Moving onwards.

Perhaps deeper into enemy territory. The small party of humans trudged on with greater anticipation, they knew not whether the not group of elves would also prove to be hostile. Marvin, being of a weaker mind and will desired nothing more than to return to human lands, but the group was smart enough to realise the political consequences of doing so.

The elven queen herself had requested Duke Trichia's presence for the peace talks. If the kingdom of humanity refused such a simple request, especially after being the original aggressor between the two species. This could be utilized by the elves as one of their cards. It mattered not whether it was elves, monsters or beasts that attacked their party. In a world with no CCTV and hard evidence like photos. Their enemies could simply feign ignorance.

If by chance, a random pack of monsters managed to defeat the renowned duke, then, the humans simply only amounted to that much and weren't worthy of an alliance. Perhaps there was civil unrest within Via Marea, and the nobility disagreed with their monarch's decision, desiring revenge upon the humans.

Rosemi's mind continued to spin and spur upon the countless scenarios they could be caught in. Glancing over, Asai's stoic gaze calmed her mind. It seemed, whatever problems arose, Asai would simply solve it with his unyielding strength.

"Why do I get the feeling that humanity got the short end of the stick? Goddess Loha barely does anything for us, apart from regulating the rain and sun to assist with agriculture. Goddess Marea, literally buffs her children during battles. Count Jenson even told me that it was theorized that fighting against Rima Regenon was suicidal, especially when the moon was out, as it simply provided her with unlimited mana."

After a few more weeks of travel. The party entered the vicinity of a village. Rosemi offered to take the lead, entering the village and absorbing all gazes and scrutiny upon herself. Although the two kingdoms were recently at war. Some of the more informed elves had heard of their queen's invitation. Thus, the ones in charge of the village was quick to order everyone to act nice enough that they wouldn't anger Rima Regenon.

The women of the village slammed their doors shut, remaining out of side lest their spite causes trouble. The men, on the other hand, fell victim to Rosemi De Lumi's aesthetics that were extremely pleasing to the eyes of men. The outfit Rosemi wore for the occasion highlighted her feminine charms. Inducing the instincts of men to protect her. Unbeknownst to them, under her dress was multiple daggers and blades attached to her thighs.

"Excuse me, would you be so kind as to tell me where I am?" She performed a little curtsy that tugged at their heartstrings, as they caught a little glimpse of her cleavage. Fighting over one and another, they answered.

"This is Lunatos Village!" "We're just north of Marea's Temple. So there's hardly any monsters around here. You'll find it safe to stay here for the night to rest and respite!" "Our local breweries are famous around here, I could personally take you my lady for a few drinks?"

Rosemi blushed, and acted as if she was overwhelmed by the attention she was receiving. The women of the village were quick to tug and pull their men away. One was quick to apologise. It seemed, once they got an idea of the humans and that they didn't seem to be the rumoured blood-thirsty warmongers that stories depicted them as. Their guards lowered slightly.

This happened mostly because as beautiful as Rosemi De Lumix was, behind her was a man who was exceptionally handsome. As all things in life, it seemed pretty-privileges existed within this world too.

The village elder was quick to approach as soon as he heard the commotion. Being the smarter one, he addressed the humans.

"Sirs and Ladies, I humbly welcome you to our village. Please just call me Elder Melik. Since my people has already extended their invitations to you. Please do stay for the night. We have a spare house available, it might be a little small as it was only a mother and daughter pair who used to live there. As for your invitation from Her Majesty, I've already sent notice to the local garrison."

"Elder Melik, I thank you for your warm hospitality. I am Rosemi De Lumix, and this beside me is Duke Trichia who has been personally invited by Her Majesty Queen Rima Regenon. Concerning the garrison, will they be escorting us to the capital?" Rosemi performed another curtsy in politeness. Her eyes and hands, however, were ready for battle.

"T-that, please allow me to inquire for you. I will inform you as soon as possible." Melik wasn't sure why, but the beautiful gentle smile the human held before him sent shivers down his spine. As if someone was holding a blade to his neck.

Thankfully, this village was mostly peaceful. The small team of militia was only there to protect the well from being polluted by the ignorant children.

"Please, follow me." The elder walked on, into the village. 

Asai was absorbing his surroundings. Most of the elves were all above level 30. He couldn't exactly remember the levels of the elven levies he had fought during the war. So he wondered whether they were born at an advantage, stronger than humans, or were these the remnants of the village since their weaker members were sent to death?

Inspecting more closely, he found the elves to be just like the humans. If it weren't for the ears, he honestly wouldn't be able to tell the difference. They came in all shapes and sizes, slim and tall, ugly and handsome, just like the humans did.

Upon entering the small wooden house that was to be their stay for the time being. Asai noticed how cramp it actually was, for six people that was. However, as adventurers who had slept in impossible locations, like caves, cliff-sides, hidden between two large rocks etc. They were more than happy to have a roof over their heads.

Asai and Rosemi would share the only bedroom, whilst the four would make do with the living room/kitchen.

Just to be safe.

[Phantom Menace]

Four shadow clones hid within the shadows nearby, guarding the house.



Able to Vanish from players or monsters that are up to 15 levels higher.


When in stealth additional 50% effect

Sword and Dagger Mastery

50% boost in Dagger and One Handed Sword damage

Death Call

Brings an opponent within a 5 meter distance to your feet and paralyze it for 2 seconds.

Double Psychic Phantom/Annihilate

Additional 200% Damage added to a regular attack.

Sealing Square

Seals opponents that are within a 15 meter range

Phantom Menace

Summon two phantoms 50% of caster level

Lingering Shadow

Leaves a phantom after image after skill usage

Knife Throw

Additional 40% damage added to your Dart Attacks.


Increase Divine Elemental damage by 20% and Elemental defence by 10%.

4% chance of absorbing 5% of damage dealt as Mana.

Mental Fortitude

Pain tolerance +50% effect. Mental debuff durations -50%


+20% damage against [Living] targets. Kills regain 10% of missing stamina.

David & Goliath

15% of damage dealt against larger targets changed to true damage

Delicious essence

Your essence now tastes sweet.


Alcohol tolerance +40%


Damage drop -20%


Ignite strong sexual urges within target


Potion consumption effect +10%


Immune to bacteria, viruses, disease and toxins

Loha's Blessing

Royal Blood now flows through your veins.

Robin's Desire

15% Pain & DMG transferred to [Robin] When within 20m

Sword Saint

Lumix bloodline: +8% attack speed, damage, accuracy and critical rate when wielding a sword

Chloe's Faith

Targets that willingly consume your essence +10 loyalty


[Robin: Lvl 78]

[HP: 100 MP:200]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Winged Foot]

Increases movement speed by 40%


70% chance of Vanishing


Increase Divine Elemental damage by 20% and Elemental defence by 10%.

[All in One]

Shoots 13 arrows at once. Each arrow deals 80% of normal attack.


Detect any players or monsters in Vanish mode within a 30 meter radius for 60 seconds.

[Holy Testimony]

Manifests 10 astral swords at target. Each sword deals 35% of normal attack. Swords nullify foreign mana.

[Chloe: Lvl 76]

[HP: 100 MP:125]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Bow Mastery]

20% boost in Bow and arrow damage. +20% maximum range

[Kael's Quiver]

Summon Kael's arrow at 1% of maximum mana expires after 60 seconds


Electricity element added to attack. Additional 120% Damage added to a regular attack.

[Siege Shot]

Caster rooted for 10s duration, gains 100% ranged attack

[Tempest Stance]

Caster rooted for 10s duration, gains 200% attack speed 


Increases caster's evasion and mobility by 15%. Reduces aggro gain by 20%

[Rosemi De lumix: Lvl 52]

[HP: 110 MP: 100]

[Skills unlocked:]


Increase Divine Elemental damage by 20% and Elemental defence by 10%.

[Critical Aura]

20% Increase in critical attack rate

[Order Swing]

12% of your damage is accumulated and applied towards next attack for 20 seconds

[Lumix Bloodline]

+25% attack speed, damage, accuracy and critical rate when wielding a sword


[Ring of Prodigious Power]

Level Requirement: 15

Requirements: None


+15 All stats

+10 Melee Attack

EXP Gain +100%

[Wings of Solemn Death - Crest]

Level Requirement: 50

Requirements: Kill score [1000/1000]


+35 Strength

+35 Dexterity

+25 Agility

+50 Melee Attack

Sneak attack +200% DMG

[Yomi & Yami]

Level Requirement: 50

Requirements: Asai



Kills regain 5% maximum health

Kills regain 10% maximum mana

Kills regain 10% maximum stamina

Night: Double effect.


Level Requirement: 50

Requirements: Asai


[Reset] Blade condition resets upon sheathe

[Decimate] 80% of caster's normal attack to AOE zone

: Full Moon / Half Moon

[Blessed Mithril Ring] 

Level Requirement: 50

Requirements: Chloe


Mana Absorption: +10%

Stamina Absorption: +10%

Ranged Attack: +20%

[Blessed Mithril Ring] 

Level Requirement: 50

Requirements: Robin


Health Absorption: +10%

Stamina Absorption: +10%

Mana Absorption: +10%

Damage Drop: +10%

[Copper Ring of strength] (Robin)

Level Requirement: 5

Requirements: None


+3 Strength

+3 Vitality

[Trian Ring of Dexterity] (Robin)

Level Requirement: 25



+7 Vitality

+7 Dexterity

+10 Ranged attack

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