It took another few days before a platoon of elves entered the village. The flags they carried was one that Asai managed to recognise as the Royals.

At the fore was a tall and slender man.

[Larmiel Axilin: Lvl 60]

At the elf entered with his retinue, the villages all kneeled, keeping their heads down. Lucas and his party remained standing, they were tempted to follow suit, but they weren't under the elven nobility. Thus, they simply performed a small curtsy, fist to chest, and a little bow.

Duke Trichia and Rosemi De Lumix, were basically prince and princess so they remained standing firm and resolute. Seeing how Larmiel made no comment on their decorum, Asai worried not.

"A pleasure to meet you Duke Trichia, hero of the humans. I am Larmiel Axilin, royal healer and personal advisor to Her Majesty. Queen Rima Regenon has instructed me to escort you directly to her. I sincerely apologise for the lack of hospitability as we're on a strict schedule. 

May I inquire, is your company ready to depart?"

Asai's observed the man. Apart from the finely crafted robes, he seemed to be sporting no weapons. His guards however, all came clad in full armour, restricting Asai's system to scout their levels.

"The pleasure is mine, Royal healer Larmiel. Yes, we're ready to depart, and there's no need to apologise as we have spent enough time enjoying the local palate. 

Lucas retrieved their mounts from the village stables.

As the group rode out, Asai glanced back to see Lillian and Melody waving goodbye. The daughter even utilised her palms to life her bosoms up, inviting the man to visit them once more if possible.

"Sir Axilin, may I ask, where are we heading to now? And how long would the journey be?" Rosemi, who was riding relatively close to the elf inquired.

"Her Majesty is currently visiting the Goddesses' Fountain. As Queen Rima is also a priestess, she must regularly cleanse and pray towards our great Goddess Marea."

"Her Majesty, must be a very busy person. Tell me, will Count Jenson, head ambassador of Del Lagos be meeting us there?"

"Busy my royal healer ass! She simply does whatever she wants, and shoves all responsibility and tasks onto her subordinates." "Ah, Count Jenson De Lion. No, the ambassador has decided to continue enjoying the local cuisine at Vena, the capital. To be clear, the negotiations for our alliance has mostly been completed. The only request yet to be sated is Duke Asai Trichia's personal visit."

"If I may be bold and ask, why does Queen Rima Regenon desire to personally meet Duke Trichia?" Whilst Rosemi continued to dig for information. Asai noticed a faint smell, an aroma of rice lingering within the winds.

"You may. Since Goddess Marea wills it, I already consider you humans to be friends. So, we don't have to continue being so stiff towards one and another." Larmiel inspected Rosemi's curves, enjoying her beautiful blue sapphire eyes and the little amount of cleavage. As her horse continued to gently gallop, her bosom would jiggle and bounce slightly. "Very nice for a human. However, Queen Rima's assets are better."

"Ahem* Queen Rima desires an audience with the famed hero of humanity, simply because she favours the strong. It is as simple as that."

Asai, who was listening intently started to have flash backs.

Back when the former princess, Victoria Del Lagos almost killed him. Puncturing his organs by fracturing his ribs with nothing but sheer strength.

Rosemi, being satisfied with the major points of discussion, switched the topic over to more easy going points. "How's the weather around here?" "What's the local cuisine like?" "Do the elves drink as much alcohol as the humans do?"

The weather in Via Marea, although being relatively close enough to travel to. Actually had a different climate. Rain was more frequent, which made it harder for the elven farmers to grow crops that were weak towards floods. As the weather in Del Lagos was heavily regulated and controlled by Goddess Loha. Goddess Marea, didn't care much for weather, instead she focused on micro managing and blessing her elven children.

Thus, the human lands which had an over abundance of fertile fields always had a good surplus of food to consume and to also pay as tribute to Via Marea.

Whilst Via Marea lacked farmlands, their crystal mines, minerals and ores would rejuvenate and respawn on a much shorter cool down.

Out of consideration for the humans. Rima had agreed upon trading minerals and ores for grains and vegetables. However, the kingdom of humanity still had to continue paying a small tribute annually in compensation for their earlier invasion.

Although it was a joke. Larmiel had laughed at the expense of the humans. Commenting on how the 30,000 humans they had sent into their territory did at least fertilize and add nutrients into their fields with their blood.

Whilst Lucas and his party was greatly tempted to draw their weapons upon hearing such a remark.

Asai Trichia and Rosemi De Lumix held their tongues and their hands. They knew the man was simply probing the humans.

If a Duke and another Duke's daughter still held resentment, and vile inclinations towards slaughtering the elves again. Then Larmiel would begin to work towards cancelling the alliance. Considering the humans as a whole, incapable of cooperation and forgiveness.

Luckily for the kingdom of humanity. Rosemi De Lumix was on point with her poker face, as she was trained from birth in the ways of aristocracy. Whilst Asai Trichia was still internally conflicted and unsure of what he truly felt.

On one hand, he remembered how he viewed the elves and the war as a way for him to gain experience points. Not out of any nationalism or patriotic notions. The 30,000 who perished under the prince's command were complete strangers to him as far as he was concerned. 

If anything, Benny who died during the way wasn't even killed by the elves, but by Godfrey, a human. Who quickly ran into his own death, leaving Asai's bitterness and anger to be directed towards no one but himself.

"Good, seems the humans in control are at least able to see past their own noses. Thank Goddess it's not a complete waste of time, I can't possibly imagine cooperating with humans who still held petty grudges even after we benevolently forgave them."


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