"Good morning sleepy head~" She gleefully said. Finding his mobility to be freed, he quickly gave her a quick knock on the head.

"Knock it off woman!" He tried to scramble backwards to create distance.

"OW! What's that for?" She pouted, her eyes trembling.

"Y-You you think can do whatever you want with my body just because you're hot huh? I have my dignity as a-" Before he could finish with his complaints. Kozumi grabbed his cock and gave it a quick jerk.

"Says you, at least your little guy here is honest" Teasingly, she stuck her tongue out. The view of her cleavage as she crawled towards him on all fours, her tongue and his exposed cock made him lose his thought process.

"A- DON'T CALL IT LITTLE!" His honour, his dignity as a man took a hit.

"Well, hot stuff. Whilst you were enjoying your beauty sleep. In case you haven't realised, you're stuck in here with me. We're currently underground, Craut knows how deep. The air is beathable, thank Craut for creating dungeons this way. Since we're stuck here for a while. Wouldn't you like to make some memories with dearest ol' me who saved your life?"

"Craut this, Craut that. What are you, a monster? Humans were created by Loha not Craut. You must have a few screws loose in your head if you think I'm as loose as you." Upon hearing this, she let go of his cock and sat upright. Thanks to the sporadic crystals around them, which barely emitted light. He could see her facial expression change into one of shock and surprise.

"You. You think you're human don't you?" Asai, did a quick examine on himself, touching his ears, his arms and legs before replying.

"Yep, I'm 100% human. If not human, what would I be? Jesus himself?" Kozumi's head tilted towards one side.

"What's a screw? and what's a Jesus? dumbfounded, Asai realised he kept using words that existed only on Earth by accident. Facepalming and sighing.

"Forget it, it's nothing. I just like to mumble my words a lot."

"Ahem, anyway. You're not human. Well not a full one anyone. We're Dhans, created by Craut." Her eyes flashed a glint of curious red. "Oh, I guess you're a half. Half human, half Dhan."

Confused hitting him harder than the hit his little brother took being called little. "What's a dhan?"

"Mm, apart from looking just like humans on the surface, we were created by craut as specialized killers. Unlike humans, we can kill humans just like monsters to grow stronger-"

"Wait, you can see the levels as well?"

"Levels?" Once again, her head tilted, albeit this time to the other side. 

"Forget it." She nodded, casually passing on towards her next line of thought.

"When you kill a monster, don't you feel it? You absorb a tiny aspect of their soul. This boon further enhances yours and makes you stronger. When you receive enough of this boon, you become able to cast skills like the one I showed you." This was definitely good news, it was only now that he remembered the beautiful form of her skill. And, when compared to Alex's lacklustre supposed grand slam, her [Psychic Phantom] was both beautiful and apparently lethal.

"Can I learn that skill? Will you teach it to me?" He hopefully asked.

"And why would I do that?" she smirked.

"Fuc-Fine. What can I offer you in exchange? My service? I'll have you know, I'm very good at doing the laundry." She chuckled heavily upon hearing this, clutching her slim stomach.

"HA, you're funny." she grinned sadistically. Leaned in towards his ears and whispered. "How about you become my bed warmer? forever that is." Before licking his ear. This action sent shivers down Asai's spine. His fight or flight instincts kicked in. 

"THIS VIXEN IS DANGEROUS, AAAH!" He internally screamed. His eyes darting towards his surroundings trying to find a way out. Misunderstanding his renewed vigour.

"Sorry about your friends, I've looked around and I haven't found anyone at all. We're the only ones down here. Just- You- And- Me!"

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