"Can't you see it?" Asai would rotate his fist in the open, closing and opening it. "You can't see it?" In Asai's eyes, his fists were blazing with golden mana. Whilst in the others' point of view. He simply looked like mad-man.


Clam walked away before Gary could finish.

Currently, the group was camping close to Ahkma Cave, resting for the night before dungeon diving on the morrow. The weather was pleasantly calm, the stars above were clearly visible.

Having spent enough time with Chloe. Asai decided to take a leap of faith, he would reveal to her the existence of mana. Hopefully, she would decide to stay with him. Imagine if he trained her up to become powerful, only for her to become blinded by her new horizons and greed. Leading her to joining his enemies or people who sought to do him harm.

Chloe, closely inspecting his fist felt a weird wave of incomprehension swarm over her being. Clearly there was nothing there. Her eyes were telling her so, but the more she focused, the more she felt something there.

"Asai. Imbue your eyes not your hands." Robin was quick on realizing his intentions. Since she had been put through this before, she knew how to optimize the experience.

Asai did as suggested, filling his eyes with mana. The golden divinity slightly flooding out like flames.

Chloe, staring into the man's black abyssal eyes felt both fear and wonder. Losing herself into the deep dark nothing. Goosebumps covered the entirety of her person. Cold shivers ran rampant. Her sense of smell, taste and hearing faded. The only thing that mattered was his eyes.

Her face prickled as if something was burning it. She could no longer hear the laughter or conversations the platoons were engaging in. In its place, she heard the sound of water, crashing against the rocks in timing. As she focused on this, and allowed her body to be swept away by the world.

She could hear the loud beating of his heart. Then, it forcefully smashed into her, she turned and instantly vomited. Asai stood to place a hand on her shoulder, asking if she was alright. However, she couldn't hear it. When she peered back up to meet his gaze, she saw golden flickers of light coursing within his eyes.

Her gaze shot down to his hands, which were also blazing with the same golden radiance.

"Are you alright? The first time can be quite nauseating. Take deep breaths and you'll be okay." Robin also appeared quite worried.

Chloe noticed the same golden element converging around her. However, compared to Asai, Robin's aura was much more defined, sharper, brighter, a denser gold. Seemingly embracing her.

"What you're seeing right now is called mana. It naturally exists within the world, think of it like you would with air. You normally can't see it, but you may gain awareness of it. This mana, is why Asai and I are so powerful."

Chloe, wasn't sure what to say. All of a sudden, the two were basically telling her a magical world exists within the mundane world? "D-does that mean... Ghosts are real!?" Her face immediately turned pale, not to puke, but in fear.

"They probably do exist, but most likely as monsters and beasts do. Nothing special about them, just kill it." Asai indifferently added.

"Chloe. Asai has already spoken to me. His eyes are special you see, he's able to see people's innate talent, their potential. And I believe he's already told you that he sees great potential in you. That's why he's investing so much time in you. So if you were wondering why we would suddenly help you gain awareness. It's because we need you. The kingdom of Del Lagos needs you."

Chloe nodded, lost in her thoughts for a while before staring at her own hands. Her mind was flooded by the revelation, unable to comprehend everything, she decided to tackle one thing at a time, and in doing so, she tried to copy Asai. Opening and closing her hands whilst turning them. Asai noticing this, decided to explain.

"Mana is mostly elementless. Think of it as raw energy. The mana you see around Robin and I are only this colour because we gave it an element. Take deep breaths, allow the energy of the world to fill you, allow your intuition to control it. If your arm suddenly feels tempted to punch, then do so. If your legs feel like running, then run. As advice, you should hold your weapon in hand."

"I haven't seen anyone use mana and skills for daily living. Casting magic to light a stove, or water magic to fill a tub etc. Therefore, I can conclude that mana is optimized or most efficiently used for combat. With this in mind, it would help if she holds her main weapon. Not to forget, I can actually see her bow-related skills. But that can wait, no need to overwhelm her. I've never seen anyone vomit due to awakening their mana. If any side-effects occur because I forced her body too much. I wouldn't know how to apologise."

Chloe closed her eyes, her muscles were contracting and relaxing, twitching and spasming. It wanted to do something, perform an action, but it didn't know what. In her left hand was her trusty bow. Her right hand twitched, it felt hot, like something was converging there and burning it. 

Then, it happened. A sudden urge to fire her bow swarmed her muscle-memory, like that was the only thing that mattered right now. Her right arm swung forward.

[Kael's Arrow] Appeared within her grip, she knocked it. Swung her bow upwards and loosed the arrow into the night sky.

Robin and Asai watched as the arrow shot into the sky. Without a single cloud in sight, the only thing up there along with it were the stars and the moon. However, at its peak, sudden thunder cracked and roared. Lightning manifested and entered the arrow. The arrow now brimming with element erupted, tendrils, snakes and lines of electricity shot in all directions within the sky before fading back out of existence.

Chloe's body and mind unable to handle the first time usage of her mana and skills collapsed. Robin was quick to catch her. Whilst Asai continued to stare into the heavens.

"Was that her AOE skill? Her [Thunderstorm] literally conjures electricity? But, it looked like her arrow acted more like a lightning rod conductor."

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