Asai had spent many hours drinking alone within the tavern.

His solemn attitude, the blade upon the table. The heavy and constant sighing turned away anyone who desired to share the man's table.

Finishing another bottle of whiskey, yet only feeling a little tipsy. He rose from his seat, leaving a couple coins as tips even though he didn't even purchase anything from the establishment. The barmaid swiftly accepted it regardless, the times were currently hard for this village.

Asai was perhaps midway up the flight of stairs before the village bell began to ring.

The women quickly evacuated their famililes. The merchants went to secure their goods.

Asai looked around to see only one other person who also sported a weapon, which was a bow.

The screams and shouts were getting louder. A headache started to assault his mind. Hefting a big sigh, he dropped into [Hide] and made his way out towards the village entrance.

However, this was a barony that wasn't as developed. They lacked proper walls, with only a flimsy fence meant for keeping children in.

[Phantom Menace] 

"Protect the people. Go." The two shadow clones quickly departed in different directions, whilst Asai took the third. Upon exitting the place, it was just as he expected. The village was surrounded by monsters, looking closer, they seemed to be imps. Little small childlike imps, red copper skinned, wielding pitchforks. The signature two little goat horns on their forehead also helped to identify them.

The local militia were already engaging the invaders. Defending with only the clothes on their backs and wooden spears. The archer was firing arrow after arrow, one-shotting the little shits that disturbed Asai's rest.

Pulling out two small iron daggers, Asai walked into the fray, with his left he would block and parry the pitchforks. With his right, he would easily plunge it into their heads, before quickly withdrawing to silence the next target. Whilst everyone else was fighting for their lives. Asai was fighting so he could retire for the night.


A high pitched scream tore his attention backwards. Before the village was the archer slowly being swarmed by the imps. Her quiver appeared empty. "And, that's why I chose not to be an archer." 

Surging his mana into his legs, he quickly shot himself into the group. The two daggers flew into their heads, instantly killing them. Asai's body itself shot forward, shoulder barging another. Within an instant he was standing above the archer.

He did a quick glance to check that the person was okay before dropping a longsword down. 

"Use it. Give it back later." He turned back summoning his shadow clones and ordering them to defend his area before dipping into [Hide]

10 minutes later, the horde became sluggish. Just like before, Asai went ahead and removed their head. Now slower, and dumber, the two shadow clones ran around easily snuffing them out.


When Asai came back to the village entrance after the place had settled down. His entire person was covered in red. The man was seen dragging an imp's head that was as big as him along. He plopped it down before the militia.

"It's done, the boss is dead. The imps wont spawn anymore. Good night."

Having done what he needed, he ignored everyone and went back to the tavern to sleep.


In the morning, he awoke to find the barmaid cleaning his back with a wet cloth. It seemed he really didn't care about anything and just dived in bed.

"Ah... Sorry about the bed. I'll pay for the replacement sheets if you're unable to clean the blood off."

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