, there was a flashy shop surrounded by an unexpected atmosphere.
"Both of you, let's go!
Fermenia, on the other hand, gives a full grin, so much so that they are not the only ones. However, the store-like building also felt free of shards such as elements that float women.
"Here? Is this the place? Really? Seriously?
"That's right. Look at this storefront that creates a more bitter atmosphere than any Astel or Empire has ever seen! And the smell of the dreadful chemicals that drift. Many articles with magic letters visible from the outside! Can you help yourself to this!
Fermenia speaks enthusiastically to Shuiming, who looks like a dongle in the sight of something funny. If you look closely at the store after listening to her like that, it was a magic piece - a store that deals with magic items and such that we call magic items here.
But still, I can't snort this excitement enough.
"Lord Swimey? Why do you look so strange? Isn't that normal?
"Huh, is that normal?
"Is it not?
"Yes, because..."
Fermenia, who decided that she would not get the procedure in the purported Mizumi, or turn the subject of the inquiry into Liliana.
"Lily, what do you think?
"Ri, Liliana? That's a little crazy, isn't it? Huh?"
Mitsumi asks for permission, but...
"That's not true, is it?
"Fermenia's right, it sounds very, very interesting"
Liliana, if she noticed, was just like Fermenia, sparkling her eyes.
"Look! I knew it wasn't! No one is excited to see that store!
"Isn't Sumei different?
"No, well, I do attract interest, too..."
Mizumi is also involved in sorcery. I have a keen interest in mysterious goods. But no matter how much, I also don't think the girl would be as squeaky.
Pong and his shoulder slapped when Mizumi was puzzled that way.
"I'm fine. Suimei's reaction is normal."
"Yes, you are."
Refill with a difficult face, as he did when he saw it, even if it was hard to understand. Was she of the same opinion? Common sense seemed to have been preserved, and it was a reassuring watering light.
"Lord Swimey, anyway! Let's go in!
"Come on, let's go"
"... right. Come in."
Shuiming is led by Fermenia, and Liliana pulls her hand and takes her inside the store.
Shuiming also went into the magic store a few times when arranging items in the Empire, but this hand store in the other world smelled bad for some reason. In order to encourage the majority of customers to revisit the store in this hand of the other world, it is common to use scented products, but is that not the case in this world? Thanks. Reminds me of temples and funerals.
Speaking of clerks, on the other hand, they don't intend to serve customers aggressively, keeping an eye on the book. And if you notice, Fermenia and Liliana seemed to be going to look around the merchandise shelves and bookshelves from the edges, taking the herbal and magic wand that quickly caught their eye.
The same was true in the Empire, but each magic item sold in a magic store is different in fun, and somewhere fashionable. It's also an "item to show" in this world. That's probably why. From the point of view of what I said, unlike the other world where ornaments are made into magic, some parts are made of magic as ornaments. Well, it would only be a slight difference in meaning.
"Lord Swimey! There's something interesting about it!
And then, Fermenia calls in. If you noticed, Fermenia was smiling at this one by swinging something in one hand.
Look at that, Mizumi with a bloody look on her face.
"Nut, stuffed doll......!
"What's wrong?
Shuiming groans before Fermenia tilting her little neck with an old stuffed doll. He had memories of his partner in the other world making something that would be a 'Mizumin-kun doll' before, and he had a terrible eye for it. Every time I see a little stuffed doll that's been deformed since then, it reminds me of that commotion I don't want to remember.
He manages to reply to Fermenia, and Shuiming also looks at Lefir and Liliana.
Refill, unfamiliar with the goods, roared on the tannic side and watched, while Liliana read and read the Book of Magic.
Often Fermenia had her eye on a glass case with accessories. Amulets and talismans. She seems to be more interested in you than a wand because of the type of wizard who doesn't use a wand.
Shuiming asks Liliana, who takes the Book of Magic seriously.
"Liliana, do you want anything?
"I really don't want anything."
After spending some time in the store, Shuiming realized that the hustle and bustle outside was getting bigger.
"You're making a scene."
Refile leans closer to the store window.
"I guess it's time for the parade to start. People are headed for the main street."
"Let's go then"
When Shuiming says so, each of the three replies. Eventually the four of them left the store and came to the street where the brave men of the Union seemed to pass.
I guess it will start soon. The boulevard was empty in the middle, the passage of mountain bikes and chariots (chariots), overflowing with people, people, and people to say where the road sprang from.
"Wow, awesome man. It was amazing when we were in the Empire, but this is what happens everywhere."
Fermenia replies to Shuiming, who is rounding his eyes.
"You sure are an amazing person. I don't suppose it's any worse than when Lord Reggie was here."
"Mm-hmm. Right. There were quite a few people there."
It was Refile who said it as I recall. During the parade in Astel, Shuiming was pulling into the castle, but she still hadn't met Shuiming, watching. She remembers and admires it, while also seeping in somewhere pioneering.
"Gentlemen. Apparently, it's already begun,"
"Really? Liliana."
"Yes. So, I asked. They say there are four stars, including the brave and their companions."
When Shuiming asks, Liliana points to the store along the street. That's fast.
Lefir also seemed to feel signs of boiling, making a weasel's eye shade and daylight, watching as the braves came.
"The hustle and bustle are getting closer. It won't be long now."
"Ah! I can see the lead!
Shortly after Fermenia spoke to her voice, some of the assembled people uttered ecstasy shouts.
Eventually, it was the chariot that escorted the lead, followed by a mountain bike with no roof. The mountain bike was being discouraged by the cowhorn and was taken care of to make it easier for the gathered people to see.
And I was waving on that first mountain bike...
"Ah! What about that Osama!?
Shuiming shouts her surprise when she sees her familiar figure. It was Gaius Fauburne, a colour-black long-sleeved man we met in the first town of the Union.
"That's Lord Gaius."
"Ugh... Osama, are you seriously one of the brave ones..."
Mizumi, whose surprise is a dull leak, makes her eyes look like plates. Fermenia gave him a strange look, surprised for some reason.
"Lord Swimey. Didn't you believe Lord Gaius' story?
"No, I heard half the story, so what about that Osama"
Sure, I didn't think it was a lie that I was fighting the Demons, but I didn't think it was really a fellow brave man. One of the soldiers who used to fight near the brave fighters thought it would be to the point where he was raising his stomach.
"No, but you're that old man Norrinoli"
"Right. Sounds like a lot of fun... well, whatever."
Fermenia with a bitter smile. Gaius was not worthy of his age, and when he did, he was spreading his love. He doesn't look strange either because of his detailed look, but seeing an old man of good age get excited on a mountain bike makes me feel a little embarrassed about this one watching. I also thought when I talked to him at the diner, he's probably the confident and the type to get on with it.
Then from behind the mountain bike on Gaius, you can see the next one. The one on board was a person with a green hooded robe.
My face doesn't look hidden in the hood, but it's probably a woman from the line of my body. He has a black steel wooden cane fitted with a large treasure ball at the tip and waves modestly to the people. And to see that outfit and the giant wand,
"Are you a wizard?
"I guess. I have a shaped cane that the wizards of Rove and the Autonomous Prefecture use well. I've never seen a wand with so many big gems fitted..."
Fermenia is the first to agree, with a rare gaze. But that's a line of brave men. To a musculoskeletal militant, wizard. I guess we're gathering all sorts of people together to consolidate our surroundings.
The next mountain bike that eventually showed up was a young man's swordsman. When I was a teenager. Are you accustomed to these events, with a slight grin on your even-handed face and in response? The fact that he is dressed in a fairly tailored costume gives him a peek of his stature.
Then Liliana turned that sleepy one eye to him.
"Weitzer Larheusen, the first prince of Meersen."
"Hmm, one of the seven swords? I didn't know he was fighting as one of the brave guys."
Liliana had seen it, and it seems that Refill knew her first name.
"You're handsome. You're handsome, you're a prince, you're strong, you're famous, you're too much of a winner. It's a fraud..."
There were also statements by Shuiming that could also be taken as jealousy, but aside from that. This is the third person, which means the next is the last. I guess that last mountain bike ride is the brave man called in the coalition.
"Well, what kind of guy is that?"
Lord Gaius said she was a beautiful woman.
"Sure, you did."
"Awesome, I'm here. It's the last mountain bike."
"Oh well............... ah?
Turning to Liliana's call, Shuiming looked over the mountain bike and voiced such a surprise.
- But Shuiming doubted his own eyes for a moment. Yes, because where he turned, there was a familiar human on board.
It was a woman, according to prior information, who was on the mountain bike.
But she wore a women-high uniform in the neighborhood of Shuiming's house, a white garter belt underneath her shorter skirt, and a vermilion faceted armor on her arm. He has long blonde hair that runs all the way to his back, only lateral hair on one side, and his hair room is glued around with ribbons. The jade eyes were neat with long eyelashes and double eyelids to make them feel tight and young, but the strength was also inherent because they were slightly hung.
The sigh of admiration will be heard from that beautiful look. A long sword with the opposite - a so-called machete in one hand, waving an empty hand in a shabby act.
No matter how many times I looked back, all I could think of was a word of "can't be here". Yes, she's from the world over there. You can't be in this world. I thought of something similar to such a reality escape, and immediately shook my head and denied it. If a brave man is summoned to himself, and a friend of a brave man, it's not impossible. But...
"What are the odds that this..."
I had no idea that besides Trinity and Mizuki, someone I knew was still being called into this world. Not unlikely, but the probability of making it happen depends on astronomical numbers. It wasn't an easy thing to swallow.
"Lord Swimey?
Fermenia speaks when she realizes that the sword curtain of Shuiming has changed, but now Shuiming is not the place to be. Whatever surrounds you, scream out loud over the mountain bike.
"Hey! Hatsumi! It's me, Hatsumi! Can't you hear this noise... Shit!
The voice of the call is cancelled by the hustle and bustle, and it does not reach her - Hatsumi Decaya. It offends your frustration with the nagging, but that doesn't improve the situation. Her eyes met when Mizuming tried to make another call.
on the mountain bike, and the gaze from within the people's hedges staggers.
But she didn't realize the presence of Shuiming and began to wave to the others.
I noticed this one's presence over there, and it was supposed to give me a startling look. I was supposed to find the face I saw and call out my name. But that prediction was betrayed.
Mizumi stands half-hearted by the reverberation shown by reality.
Fermenia and Refile, on the other hand, who saw his oddity, speak up.
"Lord Swimey? What the hell is wrong with you?
"Thank you very much for your impeccable expression..."
The voice of the guidance from the two of them was also heard well by him now.
Why? Why not? A word like that swirled through Mizuming's head for a while, occupying it, but eventually embraced reality a little by little, and he looked up.
"... oh, let's go back to the night pavilion for once. Talk there."
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