
Castle of Flowers

Seated by the castle garden were two blonde beauties. Both adorning summer dresses fit for the occasion. Sipping on their tea and enjoying the little scones and pastries.

"Your highness, I never knew you had such interest in Count Asai. Did I miss something? I haven't been to that many balls and tea parties lately, not with all the war talk going on. So I am indeed lacking in the gossip department at the moment." Rosemi De Lumix's ocean blue eyes peered upon the golden vixen's bosom. Noticing their shape and volume appearing firmer than her own.

"Oh, you didn't miss much Rosemi. After all, we seldom met in person. We mostly communicated via letters." This news shocked Rosemi quite a lot.

"Y-you were pen pals with Count Asai?" Ignoring the lack of decorum, since the two were friends since childhood and both fell victim to Victor's lust-filled gazes.

Princess Victoria didn't reply, but simply nodded before calmly sipping more of her tea. "I-is Victoria destined to be my love rival for Asai? Oh, how romantic. The stars of fate and destiny, leading two childhood maidens to fight over one prince KYAA!" Once again, Rosemi was lost within her wild imaginations, heavily influenced from all the fantasy love novels she had been reading.

"Rosemi. Ahem* Any news from your father?" Although the princess had her own contacts and agents she could gather information from. Rosemi's father being deployed close to the borders where the fighting occurred would no doubt obtain the information first.

"A-Ah, Yes your highness. Ahem* Prior to the arrival of the main force. Count Asai Trichia and his forces had arrived at The Wild Highlands weeks before everyone else. The man ever eager for war and battle foresaw the Elves' intention to launch a night attack on their camp and possibly set up traps and ambushes for the rest of human kind.

The Count reportedly infiltrated the enemy lines and stole their intel. We now have maps of the lands, better and more accurate than the ones we obtained via our scouts.

It has been reported that with only one hundred knights. Count Asai Trichia and his vassals defeated a thousand Elven warriors and what more? He suffered zero casualties. 

Truly, a man amongst men.

Truly, a man-o-war."

The two unbeknownst to each other. Started to both imagine wedding such a powerful and strong man into their lineage.

Asai had sent his levies and mercenaries to scavenge the aftermath of the battle. His 700 ill equipped levies now had better swords and quarter plate armours to utilize. The mercenaries, eager to make profit also obtained better weapons than the ones they had been using for years prior. 

Regarding the zero casualties. Indeed, Asai's forces had suffered zero deaths. However, not all humans were experienced in war. The knights mostly trained within their own training grounds, which held perfectly smooth flooring for stability. The river, and then into muddy terrain had caused many knight-trainees to actually slip and fall. No deaths occurred, but many bruises, aches and pains did. But, this was something Jenson De Lion didn't bother to report back to head command.

And what more, in their haste, the Elves had abandoned a large quantity of grain. This was a blessing, because as much as Asai had pulled in his favours where he could. A certain noble would delay and delay the deliveries and transportation of foodstuff heading towards Asai's front. A noble man who greatly desired Asai's blood to be spilt in the name of revenge.

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