[Sealing Square]

Asai casted the red ring, to protect the group. Seeing how they had all stopped in awe and shock.

[Phantom Menace]

"Defend this area."

The clones quickly began to snuff out any that came into melee range, effortlessly.

The taints now no longer able to approach the party, Asai turned to look towards the leader. Lucas was watching in shock as he saw how easily the Asais handled the situation. "I guess my little incognito fun is over."

Seeing that all four were now staring at him.

"Ahem* Let me introduce myself. I am Duke Asai Trichia. Lord and defender of Trichia Duchy. I am currently here because I desired to experience and see these rumours of outbreaks personally. It is only by chance, that I came upon your party. Any questions?" Asai watched as their usual confidence seemed to shrink. Shrivelling before him. "Well, it was fun whilst it lasted."

"Are you really? Your Grace? The Duke of Trichia?" Asai simply nodded at Mimi. Her hands strangely went towards her stomach, rubbing it in circles. Lucas was next to voice his question.

"Your Grace, why would you personally come all the way out here? Why not send your knights?"

"Well, I did send my knights. However, it seems I'm not the type of man to sit within the safety of my walls whilst my men upon my orders are sent all across the lands and into danger. As you've heard from the rumours, I used to be an adventurer. I earned my peerage not with social manoeuvring and politics, but with military achievements and combat prowess.

I'll be honest with you guys. I'm strong enough to clear this dungeon solo, but I decided I would act in incognito and allow your party to gain experience in relative safety. The safety being that if anything you were unable to handle were to come to be. I would be here." "And it's not like I can tell you guys I was just hoping for monsters strong enough for me to level up with. And, what's the point of levelling so much just to sit around handling paperwork?"

The little speech had let them with little words. Comprehending what he had said, one by one, they kneeled. Which placed a frown upon Asai's brows.

"Stand. I order it. Right now, I'm here not as the Duke of Trichia, but as Asai the adventurer. I give you permission to continue as you were."

The party stood. Lucy, however had one of her hands reaching forwards a little. As if she were drawn to him, albeit afraid to touch him without permission now.

"Alright. Lucas, you're still the party leader. Now, I will present you with two options. 1 You continue killing the monsters with your party for the experience, and if the boss is strong, then I'll handle it.

2 Rather than risking yourselves for experience, I will immediately begin to clear the dungeon alone and whether you want to follow me to watch and learn or stay behind, is up to you."

"Please, give me a moment." 

The group quickly went to a corner for a little majority vote.

Asai on the other hand, wondered about Robin's current status.


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