The wild highlands camp

Seated at the head of the war council was Count Asai Trichia. He had been appointed Marshal thanks to Princess Victoria pulling some strings.

By his left side was Jenson De Lion, by now his hair was increasingly turning grey. He had decided to answer the call to battle to fulfil his pledge to the kingdom placing his first born Sonnoth on the seat of command until he returned. And if by chance he doesn't then he will die knowing his lineage and household will continue fine. Further down the table were his vassals and head-knights. 

By Asai's right side was Clam, Gary and Benny who he had appointed as his commanders. Further down the table were Viscount Timson Brown and Sam Bones the only two to answer Asai's summons. The others had sent levies and coins instead. Behind these two were Mercenary captains Shoto and Ford.

"Milord, I report to you that we at this moment of time have 100 knights with mounts, 100 knight-trainees, 300 foot soldiers and 700 levies. The levies from our territory have been equipped with bows, the two hundred sent from the absent barons arrived with only rags and spears. In total, we have a fighting strength of 1,200." After Clam finished his report. Jenson chimed in.

"Count Asai Trichia, I am pleased to say that I also came with around a thousand soldiers to add to your numbers. Hence, please consider your total army as 2,200."

"I may be appointed marshal, but I have the smallest force to command within this conquest. If I hadn't answered Victoria's invitation, I can only imagine how little fighting power I would have instead." 

"Shoto, Ford. How are your men? Have you informed them of their positioning? The role and responsibilities of a FLEX?"

"Yes my lord. They have all come to understand what it means to be a flex and to be honest, we're happy to be used that way. As adventurers turned mercenary. We're more volatile and rapid. If you had placed us within the middle of your foot soldiers. I'm afraid we'd only be bumping into their shoulders and impeding your war efforts."

"I have the same sentiments as Shoto. We're not trained in the ways of war, but the ways of beasts and monsters. My lord, before you give us any tasks, please allow my men to rest. They're not used to marching such long distances without pause. And the lack of ale has sapped their energy." 

Asai nodded in acknowledgement of their reports, before adding his own.

"Very well. I'll take that into consideration. Ahem* Moving on. I have received instructions from his highness Prince Victor Del Lagos. As we are the first to arrive, we are to secure the Wild Highlands and act as the vanguard until the rest of the army arrives. Then, we will be relocated towards the side lines and act with autonomy in accordance towards the war efforts.

The march has been long, and I believe we are all tired. Rest is much needed, allow the men to rest for tonight and we'll begin on the morrow. Clam, have the Levies perform first watch. Promise them, in doing so, they'll be positioned within the backlines during the fighting. Allow the men at arms to rest properly tonight. And if anyone has any worries about this. Robin and I will also be personally keeping guard. Dismissed!"

The knights, nobles, vassals and mercenary captains stood and bowed before leaving the tent.

Usually, Asai should be giving his direct vassals, the two viscounts that had answered his summons the authority to command and delegate over his knights, Clam, Benny and Gary. However, by now everyone within Trichia believed Asai to simply favour military achievements and prowess over governing and lineage. So, the two viscounts had no complaints. In fact, they were glad the other vassals chose to send replacements in their stead. Thus, allowing the two to enter Asai's council in the future.


Later that night, Robin and Asai were on top of the treelines, watching the gentle flickering of torches within the camps, and the moon light that gently illuminated the world.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Robin pointed up, towards the moon.

"I thought you wanted to kill it for me?" Chuckled Asai. In which Robin responded by punching his arm with enough force that the man nearly fell down into the dirt.


I apologise to all greatly cultured men out there.

kopzhi out

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