"FUUUUUUC-" Asai threw himself to the side. Once again sacrificing his shoulder to endure the pain that shot through him. He glanced towards his previous position to witness a small crater. Speechless, by the raw strength and force shown. Towards the side of his vision, he noticed Clam and goons bashing their fists against what seemed to be an invisible force field. "We're trapped in this room with the boss?" Upon realizing this, he placed his last bets on Alex's [Grand Slam] 

The rigal pulled its fists back from the ground. Noticing the lack of gore and humanly bits. He turned to find Asai behind him. An evil grin stretched, his sharp teeth exposed. "I SHALL FEAST UPON HIS FLESH!" It decided. As the beast stretched out its arm to grab Asai. Alex finally made his move. In optimal position, and presented with the perfect target. The backside of the rigal's head. He roared!

"GRANNNNNNNND SLAAAAAAAAAAAAM!" Alex, with all the strength he could muster brought his sword down upon the beasts head. Certain to split it apart, and in doing so, avenging his companions. His friends, his guildmates.

Asai watched in anticipation as the sword lowered. Slamming into the rigal's behind. "YES, HE FUCKING DID IT!" Asai celebrated mentally. a fresh breath of relief began to flood him. Any time now, the rigal would fall, depicting its death.

Seconds passed, many long seconds passed. When realized dumbfounded him. Alex let out a low groan. His hands were bleeding profusely through his leather gauntlets. Both his thumbs were dislocated. His grip on his weapon loose, the weapon simply fell. He glanced up to find only what seemed like a papercut to be present on the rigal's bald copper head.

"No fucking wa-" Before he could finish, the rigal spun round and threw a large hook. The metallic fist landed upon Alex. Blood spurted out his mouth as his body flew towards Clam, pushing them all down to the ground.

[Alex: lvl ##]

Asai watched as the familiar status screen slowly vanished. Signalling Alex's death.

With only hopelessness and despair. Asai's last thoughts were to check on Mel. He turned to find her fainted. The sound shock seemingly too much for her. "At least she was spared from watching her companions die." He thought. 

"Well, so much for fucking grand slam. Grand failure more like it!" He bickered to no one in particular. The Rigal turned to find Asai there. saliva drooled and ripped down his chin. It began to laugh. 

"PWHAHAHAHAHA, BWHAHAHAHAHAKKKEKK" Relishing in its victory. Proud of its innate strength and ability to swat the humans like the insects they are. 

"Any chance of escape?" Asai's brain began to spur full time. Trying to think of a way out. "Fuck, this isn't how it's supposed to go. I'm the protagonist I'm telling you! TSK!" 

[Rigal Bomb: lvl 32]

[Asai: Level 19] 

"This fucker even levelled up again!" With great indignation, Asai cursed the gods that placed him here. "Fuck it, I'll die fighting." Determined to die throwing fists, albeit futile fists. Asai pulled his old dagger out, a sharp iron dagger in his main hand, and a crooked looking copper dagger in the other.

"You, human. Fight. ME?" Seemingly acknowledging Asai's determination and battle intent. The Rigal prepared itself. The calm before the storm. A moment of respite, a lull in battle. Tension spurred, Asai deigned himself forward. With every muscle and will available to him, he thrust himself forward to fight. 

"Huh?" confused Asai is confused.

"MMH?" Rigal Bomb is confused.

Neither of the two could move. Slow, quiet footsteps approach them. 

"I-I, I was prepared to die fighting! what cruel fate is this!?" Once again in indignation Asai questioned the heavens above. 

"Hi! remember me?" Asai felt a pinch on his bum. Before the lady peered in front of him and smiled. "You're that guy from the orphanage right? The one with the cute reactions." She licked her lips.

Upon making eye contact.

[Kozumi: Lvl 43]

"FORTY THREE!!- Well that explains how she was able to bypass the local security. That, or maybe the guard was drunk ugh." Asai's inner monologue. Kozumi began to pat Asai's body. groping his thighs, his glutes, his abdominals and then his pectorals. 

"Not bad, not bad." She nodded in approval. "You're pretty good for a stray."

"A stray?" Asai would've asked if he could move. 

[Asai: Lvl 19 (paralyzed)] "Yep, it's her alright." Kozumi pondered for a moment before performing a cute expression.

"Ah, for being so cute. Let me show you something amazing!" She grinned before making her way towards the rigal bomb who was also paralyzed and confused. "Ahem, my skill paralyzes targets, however on first point of damage, the target will be able to move again. So, with one attack. You should annihilate your target for a swift and secure victory." Out of seemingly nowhere she pulled out a weapon.

It was massive, when compared to her hands. They looked almost like gauntlets but were more like blades.

[Katar: Kozumi's intent]

"A katar?" Asai watched as she stood directly in front of the Rigal. She didn't even bother climbing the crates like Alex did. "How is she going to reach?"

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