Isekai Rohan

181 Lunatos Village

Via Marea

Lunatos Village

In a small village, just south of The Wild Highlands. There was a young girl. At first glance, she seemed extremely ordinary. Brown hair, hazel eyes and a small frame. There was nothing special about this girl, yet, the entire village bullied her and her mother.

The young girl knew not as to why they hated her so. 

During daylight, this young one would venture out into the surrounding woodlands to forage for edibles. Collecting water from the local well wasn't possible, because even the local militia disliked her presence. She had to travel deep into the woods to bathe or collect the precious resource from the river.

Perhaps it was only by the fortune of the gods, that no beast or monster had ever stumbled upon her. Or maybe it was due to her incredibly small body, making it ever so hard to notice her.

Her mother personally worked at Marea's Temple, which was south of the village. The distance was so great, that the little one would only see her mother just before sunset. Bringing back with her their supper for the night. And although it wasn't much, the little one was content.

Whenever she asked about her father. "Who was he? What did he look like? Is he a nice person?" Her mother would always tell her that in fact, her father was actually a very powerful noble. A great man who took a fancy towards her. Thus, leading to their union. However, the man had troubles at home, people who didn't agree with their love. And so, the man had left them behind promising a day when he would resolve his problems. And after that day, he would come back for them.

The little one countered her fingers, it had been more than 10 years since her biological father had left. "How much longer would he need?" She wondered.


During one especially cold winter. Food became extremely scarce, as the local farms experienced a low yield. Her mother fell bedridden. She was sick, feverish and unable to move.

The little one did what she could to scavenge. Her competition, the local wild life, the birds, the squirrels, seemingly mother nature itself. The other villages turned a blind eye to her situation. In fact, they hoped that they'd perish. Saying that it was the goddesses' decision.

The rivers froze over. Now unable to bathe properly, the little one did what she could. With sticks and stones she battered the little icicles that would dangle from the waterfall. Collecting the ice to later melt at home to sate her mother's continuing dehydration and fever.

There were no clerics, no priests who lived nearby the village. The one's who worked at Marea's Temple were no where to be found. Vena, the capital itself was within the far south, whilst this village was at the very north of the lands.


Her mother's fever continued to rise in temperature. Her body becoming increasingly weak from both dehydration and malnutrition. Realising her death was imminent. The mother told her precious little one the last story in which she could.

"Your father is a powerful noble who lives within the far north. If he won't come to us, then you shall go to him." She handed her a little note. On it, was a language foreign to her. "Show this to people, they will help you find him." On the note, was the location and also the man's name. "My sweet little baby girl. Find your father, I have no doubt he will look after you, feed you and love you as much as I do. If he doesn't I will personally speak to Goddess Marea and ask her to smite him!"

The little one didn't say anything. She could only cry within her embrace. When winter ended, she personally buried her mother and left the village. Traveling all alone within this cold world, up towards the north.

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