Isekai Rohan

226 Schemes

Trichia Manor

Great Hall

Seated upon the head seat, atop the small alleviated podium. Prince Victor Del Lagos comfortably enjoyed the fine leather, the master seat was made of. Standing upon his left was Daisy, who held her chin up high, doing her utmost to not embarrass her man. On the prince's right was Istvan, who stood a few steps forwards.

Currently, Istvan who was clad in his full set of armour. Was announcing new orders upon the house of Trichia.

During the time period of their stay, Istvan had been pulling strings, utilizing his many favours gained from assisting the many households throughout the kingdom via the paladin rotational-system. Thus, Queen Victoria Del Lagos has given the approval to the man and his prince to conscript the men and soldiers they required to adequately defend the northern keep, during their travels north.

This is the main reason why Istvan had delayed his reports to the prince, regarding the location and marching speed of his personal paladin corps. Ensuring the Trichia Duchy, continued to remain within the afford areas of territories to draw conscripts from.

"By order of Her Majesty, all and any able person of notable strength and ability deemed necessary by the first prince, Victor Del Lagos, shall and can be conscripted to reinforce the northern realms.

As personal knight-advisor to the prince, we have come to an agreement that your services are required. You have until the morrow to prepare yourself, and your personal platoons.

Vassals Robin and Chloe."

Istvan's eyes shifted towards the two flowers standing side by side.

"Don't worry my sweet-flower I'll save you from the duke. Whatever achievements you obtain with me, I'll personally make sure you're recognised. And, when you receive your own peerage, perhaps a baroness or a viscountess, I'll marry you into my house."

Glancing over towards the men. "I can't trust the men, I've read the reports, the duke is a womanizer-pervert, who knows how perverted they might be, just like their lord."

"As for knights Clam, Gary and Paul. They are to stay and defend the Duchy's territories."

Before any disagreements or opinions could be voiced. Victor Del Lagos loudly tapped his sword against the cobblestone.

"We've been here long enough, tomorrow we must make haste towards the north. You're all dismissed. "

The man stood, exiting smoothly, with his loyal maid following behind. Istvan smirked in joy, as far as Queen Victoria knew, the paladins were already long past the Trichia Duchy. Thus, she didn't mind her brother conscripting from the far northern barons and viscounts who were considered cowardly.

Istvan was very well aware that the Queen had a sweet-spot towards Asai. Still remembering how she brazenly kissed the man in front of all the noble households. "Truly, prince Victor should've became king, not her."

His gaze fell on Rosemi's hands, they were curled into fists and trembling. "My future-wife seems nervous. Mm. Don't worry, I'll protect you on the fields of battle, then you'll finally see me for who I am." Smirking, he departed the hall.


"What can we do?" Robin inquired.

Mary was quick to apologise, she stood from her desk and bowed. "I apologise Robin, my agents were so busy with tracking those spies and assassins, that we were unable to understand the prince's schemes. We we're very aware that he was a playboy, frequently visiting the brothels, and the numerous rumours of him having a hundred pet-maids. But, we never thought he would target vassals of Duke Asai.

Especially not when the entire aristocracy knows that Queen Victoria is extremely bias towards us."

"I understand that he might desire my body, to increase the chances of siring strong off-spring for him. But, why are they dragging Chloe along?" Robin wasn't too worried. Officially, she was being ordered to fight battles that if lost, would naturally effect the duchy next. Thus, rather than fighting for the prince, she still saw it as fighting for Asai. 

Also, if they did try to peer-pressure her into anything sexual, she still had her stealth and speed. She was confident in escaping, and then creating a fake story about being captured or lost in enemy territory.

"Chloe, Chloe should be careful. What if the prince still holds a grudge towards the elves?" Annie added.

Chloe was hugging her arms tightly towards herself. She was just an adventurer picked up by a powerful man, made vassal. And in the middle of her training, she's now being conscripted into potential war? Robin seeing this, hugged her mid-section.

"Chloe, at the end of the day is an archer. It would be to obvious if they placed her upon the frontlines. She'll definitely be alright, positioning at the rear. And I don't imagine the backlines being destroyed, the prince and his favourite maid were ordered to literally defend the keep with their lives." Mary swiftly added the information she had gained from her agents. She was aware that Queen Victoria had literally placed an ultimatum on her brother, in order to force him to contribute to society and kingdom.

"Nothing changes. I will ensure Chloe and I return safely. The prince's knight, Istvan has already informed me that he will be placing two thousand levies under my command. Men and soldiers drawn from the baronies north of the duchy.

Thus, I won't be brining my platoons. No one from our duchy will be coming except the two of us. This will make it increasingly easy for us to escape is necessary. "

Robin, firmly told them her thoughts. As always, she saw others as numbers. Especially when it came to people outside of the duchy. Strangers, as far as she was concerned.

"Clam, Gary. I place my 50 knights under your command until I return. Look after them well."

The two men, clad in their black and gold uniform saluted. They were incredibly frustrated, being pulled along by the desires and decisions of another. As much as they wanted to refuse the orders. If they did so, they would only be causing trouble for their lord, Asai Trichia.

"If only, if only Asai were to become king. Then there would be no one who could supersede his authority."

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