South of Einhoren

Crystal Beach

On a beautiful pristine beach, untainted by pollution and human trash. A group of humans gathered upon the soft warm sand. Little crabs and turtles could be seen skittling along. Thanks to the presence of the guardian dragon, the Leviathan. No one had bothered to build any military defences along the shores. Thus, this group of humans had to prepare the site themselves. Perhaps, in the future when the lands finally found peace. Asai would build a villa for himself here to retire.

Although Duke Trichia had ordered everyone to rest and recover, the knights and trainees that were luckily enough to come ended up in athletic competitions. Fuelled mostly by Karen, Ash, Gary and Clam. As they made bets as to which duchy's knights were better trained.

Bikinis still being a relatively new concept, still closely resembling underwear with less cloth. The majority of knights that came from Rosemi De Lumix's duchy would wear the bikini, courtesy of Duke Trichia, under their usual tunics which were quick to becoming wet and sticking to their curves and toned bodies.

The men, being forced into cardio and conditioning exercises were quick to show their muscles. Sporting only the shorts produced at Asai's factories.

To any passing traveller or merchant, this band of knights appeared to be running military exercises. The two ducal flags gently swaying by the outskirts of their camp site ensured no one entered without permission, lest they angered the very two dukes of the kingdom.

When the humans first saw Chloe, they were immediately conflicted. On one hand, the young woman was a beauty. Her smooth black hair and gentle demeanour swayed many hearts. On the other hand, her slightly pointy ears gave away the fact that she was an elf. The recent enemy of humanity. 30,000 human lives were lost in their lands. Those unable to control their expressions kept away, whilst those who were fiercely loyal to Robin, Asai, Clam and Gary were quick to adopt their lord's approach towards the girl.

Offering her company, drinks and ensuring she was fed. Asai was happy to see this. Chloe's personality had taken a hit. Evidently traumatized by her recent death experience, she was no longer outgoing and talkative. Now, mostly keeping to herself as she continued to ponder upon her future, and whether the life of an adventurer was what she really wanted. No longer believing in the riches and glory.

Although she was somewhat melancholy and depressed, having lost her self-confidence. She still made the effort to dress the occasion adorning a black two piece bikini under her white tunic. In fact, she had chosen these colours to copy Robin. 

The girl laid upon the warm sand, enjoying the sun. The joy and laughter from the half-naked knights filled her heart with warmth. She watched as Clam and Gary, although having experienced the same traumatic event as her, were still making the effort to live and improve. Perhaps, she could be as strong as those two.

Robin, in her black two piece bikini and wet semi transparent white tunic which was also knotted around her mid-section to tighten the piece. Had her hair completely down, allowing it to flow upon her shoulders. Her brown hair by now had mostly lost their pigments, changing to a silvery-white with stripes of grey here and there. Her deep hazel eyes looked more like golden-bronze now. Although her features were changing, her body barely grew any taller.

Asai wasn't sure if the beast existed in this world, but if anyone asked he would tell them that Robin looked like a white tiger.

The two were under the shades of a large parasol. Resting their tired souls with one and another's company. If one imbued their eyes with mana to peer out into the sea, they would actually see the mighty dragon Leviathan peaking out its head, watching the humans with curiosity. Since its brothers and sisters had been ordered to leave this realm. The Leviathan had been sorely lonely, being the last dragon. It seems its duty to guard the waters would never end, whilst its siblings had finished theirs.

Mary and Annie wore matching pink bikinis. With their hair tied into ponytails, the two were overseeing the BBQ. With so many people attending, they had decided to create a miniature bon-fire to grill all the meat.

Rosemi, seeing her chance, and that one side of Asai's shoulder was free was quick to jump in. Dressed in her white two piece bikini that came with little frills. She proudly strutted herself to Asai and placed herself next to the man, grabbing his arm and shoving it into her cleavage. She smugly grinned as she saw his black eyes enjoy the view of her two peaks surrounding his arm. Robin, not one to lose performed the same action on the other side, albeit to a lesser degree of coverage for reasons one shouldn't mention.

Along the shores, the knights now raced one and another. Whilst Gary carried Karen, the brown haired swordswoman. Clam carried the red headed Ash. Their platoons shouted and roared as they raced whilst carrying their lovers. Upon reaching the other side of the line, they switched positions. Ash, being the more dainty one found herself unable to carry her man. Thus, she yanked him by the ankles and dragged the man across the sand back to their finishing line.

Luckily for the man, this beach was pristine. Thus, there were no trash, no sharp objects or glass to injure him. If anything, the flowing warm sand massaging his back was quite the enjoyable experience instead. Unluckily for the man, the men under his command and him were forfeit to the penalty which involved a whole mug of beer and push ups.

Christine Doltz, personal knight of Rosemi noticed Chloe being alone. Thus, she thrust the girl into her arms and dragged her towards Annie and Mary, where they helped cook and flavour the many meats that were personally gathered and hunted by their lord.

Asai had sent an invitation to the Queen. However, as one would expect, she was far too busy with a kingdom to run. However, unknown to the knights and maids around Victoria Del Lagos at this very moment, their queen was sporting her bikini under her regal uniform.

She wasn't there in body, but she was certainly there in spirit.

And for the more cultural men of the world, her bikini was golden. Matching her hair and eyes.

Asai would perhaps be the only man to know, considering he was the one who'd sent it to her.


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