
Currently enjoying her breakfast. Chloe was oblivious to whatever machinations Asai was thinking up. He needed to figure out a way to teach her about her skills. To create the awareness. Robin, was lucky and stumbled upon her skills as they aligned perfectly with her desires and imagination of what she needed at the time.

How would he go about planting such imagery and desires within Chloe's mind? And was that skippable? He also had to consider keeping his system a secret. As much as he desired Chloe to be in his party he didn't want to go all in and tell her everything about himself.

Perhaps he should just abuse his position as a noble. Lie and tell her the information is strictly regulated within higher society?

"Say Asai, you were right. After waking up, I feel much better than before. Oh! Should I be referring to you as Your Grace from now on?"

Asai shook his head. "When it's a private setting, you can address me however you want. However, when it's a formal setting or when we're surrounded by people who aren't within our close circle, then yes. Please do speak formally towards me at that time, not for my sake, but for your own. If you're not careful and accidentally slander me in public, the other nobles could also take offense."

She nodded twice. Trying to burn the instructions into her mind. 

"So, all those stories you told me. All those adventures, epic battles and defeating a dungeon boss solo were all true?" Asai nodded.

"Yeah, all true. Once again, you could ask around and people will tell you the same."

"Mmm~ Nah, no need. For some reason, I get the feeling that you've been telling the truth. You describe your battles with too much detail. It's like you've spent hours or days analysing and scrutinizing yourself. Nit-picking at every little detail." Chloe got up and sat closer towards him. "Say, Asai. If I become your vassal, will I have to perform night-services?" Hugging him arm, shoving it into her chest.


"Asai. What are you doing and who is she?" Asai tore his gaze away from the two soft bumps and towards... Robin. "Oh fuck. Talk about bad timing." Behind Robin was Clam and Gary.

[Asai Trichia: Lvl 73]  [Robin: Lvl 67]  [Clam: Lvl 58->59]  [Gary: Lvl 59->60]  [Chloe: Lvl 33]

"Gentlemen, ladies. Take a seat." Asai quickly took out another bottle of whiskey from his [Inventory] which was quickly snatched away by Robin. She quickly poured everyone around two fingers worth. 

"To our reunion, thank you guys for making it back safe."

""To our reunion!"" The group toasted. Chloe also had a glass. So she joined in on the festivities. Her usual chattiness now dimmed down a level, curious to see how the group dynamic worked.

"Ahem* Okay. This is Chloe, an archer I met here in this village. She has proven herself capable and I've decided to have her join us. I'll tell you guys this now. I see potential in her, so don't make any rash judgements until later." He passed his glance over the party as they nodded. "Good, now this is Robin, my strongest vassal. Then that's Clam, and that's Gary" He said whilst gesturing with his cup. Which was quickly refilled by Robin.

Whilst the party started to get acquainted. Or well, mostly Clam, Gary and Chloe. Robin mostly tended to Asai, she desired nothing more than to jump into his embrace, but now was definitely not the time.

"Oh, Milord. We brought our men along with us. The platoons are currently assisting the local folk, so please let me know before we leave."

Asai nodded in approval. Extra hands would be useful indeed. And as a duke, he should be traveling with a force naturally. Yet, he still wasn't used to having such a lofty-position. The man simply rose up the hierarchy too quickly.

"Tell the men to restock on supplies, when we reach Ahkma Cave, we'll be leaving them outside to guard the vicinity. To ensure there'll be no one to intrude upon us whilst we clear the dungeon. Oh! And tell them to tip well. Take it out of my coffers. This place could use the help."

"As much as I'd like to zerg the boss down with numbers. I want to take only the higher level people inside. If my theory about the dungeon being regulated according to our levels then I can only take what's necessary. I just hope we find some monsters to level up Chloe some more. It would be a damn shame to leave her hanging around outside."

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