Isekai Rohan

234 Ignis

Rosemi and Asai continued on with their travels east. Another hour of marching and the two soon came across a bustling village.

From afar, the two humans could observe their traits and characteristics. As reported, by the elven knights back in Via Marea. The dark-elves basically looked identical to the elves. Albeit, the ones here appeared to be suffering from starvation, many appeared to be mostly skin and bones, greatly malnourished.

The most glaring difference between the two species were perhaps their choice of clothing. Or perhaps, they simply didn't have the luxury of crafting and manufacturing better garments. Whilst Vena sported clean and bright colours, the elves here wore mostly black, grey and dirty rags.

Upon a closer inspection, Asai found their levels to be incredibly low.

[???: Lvl 1] [???: Lvl 1] [???: Lvl 1] [???: Lvl 1] [???: Lvl 1]

"Looking at their clothing, and strength levels. I think these guys are just simple farmers, the common people of this kingdom."

Rosemi nodded in agreement, even if they swarmed her, she wouldn't feel threatened. In fact, she worried about about them.

"Asai, I think they're innocent. There's no need to destroy this village right?" 

Now struck with a moral dilemma, Asai hesitated.

One, as much as they were innocent, and proved hardly a threat even if they marched on as levies. They were undoubtedly growing grains and foodstuff to feed the enemy army. To cripple the enemy supplies, certainly was one way to delay war. But, to slaughter an entire village to do so?

"Holy fuck, I'm not that evil am I?"

Rather than making his decision immediately, the two decided to sneak in.

Asai approached, still disguised as an elf, whilst Rosemi simply wore her hood up, to hide her ears. To the dark-elves of the village, the two appeared to be nobleman. Their outfit, crafted from fine materials, and appearing clean and new reinforced that idea. Additionally, the fact that they appeared strong, healthy and fit. Compared to their pale and weakened bodies. They had no choice but to believe so, just in case.

As the two slowly entered, the villagers lowered onto both of their knees to bow. Seeing them act so submissive, Asai decided to wing-it.

"I'm here on official business, in service to the crown! I desire a room to stay for the night. Upon the morrow I shall be gone. Who here will assist me. I promise payment in return!" Asai boldly held up a few coins, expecting them to jump at the chance.

However, rather than the reaction he expected, he saw fear within their eyes. Fear and helplessness.

"What is it!? Is this not enough?" Seemingly annoyed, Asai questioned loud and clear, for all to hear.

A petite woman scurried over with her head lowered.

"My lord, we appreciate your generosity to pay us. But, there's nothing for us to spend that coin on." "This one dark-elf inspected Asai, not as if he were some mighty duke, but more as a spoiled nobleman's errant son. Wondering out of the capital, for fun and without knowledge of how the actual world worked outside his mansion.

"Fuck, I forgot. The common people don't use silver coins. They use the human-made copper coins. But I don't carry any of that crap." Asai had always immediately dumped his copper coins away as tips, questioning as to why he would even bother to carry pennies when he literally walked around with thousands of silver.

"How about this? Would this suffice as payment?" Asai pulled out of [Inventory] multiple beast corpses. Dozens of [varg]s the size of horses, [Muscle-shroom]s, which were fat juicy mushrooms that walked around by utilizing their two muscular arms, as they had no legs. And, [Fat Rat]s, that were literally rats the size of pigs.

At this large reveal, the fear and helplessness within the villager's eyes all shifted to one of joy and hope.

"A-are you sure? My lord?" Asai simply nodded. The man had plenty more of them. Having ran rampant within his territories hunting everything he could for levels. The woman turned and pointed towards a singular dark-elf, hidden within the crowd.

The crowd was quick to part, and pushing her back, to urge her forwards.

Upon entering the scene, Asai immediately noticed that they were basically sending out the most healthiest, and beautiful looking member of their village to serve him. Her hair was a dark shade of grey, same with her eyes. Her skin was pale, but at least she wasn't skin and bone.

"Quickly! Quickly!-" The woman was quick to drag her forward. "My lord, this is Violet. She will perform her utmost to serve you for the duration of your stay." The dark-elf gave Violet a pinch on the arm, and intensely stared into her eyes, ensuring she understood what was at stake. Only being satisfied after she nodded fervently, turning her gaze to the lord she had to serve.

As much as she hated the idea that she was suddenly thrusted onto a stranger. Once her eyes settled upon the aesthetics and perfection of the man before her, she couldn't help but feel a little excited. Her mind racing, wondering as to what orders he would ask of her.

Whilst Violet continued to day dream, meekly following behind Asai who had turned to talk to Rosemi. The villagers started to store the large pile of meat. Most of it would be dried and turned into jerky, whilst another portion would be cooked within the hour to feed the starving population.

Thankfully, for Rosemi. The village had mostly ignored her, as Asai appeared overbearing, and powerful. Thus, overshadowing the smaller and quiet human behind him. Additionally, the amount of food the man simply donated had completely dominated their thoughts and priorities.

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