Isekai Rohan

140 The Assault

Gray Dawn Tower Castle

Because there was only a single wooden gate to attack, which would create both a funnel and focus fire. Asai decided to launch a two front assault instead. The main force would be led by Robin. Under her would be a force of 1200 to command. This included Gary, Clam, Viscount Timson Brown and Viscount Sam Bones. This force would utilize the modified battering rams.

Asai, Benny and Mercenaries Shoto and Ford would join Jenson De Lion's force of 1000 and attack from the western walls. Which was just off to the sides of the main assault. Which was in hopes of drawing enough enemy forces away from the ramparts who would no doubt fire arrows down upon the gate if they failed. This force would be utilizing all the wooden ladders the engineers had created prior.


The prelude to battle filled the camp with blood rush and adrenaline. The humans snacked on their jerky as they began to depart towards their designated positions.

"Robin. Wear this." Without allowing her to refuse, Asai grabbed her left hand and put the ring on.

[Ring of Prodigious Power]

Level Requirement: 15

Requirements: None


+15 All stats

+10 Melee Attack

EXP Gain +100%

Before Robin could refuse. Her eyes lit up in a golden radiance.

[Robin: Lvl 59]

[HP: 115 MP:215]

[Copper Ring of strength] 

Level Requirement: 5

Requirements: None


+3 Strength

+3 Vitality

[Trian Ring of Dexterity] 

Level Requirement: 25



+7 Vitality

+7 Dexterity

+10 Ranged attack

Her mana capacity had reached a stat point so high, she felt goose bumps through her backside. She shifted her vision up towards the skies. She couldn't see it, but she felt the gaze of three individuals inspecting her, scrutinizing her and smirking as they chuckled.

She blinked, and suddenly the sensation was gone. The foreign identities gone. Her heart was racing, her mana coursing and rushing like a ravaging tide.

"Are you alright Robin?" Asai's worried gaze bought her back, calming her. She nodded, unsure of how to explain that strange phenomenon. "Are the gods and goddesses watching me?"

The attack began just after dawn. When the enemies stomach would be craving for breakfast. 

Asai's force of 1000 deliberately announced themselves. Blowing their numerous war horns, stamping their feet and banging their weapons, Attracting the enemies' attention. After a few minutes of waiting, hoping it would be enough to draw their forces away from the main gate. The humans began their assault.



The 1000 humans entered the proximity of arrow fire. Numerous levies began to fall and perish as they climbed the slope. Arrows piecing through their flimsy leather armours, piercing their exposed limbs and through their eyes.

The wooden shields they had appeared to be useless against the power of the long bow. As much as they blunted the projectiles, many of the arrows would pierce and even enter the human's forearm.

The ladders were raised and the Levies began to climb. Swimming against the flow of the tide of rocks, stones and arrows.

As Asai reached the stone wall he dropped an [ANNIHILATE] fully aware that it wouldn't break through. However, it was still enough to cause the stone to rumble. The loud boom and the sudden loss of balance gave the humans a moment of respite to furiously scale the ladders.

A few knights managed to make it atop the stone walls, immediately entering into a brawl against the defenders that greatly outnumbered and surrounded him. By now, the humans could see that they had pulled their forces away from the other ramparts to focus fire upon them.

Suddenly, the stone walls rumbled and shook again. However, this time it wasn't Asai. He was currently waiting in [Hide] waiting for the opportune moment to enter the fray himself. As a rouge-assassin type class, he knew he was currently out of his element. He watched, as more humans, levies, knight-trainees and foot soldiers fell back down to the ground. Choking on their blood, arrows puncturing their limbs and torsos.

"Come on Robin! Hurry!"


Since the humans were created in his/her image. Humans consisting of both male and female.

Also, to those wondering why the Gods don't personally go down there and slaughter the other races/species to protect their own.

Imagine you're watching soccer at the stadium. Your favourite team is losing. Are you going to run on down into the fields and start stabbing the enemy team?

However, if you're a rich millionaire or business owner. You could personally sponsor an athlete and provide them with better equipment or supplements ETC

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