"Any news from the western front!?"

"Your highness, the scouts and messengers we've sent to the western front hasn't returned yet."

"Fuck! Walter White, you wouldn't perish so easily would you?"

"Order the men back! Leave only the levies to guard our backs in case the forces at Crea's workshop finally decides to sally out. Turn the catapults around. Have the archers rain hell upon them! GO!"

"*HUT!" The paladin rode off to relay the new orders.

"Did I fall for their trap? Did they retreat so much on purpose to pull my army deeper into their territory just to flank us? What about Walter? What about Count Asai!? SHIT!"


Within moments, his personal corps were the first to arrive in position. Forming the ranks, preparing for the field battle. If anything, they preferred to battle in the open rather than sieging a castle that would takes weeks and possibly months.

The paladins began to pray. Hand to heart, eyes closed and steady breathing. Even with an enemy force that seemed to be double of theirs. The grey clouds above lifted and left. The sun at its peak beamed, embracing the religious men in light and warmth.

"Today. We fight not as men versus elves. Today, we fight as representatives of Goddess Loha upon these lands itself! Remember that as you meet the enemy on the fields of glorious battle! GODDESS LOHA IS WATCHING THIS MEN. FIGHT WITH DIGNITY, FIGHT WITH HONOUR! FIGHT FOR LOHA! LOHA WILLS IT!"


By now, the enemy had halted their advance. Seemingly both sides preparing for the imminent clash of wills, desires and ideologies. The knights now formed their lines at the vanguard. Their knight-trainees lucky to be afford mounts behind them. The foot soldiers ready to advance. The minimal levies remained at the back, firing the trebuchets at Crea's Workshop, in efforts to keep their heads down.

"Fire the catapults!"

"Fire at will!"

The small stone projectiles flew through the heavens before slamming down into the elves. Thinning their numbers just barely.

As another volley flew into their numbers. The stones erupted in mid flight. Smashing into something invisible.

Prince Victor glanced up in shock and awe. The heavens were split in two. Above the humans were a blazing sun, showering them with warmth and light. Above the elves was a full moon. Hovering over them, illuminating them with silver radiance.

The two polar opposite energies met within the middle of the fields. Prince Victor had seen this phenomenon before, high above within the royal palace, he had once seen the rain clouds rain upon half of Einhoren, whilst the other half continued to enjoy the sun. It was truly a strange sight.

More men began to pray. The heat rose, the light glistening as if Loha had heard their individual prayers.

Now with visual indication, the humans saw how their catapults were nullified by the light of the moon.

The Elves, who carried both sword and bow fired their own volley, seemingly to test the waters. This was when Prince Victor Del Lagos also started to pray. The amount of projectiles that flew towards him was insane. If the range permits, perhaps the elves could've won just by firing their bows during the charge.

Thankfully, just like the catapults. The projectiles crashed into an invisible wall upon entering the sun light.

"Men. If ever you had any doubts about this war. I present to you the evidence, as clear as day and night. The elves are evil!"

The humans under his command didn't actually care about who was right or wrong. They mostly believed they were acting upon the orders of their God. However, with added conviction from having the moral high ground. They felt likes heroes of justice! Warriors of the light against the dark and foul!


Having tested the waters enough, both armies began to slow trod towards one and another. When the range had shrunken enough, the two forces would meet directly in the middle. Remaining within their individual lights and zones.



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