Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru!
Hatsumi's thoughts
This day, the day after the day when Mizuming broke into the palace again. Hatsumi Akiba was in Miazen's palace, its garden.
Hatsumi sat on her back in a circular Shi 'a (Azumaya) set in a painting of a large garden, and before her was King Miazen. And beside it, Weitzer, the first prince, refrains, and there are ministers, Kingsguard generals, and naturally Gaius and Selfi, companions of Hatsumi, around Shia.
In anticipation of the King's completion of his administration, Hatsumi had offered him an informal meeting.
In view of the state of Hatsumi, the Royal family of Miasen is unofficially unable to take the form of an external glance because of its prehistory of excluding most of the official duties of the brave - anyway.
King Miazen, sitting opposite Hatsumi across the marble table, had a soft grin, though not even a smile. I guess he expresses concern with his expression if he is not so afraid.
King Miazen is a gentle man. He is the opposite character to his son, Weitzer, and is the kind of person who paints a kind king who appears in a picture book. Harshness is occasional, but I guess I am admired as a king because my care for my surroundings is solemn.
Ready for a Q&A, the King speaks to Hatsumi.
"- Lord Brave. What do you want to talk about?"
"Yes, we have gathered our views on our future actions the other day, so please report back."
Hatsumi is not particularly weak, and when he answers that yaka, the king makes a few jokes.
"Hmm. Did you do that before you knew it? It would be nice if you could think about the Demon Crusade at rest, but then I would have liked you to do the same."
"I'm sorry. Your Majesty will be busy, and we've been discussing it on our own."
"Right or right. I'm sorry for your concern. No, Lord Brave is still a humble hero. Undecorated and luxurious, but Rin. I am also proud to be the king of the kingdom who was to call His Majesty the Brave."
A king who smiles with his mouth and looks like a man. Is it a good habit or a bad habit to compliment every time?
When Hatsumi glances at Gaius with chills, he doesn't really like the king's redundant, loose tone of speech, and excessive praise, tying his mouth to the letter to.
The king, who was praised for how much, eventually asks with a smile.
"And what happened to the story and the person who did it?
"I think I'll try to take the brave man's natural moves in the future, as much as I can. Of course, it's been since we defeated the demons sitting in the north of the Union, like working with the other brave men and turning the war around."
That was what Selfi told me before about the duties of the brave. Around the heavily raided districts of the Devil Nation, he sees folds and offers his condolences everywhere. Due to the current dull invasion of the Demon Nation, the other brave men seem to be moving towards consolation, soldier encouragement, but I was just thinking that slowing down would have to move towards battle.
"Uhm...... you sure do. But it still seems like a quick story to me, doesn't it? Lord Brave will sometimes hear the work of other brave men, but I think it's important to work closely on what's in front of you without too much haste."
"Thank you for your consideration"
Hatsumi bows her head even as she remembers something optimistic about the king's face that reminds her of deep consideration.
"No, no, no. Rather, it's not sneaky for me to let you fight that kind of maiden who's not even old yet. Do you want to spend some time in peace with Lord Brave? If you want, you can stay in the palace and live a life unrelated to battle."
You don't have to do your duty as a brave man. Hatsumi is told that out of the blue and makes her eyes black and white. Even though he was called to defeat the Demon Clan, he didn't even think about being told so or anything.
I suppose it's a suggestion in view of what you call amnesia, but I don't feel like I'm being turned into something because of that constantly floating smile? I don't want to push evil... but the king asks when Hatsumi is trying to handle the pan in her chest.
"What do you think? Lord Brave defeated the Demon General and I think his role is well served. But I don't think anyone would blame you for pulling yourself out of a solo fight?
To its generosity, which also seemed like a devil's invitation, but Hatsumi did not nod.
"No, you can't throw out a fight. I just want to thank you for how you feel."
"Well...... then there is only one. If it moves that way in the future, there will likely be an extraordinary increase in fighting the Demons. I will spare no support here, but Lord Brave will be careful."
When Hatsumi returns her acknowledgment, the king takes his gaze off and turns to Weitzer.
"Weitzer. Protect Lord Brave."
"Yes, sir."
Gently bow your head Weitzer. They are both overprotective.
Hatsumi, who senses this story has come together, opens her mouth again.
"And another word to His Majesty."
"What is it?
"Yes, there was an intruder in my room the other day."
When Hatsumi returns the question, the king turns to his face.
"... there is nothing more to be sorry about. You would expect a colorful reply from Lord Brave, but the undeserved thief has not yet been captured. The patrol soldiers are also doing their best, but I hear there is no sign that they will ever be found searching for the city. I want you to extend your search hand to other cities in the future and pay all your attention to the capture of thieves, so I want you to wait a long time. Besides, the neighborhood will be noisy due to security for the time being..."
"No, I don't want to worry about that anymore."
"... what does that mean?
"Because the man came to me again last night"
"Oh my God!"
"Hey! So it's true!
"There's that guy again! No, from where the hell..."
To Hatsumi's confession, Gaius and Weitzer fade away, forgetting that it is excessive to pinch his mouth on this occasion with the king who alters his complexion.
On the other hand, the sober Selfie was also frightened to express surprise.
"Don't worry everyone. Because I'm fine."
When he speaks to me so relieved, the king asks unswervingly.
"Yu, Lord Brave. Are you sure you're okay with this?
"Yes, if he was malicious and approached me, I would not be able to speak to His Majesty here right now."
"That's obvious... but what the hell were the guards doing?"
A king who seeps through his anger attitude and makes his face even more sinister. This is the second time they've pulled out the guard of the palace. Exactly. The king's belly will not be calm on this either. Seeing the upset of soldiers protecting their surroundings, I just feel sorry for them though.
Then the king thought of it late,
"But Lord Brave. What do you mean you don't care about the intruders?
"I talked to him about the fold he came to me last night. After all, he seemed to know me."
"I also hear that the thief said he was a friend of Lord Brave. But Lord Brave is a man of another world, and there is no way he can show up as a friend, but what does that mean?
"He said he was caught up in Astel's brave summons,"
"Hmm... that might be possible, but they think it's pretty painful to believe it, huh? How is Lord Brave willing to believe the man's words?
"It's his mouth movement. Even now when I am in conversation with His Majesty in this way, His Majesty's words have been converted into the words I deal with, so the voice and mouth movements I hear are different, but unlike that, his words and mouth movements were consistent with those I deal with"
"... I see. In other words, the thief... No, was he who called himself a friend of the Lord Brave manipulating the language of the world where the Lord Brave is? Then it could be a mistake."
"And then he told me a few things about me. Apparently he was someone who knew me well."
He smiled on something and rejoiced as if the king had now put it in his mouth with tomatoes for some reason without any further joy. This reaction was unexpected, but in the meantime, Weitzer asked in such an agitated manner that he didn't seem to be.
"Are you sure?
"Yeah, definitely. There were fewer unbelievable elements."
To the words, while he is becoming distracted, the king gives a serious look.
"But you will be guilty of trespassing in the palace with a friend of the valiant palace. I don't want to incriminate anyone who knows Lord Brave with me... but there are times when it doesn't matter."
"But he also said that the intrusion was unavoidable. Wasn't there any way you could have come to see me in a positive way from the beginning?
The content was just the content, and the voices exchanged to blame a little without trying to do so. Didn't the king then think he would be questioned that way? slight wolf on his face.
"Ugh, um. To protect Lord Brave about it. If we were to set up a meeting place with lost memory, there would be obstacles."
It sounds like a lot of excuses because of the upset. What does it have to do with what Shuiming said and said then? Hatsumi asked the king to stop the search, even as he exchanged speculations.
"Now, may I ask you a question?"
"That being said, there's something here called authority... and being broken into the palace is not a good place to stay, even as a royal family"
I don't even know what it's like for Hatsumi and the king to reluctantly accept. But risking it, and sinning with a friend I visited with generosity, was not something I felt comfortable riding.
Hatsumi, on the other hand, speaks more and more.
"Okay. I don't care if Your Majesty says so. However, when he left, he left saying, 'If you're going to tell me that you're going to get my hands on me, come on, 10,000 or 20,000, but you're going to be ready to wipe it out.' I don't think it's a good idea to lose a soldier to mischief in a situation where you have to fight the Demons."
Half-threatening things, the king mumbles. The word of Shuiming is quite magnificent, but because the king knows the strength of the brave, he thought that the man who came from the same world was strong, even without protection.
Weitzer, on the other hand, wondered if the rhetoric of the water had set him on his stomach.
"Ten or twenty thousand... you slapped me in the mouth"
Weitzer was on the scene, of course, but he's not fighting him, so I guess he doesn't think there's a difference he wants to make in strength. I saw the defeat of Gaius and Selfi, but they also had an alarm, and they can't say that if asked if they mean it or not, than the captivity is an end, so maybe their strength doesn't seem to be wide open.
But that's the same thing I can say to him who was trying to go home with a lot of people.
"I don't think I can even say I'm vain. The guards didn't deal with him. You think Selfie and Gaius are strong enemies, right?
"Right. Just because I was underestimated doesn't mean I was sunk in one shot."
"... how many times have I fought right now and I don't feel like I can beat that boy"
Gaius rattles his nose like he's a business belly and Selfie responds quietly. In the battle the other day, Mitsumi took a lot of his and her confidence away with that power. Only those who fought have the finesse, perhaps.
Hearing the story, Hatsumi asks the king, overlapping with a bewildered expression.
"We don't want you to think it would do any more damage. Could you please?
"But, Lord Brave..."
To the unboiled king, Hatsumi, who cut the numbness, showed a clear attitude.
"Let's do this, then. If you're going to do him harm, I'll take his side."
"He even came to me at his peril. Then I'm also risk-taking but it would be called muscle. What do you say?"
"Uhm...... ok. Let's do that. Lord Brave called me a muscle..."
To clear intimidation, the king asks again after agreeing to bitterness.
"Still to see Lord Brave to Meersen?
"No, he said he came here to find a way back to the original world, so he probably realized I was here only after he arrived at Miazen"
"You think it's a means to go home?
"Yes, I don't know the details, but if you come with me, you can go back as soon as you find me. From talking to him, I thought he had something to say."
Hatsumi speaks of the impression she received from yesterday's conversation. As far as magic is concerned, I cannot discern his abilities due to his lack of expertise, but as I have just said, he seemed confident from his mouth.
Then the king sees a greater upset than he did earlier and asks as if he was going to embark on it.
After speaking, it is as if he faced the importance involved in the affairs of the state. I sweat on my forehead and await a reply in the face of tension. It was the same around us.
"Lord Brave! Is that true!? and what's your response?!?
Even though the king is asking, couldn't you stand it? Gaius inadvertently stepped himself out of Shi 'a.
"Hey, you're not telling me to go with you!?
"That's not true. I told you earlier, didn't I? We have to defeat the Demons."
In response, the strained air was solved at once. Together they stroke their breasts down to relief.
"Don't be surprised. It would be bad for your heart."
"I'm sorry."
Hatsumi apologized so much for his thoughtful rhetoric.
And look around once. What I saw was the faces of everyone on this scene. Anticipating the time when we settled together, reveal the other thoughts we had.
"But if I could defeat the Demons, I'd go back to the world I was in."
Wouldn't that have been half expected? If you have the means to go back, everyone wants to go home. Selfi and Gaius also have restless giving up views on their faces.
As everyone lost their words, it was Weitzer who opened his mouth first.
"Yu, Lord Brave, that's for real..."
"Yeah. I say I have a family, too, and I can't keep my memories like this"
"I'm sorry. I know it's bad for you to be distracted, but something you can't stay like this. I think my family is worried..."
So I'm going home, and I'm sorry, and I'm going to finish, I'm going to add. And I had an apology in my chest for Weitzer showing an attitude of devouring. I guess that's what he says, too, because he misses me. And Hatsumi asks other people who don't open their mouths.
"What do you two think?
"I mean, if Hatsumi wants to..."
"It's up to you to decide about that. I miss you personally, but I can't help it."
It also seemed like Serfi had hesitations. Gaius, on the other hand, is an adult, and he draws on this situation, and he's always unnerving and serious. They're worrying about my back hair.
Weitzer also has a hurried look on his face whether he feels bitter or not.
The king was a little concerned about his complexion somewhere, but I guess he feels the same way.
It was when no one opened their mouths any more and awkward silence spread.
Suddenly soldiers rush into the garden. I'm not a guard. Out of outfit, Larseam soldier.
The twitching on the lawn reminds me of a funny puppet show, but I guess it's that important. Eventually he approaches me with a visible foothold of fatigue, helped by a guard soldier who caught up with me from behind.
"Hey you! What's the matter!
The soldier replied to Gaius and poked his knee in front of Shi 'a.
"Mi, hurry and report to His Majesty King Miazen!
"What's the matter with you? You're in such a hurry. It's in front of Lord Brave."
"Also, sorry!
Soldiers bowing their heads and apologizing. To him like that, the king asks again.
"So, what happened? Doesn't look like it's going to be easy."
Regardless, everyone was aware of what had happened.
In the tension waiting for that answer, the soldier who eventually examined the mood opens his mouth.
"The demonic invasion has resumed!
And the short rest of the brave Hatsumi came to an end.
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