
Royal Palace

Queen Victoria Del Lagos, dressed in her regal attire. A white cape slung around her shoulders. A majestic crown upon her head. Long golden radiant hair flying down onto her two peaks. Sat upon her throne, gazing up towards the heavens. A clear frown on her face.

She had ordered duke Jeffrey De Lumix to send a delegation into Via Marea in hopes of fostering positive sentiments. Considering how the humans had invaded them, least to say, she wasn't very optimistic. After paying tribute in both coinage and grains. Two resources the Del Lagos kingdom had an abundance of, the elves mostly kept an isolationist stance.

As much as Victoria had argued and bickered with Goddess Loha, she was also eternally grateful. If not for Goddess Loha's intervention during the climax of the war between the two species. Goddess Marea, who governed the elves would've launched a total war upon the human kingdom. Although, the deal between the two goddesses' came at the cost of her father, Godfrey Del Lagos.

Currently, in her hand was a report from Jenson De Lion, nephew of Jeffrey De Lumix. The man was currently being held within the capital of Via Marea, Vena. Queen Rima's demands were simple, send the human who hunted the elves within the night, the one who is supposedly undefeated. For a friendly exchange of swords. Thanks to Arthur Del Lagos, there were plenty of elves who had personally seen Asai in action, and also lived to tell the tale. Thus, garnering the attention of the Rima Regenon. Someone who prided herself as the best swordswoman.

Queen Victoria peered towards the heavens, seeking advice or any answers. Sending a duke over into elven territory sounded horrible on paper. Especially when Asai Trichia was currently rumoured to be the strongest force humanity has. If the kingdom were to ignore the remnants of the paladin corps, who were still licking their wounds and refilling their ranks.

However much she was against sending Asai, being aware of the potential threat from the north, she decided to concede and send the duke into the south. Hopefully, Rima wouldn't be as bloodthirsty as rumoured.

Another report that required her attention was from her agents. Outside the reach of the capital, bandits, thieves and murderers were on the rise. The timing and sudden spike suggested the events were intentional. There were even reports of assassins managing to infiltrate noble houses, yet killing only men of no importance. As if the enemy was simply probing the kingdom's reaction. The biggest question mark left by these intruders were the sightings of their weapons. Large gauntlets with claw like blades attached. Unorthodox, and never seen before. Queen Victoria' fears of an sentient species up north were becoming increasingly true.

Thus, because of the unknown threat currently wracking the barons and viscounts, and no doubt later the counts and dukes. Duke Jeffrey had asked Victoria to also send Rosemi, his daughter along with Asai to Via Marea. In doing so, hopefully she would remain safe within the reach of Duke Trichia, the high noble known for his combat prowess over politics. And whilst Jeffrey would have a peace of mind, knowing she'd be out of the invader's reach. The man would use his personal military force to flush out the rats.

In his mind, the elves wouldn't force a non-aggression pact upon the humans, and then continue to conduct some-what peaceful trades only to plot and plan to destroy the human kingdom. They certainly had the chance to do so, back when the 30,000 strong military was crushed within their lands. It simply wouldn't make sense to change their minds again. Thus, Via Marea currently appeared safer than Del Lagos, especially if his daughter were to be treated as the elven royal's private guests. 


Via Marea

Goddesses' Fountain

Queen Rima adorning her priestess attire, lay upon the water surface of the lake. Floating gently above it, bathing in the moon light. Her gaze lowered from the sky down to her childhood friend. Larmiel was currently submerged under the water up to his neck. His two hands raised above his head, in them were reports.

"Your Majesty, is this your will or Goddess Marea's?" The man desperately tried to keep the papers dry, whilst also holding them for his queen to read.

"Larmiel, what if I were to say it was both? What then?" She playfully flicked a few drops of water onto the man. She tried to entice the man out of boredom, but Larmiel simply was too uptight and serious.

"Your Majesty, did we really just end one war just to enter another?"

"Yes, we did. If I had listened to those foolish nobles who desired vengeance upon the human kingdom. I dare say, our position currently would be most insecure and volatile. Besides, we both know it. The words of Marea are absolute. Although she doesn't personally communicate much. When she does order something of us, its best to follow it entirely."

"Your Majesty, do we really have no choice? As you know, the nobles had sacrificed the weaker and common people. Deeming them as useless, but because of their actions, we now suffer from a lack of farm hands. Forcing us to become more dependent on demanding wheat and grains from the humans. Our population requires time to recover."

The elitism mentality within the elven kingdom had left many of their farms and quarries unmanned. The lower class nobility, refusing to dirty their own hands with dirt and mud. In hindsight, it was a positive outcome that the elves didn't march into Del Lagos and commit genocide. Now, they had the human kingdom sending wagons of grains as tribute. Whilst talks were also in the works, of hiring human farmers in exchange for ores and minerals.

Although they could demand the work for free. Providing them with metals would buffer the quality and speed the humans would procure foodstuff for the elven kingdom.

Rima perched herself up on her elbows. Allowing her cleavage to show itself directly to the man who continued to act indifferently. Finding his responses to be boring, she stood atop the water surface just like she'd with dry ground. Her entire person was hardly wet.

"Larmiel, you weren't born yet, but did you know? I was there when my mother the previous queen perished." Rima glanced down upon the man who was still tiptoeing to keep his face above the water level. "My mother simply ceased to exist because she refused to act upon the orders of Goddess Marea. Unless you desire me gone, you best perform the tasks I've given you."

Larmiel would kneel and bow if he could. However, as he couldn't he simply nodded. Desperately keeping his eyes away from Queen Rima's sublime beauty. The woman was currently going commando. Without a care, she walked over his head and continued on back to the palace.

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