Asai gave me another peck before allowing my leave. As I made my way back through the cave, stumbling around trying to find my clothing. A big smile grows on my face as I read the system message.

[Asai: Level 13]

[Skill copied:]

I begin to rack my brains, only a moment later once I found myself to be back inside my bedroll I come to the conclusion that with certain evidence, being Mel and her proficiency with the dagger and blade. That upon sexual intercourse, I will receive a boon from her, dependent on their own specific set of skills or personality? Although now I'm left wondering whether I'm only able to receive passive buffs or not. An active attack skill would be most welcome.

What's the maximum? Could we continue mating like rabbits until it hits 100%? would I become OP with that?

The gentle crackling of fire quietly echoes throughout the cavern. The raindrops' splatter distance. A sense of white noise converges upon me. I take this moment of time to reflect upon myself, on recent events. I'm unsure whether I love Mel or not, or whether I'm simply with her due to this ridiculously hormonal body of mine. How much do I even know about her? I once watched a documentary on MeTube, the opinion was that when whenever two humans engaged in sexual activity, oxytocin would release in the brain. This chemical would create a sense of bond, something that would help a couple stay together...

Well, approaching this with my 20th century morals and beliefs, I should try to stick with her for as long as possible. Assuming she also shares my intent that is. As much as I'd love to grind, and become stronger via sexual gratification. The very thought of using women, to quantify my time with them as numbers on a status screen for skills frightens me very so. Oh, and in case any of the Gods above of watching me and wondering. I've already asked and Mel has informed me that whenever the guild/party returns to Einhoren, they would visit the local church for a cleanse. This cleanse supposedly removes the chance of pregnancy unless the client desired to keep it. Very convenient that.

As my thoughts wonder, and the passage of time peacefully passes. My mind wonders back towards the little girl who helped me. I feel nothing but gratitude as I no longer roamed the streets and slept in the hidden slums of Einhoren. I'll make a mental note to definitely repay her one day. Although in her eyes, I've probably already been forgotten, a single apple wouldn't mean much to her right? but to me...

"That single apple gave me hope. Huh." Thinking back, back on Earth I used to walk past the homeless on a near daily basis. I never batted an eye, everyone, I included did our best to ignore them. Hell, the government even began encouraging, designing and employing the use of hostile architecture. All those tiny, slanted benches. All those random pointy snubs on the floor, placed to force the homeless further into the darkness... Only now, do I realise how hypocritical I am.

I did later find out that not all street urchins are as lucky as me. The orphanage can only feed so many mouths after all. Which is understandable. This is another reason I continually remind myself, to convince myself day in and day out, to not cause trouble for them. As much as I'd love to smack that mother fucker Clam's ass. Well, that and also. I definitely don't want to end up in jail or slavery for murder.

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