Becoming an adventurer

As Sou and Lexa were going down to the first floor of the inn in order to go to the adventurer guild, Jack, in his usual armor, called out to them.

「Are you two going out?」(Jack)

「Yes, I want to register Sou as an adventurer today. So we can be a party together!」(Lexa)

Lexa cheerfully answered Jack’s question, while looking at Sou with expectation.

I see. I see. Are you that happy? However, because I’m not used to be stared at so much by a beautiful girl, I’m embarrassed……

「Ohh, not only registering as an adventurer! Even a party! Was my registration as an adventurer 30 years ago? Your adventure has just begun! Ahh~, it must be nice to be young~」(Jack)

「What are you talking about? Old man, you are still active, right?」(Sou)

「Gahaha! That’s right!」(Jack)

「Well, see you later.」(Sou)

「Be a little more enthusiastic when you’re going to register!」(Jack)

As I thought, old man Jack was an adventurer too. I would look at someone like him, when I am looking for an adventurer.

Oh? Wait a minute? He said he registered 30 years ago.

Currently, he is 39 years old……

He registered at the age of 9?! It is possible to register as an adventurer as a child……? Perhaps it is common sense in this world, since Lexa didn’t asked further.

Thus we headed to the adventurer guild that is located in the west area which is opposite to the east area.

As they arrived in front of the adventurer guild the first question that comes in his mind 「Why does the door looks like a door out of a western? 」

The building itself is a fairly good structure and white. Only the door looks like a door from a western saloon. When he pushed the door and entered inside, it was crowded with adventurer. There is a space that looks like a reception desk at the front with five receptionists which are occupied by the adventurers. Except for the Miss at the outer left, there are 4 adventurer in line at each counter. There is a simple pub at the right side where adventurers are drinking alcohol and eating, while talking in a loud voice.

「Is every adventure guild like this?」(Sou)

「There are a lot of adventurers here.  This is not normal. In the adventurer guild at the royal capital are a lot of adventurers, but not as much as here! But I forgot that in the morning and evening are always the most adventurer in the guild……」(Lexa)

Even if it is evening, there are too much people here. Is there a “Easy money”-Demon or a Demon nest nearby?

「Oh, can it be, that the left receptionist is for registration only?」(Sou)

「That’s right! You can finally register yourself as an adventurer! There is no adventurer in line, so go.」(Lexa)

As I stood in front of the receptionist, I noticed it. Isn’t she from the beast race my grandfather god told me about? These dog ears looked cute. It’s the first time I see something like that. No. No. I shouldn’t stare at her ears.

「I want to register as an adventurer.」(Sou)

「Welcome to the adventurer guild! My name is Mizari Fione and I will help you with your registration. Please fill out this form. After you fill it out I will explain what it means to be an adventurer!」(Mizari)

She has a cheerful smile and with her shaking dog ears she looks somewhat charming.

I don’t know if you could see what I was thinking, but Lexa cleared her throat and I began to write the necessary information on the paper. They asked for your name, age, favourite weapon, special ability and magic. I only wrote my name and age and asked Miss Mizari if it is enough.

「Is it okay, if I only write this much?」(Sou)

「It’s okay. There are a lot of people that only write their name and age. If you write more, we could help better in a case of an emergency.」(Mizari)

Hmm, I think name and age are enough for me. After I asked Mizari, Lexa said 「I only wrote my name and age too.」so I think it will be alright. The support is a little too weak as a compensation for this information.

「Here you go.」(Sou)

「Thanks. Sou Saotome? It’s an unusual name. Where are you from?」(Mizari)

Where I’m from~. It’s not like I can say 「I am from another world.」Grandpa God said that Asgard is five times bigger then the earth. I should be okay to say I’m from far away.

「I came from far away.」(Sou)

「I see. Asgard is very big after all. You came from I place I don’t know, right. I can’t even grasp the whole Regulus continent after all!」(Mizari)

It’s a big continent after all……

「Can the adventurer plate be made today?」(Sou)

「Yes. A magic technician will make it for you. Please wait for about 15 minutes! In the meanwhile let’s talk about the ranks and activities of an adventurer.」(Mizari)

~ Mizaris Explanation ~

I heard about the ranks of adventurers in detail. A child can register too, but if you are under 12 years old you can only do simple quests with low reward. Did old man Jack register as he was 9 years old? Not matter how hard you tried, as long as you are under 12 years old, you can only get the bottom adventurer rank: G.

If you are at least 12 years old you get at least rank F and can rank up to SSS. It seems that the current best adventurer is only rank S. SSS is a legendary rank. What do you need to do, to be rank SSS …?

Until rank A, each rank has a low and a high rank. I start at the low F rank. If you ignore the SSS rank, even rank S is an impossible rank to imagine.

You need to pay a fine if you fail a quest or passed the deadline. And the adventurer guild doesn’t involve itself in the quarrels between adventurers.

As Miss Mizari ended her explanation my adventurer plate seems to be ready. She handed me the adventurer plate with a smile and said 「With this you are a proper adventurer!」

Her dog ears are very cute. I want to touch them one day and play with them!

I noticed that there are a lot fewer people in the guild now. We are also about to return to the inn.

「Thank you for the polite explanation. We’ll should go back too.」(Sou)

「Polite?…… No way! However it’s…… You’ll return soon, right? It was good to see a polite person after all this time. Please call out to me, if you see me!」(Mizari)

「Yes, of course. We’ll come again tomorrow.」(Sou)

「Really? Then I’m looking forward to see you tomorrow!」(Mizari)

Thus we left the guild.

On the way back, I looked at the green adventurer plate which was handed to me. It’s probably the color of the F rank. Lexas is not green, but yellow. Lexa spoke to me, as I was looking at the plates.

「Hey, Sou. You are a natural gigolo, huh?」(Lexa)

「A gigolo? What are you talking about? However, Mizari was a very nice person. I’ll look forward to seeing her tomorrow. I know it’s flattery, but a man feels happy if he gets such a compliment.」(Sou)

At this moment, Lexa thought that there was also a different feeling mixed with the compliment. Perhaps it’s because Sous charm is very high.

As they arrived at the inn, they noticed something. They forgot to register as a party, because they were happy that Sou registered as an adventurer.

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