The hammering, the grunting, the floor that vibrated. The group crept closer towards the source. The tunnels opened up to reveal a large open area in which the walls and the ceilings were both covered with glass like crystals that sprouted and bloomed like roses.

The group feeling terribly exposed, with hurried steps and bated breath sneaked into the area and hid behind wooden crates. Upon closer inspection, Asai noticed the Del Lagos crest on the crates. 

"Left over tools, those." Alex whispered to the group. Now feeling safer than before, they peered over the crates to see who or what made the hammering noise.

A Large golem like thing was moving. It's belly seemingly so large it protruded out like a wine barrel. It was a giant rigal, sporting a massively obese belly, hairy nipples and arm pits that released a stench so suffocating the group could smell it from the distance. Mel had to forcefully swallow the acidic vomit that surfaced into her mouth. The men, apparently used to such smells bare wrinkled their noses. A frown spread across Asai's forehead.

[Rigal Bomb: Lvl 30]

Asai glanced back towards his travel companions.

[Asai: Level 19]  [Alex: lvl 21]  [Emmanuel: Lvl 20]  [Mel: lvl 20]  [Colem: lvl 18]  [Clam: Lvl 6]

"Is it possible? This will be the first time we're fighting a target stronger than us by such margins..."

"Any information on this rigal Cole?" Alex questioned. After a moment of intense squinting and thinking.

"No Leader, I don't recall anything on a rigal of this size. Nothing in the records. They should be small, born short and die short. Not grow to this size."

"Fucker's as big as a tree, can we even strike its' head?"

"No choice but to-" Mel was about to suggest being the one to strike, considering she was the lightest on her feet.

"How about we provoke it and pull it towards these crates? We can use the crates as leverage." Asai's suggestion had Alex and Mel left wide-eyed. 

"Good fucking thinking kid. Alright, now to decide who stay behind and who pulls."

"Sir, I think you should. You are clearly the strongest here. You should be able to deal the most damage. Think of it as a critical moment in which we must make the most of." Asai was quick to voice his opinion. Being the only one who could see everyone's levels he believed this was the right choice. Alex smirked confidently.

"Good, I will stay behind and wait, you lot pull him over and I'll hit him with my biggest attack. I call it the grand slam." He grinned. Asai's eyes widened at this announcement. "Grand slam? is that a skill? So he had a skill all along? Do I have to fuck him to get it?" At these thoughts, he immediately vomited a little in his mouth and was quick to dismiss any ideas of swinging the other way. 

"Stench getting to ya? Kek. Okay go when ready."

Clam and his goons gathered a few rocks. Clearly they had no intention to enter melee range. Asai had no thought of complaint though, at least they were going to do their part and aggro the boss over. After a moment of watching the boss. Asai confirmed that due to its big build, its mobility should be rather slow. The speed in which it struck its hammer down onto the crystals was indeed very slow and rigid.

"It's doable. I just have to pray this grand slam is strong enough." He thought.

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