"Duke Trichia, I will personally show you my abilities. Thus, further increasing your debt towards me. Prepare yourself, and ensure you only have eyes for me!"

Rosemi De Lumix shot forward. Asai's eyes widened in surprise.

As the man was originally going to give her first strike, his stance had prepared himself adequately enough to block the thrust. Glancing it enough to miss his face. The air pressure blew past his ear, notifying his brain the speed and power of the attack.

His muscle memory nearly kicked in, greatly tempted to utilize his many skills to overpower Rosemi. After shoving such thoughts away, he deigned himself to rely only on pure swordsmanship. The priority here wasn't to beat her ass down for teasing his cock all day. It was to learn as much as he could, especially now that he had a sword of his own. Albeit it being a single-edged blade rather than the conventional western swords of Earth.

Whilst the conventional sword provided greater penetration through thrusts, and the ability to utilize both edges. The single-edged katana provided a greater slice, especially when empowered with mana.

"Bold of you to daydream Asai." Rosemi performed a curl, the sudden pull almost made him relinquish his blade. In response, Asai shifted the fight out of alignment. Traveling diagonally and sideways to test Rosemi's footwork. Lest she simply presented her defenceless backside to him.

The two continued a few more exchanges, to the four who were spectating this spar, it looked as if the two were dancing. Each going back and forth, teasing and testing one and another.

Although [Sword and Dagger Mastery] forcefully installed muscle memory into his body. Every so often, his body wouldn't efficiently move as the muscles had yet to perform certain strikes and parries from awkward angles. Which further highlighted his inexperience with longer bladed weapons.

Rosemi, not entirely gunning for the win would allow the man to breathe whenever he moved awkwardly. Heavily emphasizing to him so he could learn from the exchange. As much as his inexperience was showing, it wasn't that he never trained or practice with long swords, but rather his opponents had never been truly skilled. It took someone who could perform at a level as high as Rosemi to push Asai hard enough for his flaws and weak points to surface.

As the spar began to ramp up in speed and precision. Asai felt more and more of her hits landing upon his person. Blows to his wrists, forearms, shoulders and obliques became more frequent. Around 45% of the blows that landed, the force of the impact would dig deeper into his body. Numbing him in the process.

The man was utilizing his mana, imbuing it into the wooden sword. Rosemi, on the other hand was unconsciously optimizing her usage, only imbuing her weapon at moments of impacts and exchanges. This resulted in sudden and hard to read strikes.

Minutes deeper in and the two were both gasping for oxygen. Enjoying themselves more than they thought, they became excited and overeager. Forgetting to manage their stamina the two distanced themselves.

Rosemi raised her blade in a high stance with both hands. A smile upon her face as she continued to take deep breaths.

Asai accept her challenge by lowering his blade, into a quickdraw position. The man's chest also heaving in and out.

Asai stopped imbuing his weapon, as the two shot forwards. Rosemi's blade came crashing down with great intensity. Asai's quickdraw shot upwards to block. At the moment of impact, Asai imitated her by thrusting his mana into the weapon.

The two wooden swords both landed critical strikes upon one and another, instantly breaking into two. Rosemi's half flew over his shoulder and penetrated deep into the fields. Asai's half spun and flung itself across the tents and into the distance.

Asai stared upon his own hand, trying his best to remember that feeling, the transfer of both kinetic energy and mana acting in accordance, resulting in a critical. Rosemi leaned into his absent-minded gaze.

"Did anyone ever tell you, you think too much?" Rosemi De Lumix smiled, as she greatly enjoyed their little session. To her, it felt like they had just finished one of the hardest waltz to perform in a ball room. Both slightly hot and breathing, she tugged at her top's neckline, revealing a little cleavage to tease the man who seemed to be lost in deep-thought.

Asai, was still quite serious. With a stoic face, he took a step back, and bowed in respect.

"Thank you. Rosemi, thank you really. I learnt something in which I believe to be extremely valuable. I won't forget this kindness. I promise." "If my conjecture is correct, I now have three ways to triggering critical hits. First, being strikes to weak points such as the brain or the heart. Second, being the percentage chance from skills and passives to trigger. Finally, the third would be Rosemi's style of mana control. Rather than imbuing my weapon and leaving the mana to be stagnant within the blade, by timing the correct moments of impact, I can force crits to occur."

Within Asai's eyes, Rosemi appeared to be increasingly attractive.

Rosemi pouted, as the man seemed to be immune to her charm. "I thought Annie said men are weak to cleavage? Why is he just standing there staring into my eyes?"

"You're welcome, but don't forget that you now owe me more. In fact, I want payment in advance." Chucking the little wooden handle away, she grabbed the man by the arm and dragged him into their master tent. One that was luxuriously comfortable. Inside, there were even extra shades that would prevent any shadows from forming. Providing the two with greater privacy.

The four outside were simply left forgotten.

Lucas coughed a few times, before offering to handle first watch.


The timing-based critical can be seen as a form of gamble. If Asai fails to time the mana input. He risks allowing his weapon to be destroyed by a weapon that is correctly imbued with mana.

As for Rosemi, it's a matter of intuition and talent.

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