"Asai. Here are my conditions. First you must beat me in a duel." She glanced over and all her maids quickly left. Closing the door behind them. Leaving just the two of them within the cobblestone-hall. "Then, if and only if you win. You must copulate with me."

"If I had a drink in my mouth. I probably would've spat it out in surprise..." "And if I lose?"

"Then you die. I have no need for a weak man."

"Your highness, you're joking right? I'm about to head off to fight in the name of our kingdom. Killing me wouldn't benefit Del Lagos at all."

She smirked in response. "You're correct. That was only a jest. However, I need you to fight me seriously."

"May I ask why your highness?" "Okay, she's a battle junkie for sure."

"Mmm. I once met a powerful warrior. He was strong, so I became interested. However, he lost to me on purpose, believing it would please me. It didn't. In fact, it did the opposite. I now keep him as a pet. I desire a strong man. Someone who would best me in battle. But my pet you see, he lost simply because I was beautiful, therefore he was weak. A weak mentality towards the beautiful."

She flicked her sword around, seemingly warming up her joints. "Count Asai Trichia. In addition to what I want, my brother the crown prince, Victor Del Lagos has only two plans in store for me. Either he will succumb to his impulses and desires and rape me. Which would then lead him to imprisoning me deep underground to keep me and his sins hidden from the world. Or, he will actually go through with his promises to one of his supporters. Supposedly he has promised my hand in marriage for their support. 

Whilst I still have my dignity and freedom. I desire a man stronger than me. Think of it as my bucket list. Before my life ends."

"That's kind of fucked up..." "Alright, I agree to fight you with my utmost. However, before we start. Here are my conditions for entertaining you and coming here today. It's not much, I just require you to pull some strings. Ensure that my knights and I, our positioning within the fields of war are placed where there are no hidden knives."

"Hidden knives... I see, so you figured out Victor's plot to purge his rivals? Understood. I'll make it so that you're surrounded by your allies. Their lives will be left in your hands for you to command. Satisfied?"

"That's good. No nobles ordering me to charge into certain death. Allies to join me and to command. The only orders I would have would be the prince's orders to attack Via Marea. As long as I obtain satisfactory results during the campaign, they won't have the jurisdiction to remove me."

"Your highness. Thank you very much." Asai bowed in gratefulness. "Now I just have to beat her crazy ass."

Victoria Del Lagos, satisfied with the agreements instantly propelled forward. As she did so, the cobblestone that she had launched herself off cracked. Her eyes were now brimming with golden radiance, so much so, it appeared to be spilling out, causing an after image effect.

From the sudden attack. Asai barely managed to parry with both karambits. However, because he blocked with a weapon that wasn't designed with that intention. His hands became numb from the kinetic energy transfer. Whilst the three blades clashed, Asai noticed the smile stretched upon her face.


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