Leslie continued to take point. 

The man had proudly announced himself to being a veteran hunter. Believing in his tracking skills, he insisted on leading. Within his mind, the better he appeared within the report that the duke would surely write up, the better his rewards would be from Her Majesty. 

However, as much as he bragged. The moment they swiftly pierced through the prince's own encampment and entered enemy territory. Due to the constant sieging and charges from numerous kinds of monsters and beasts. All humanoid tracks were completely obscured to the point of zero hope.

Asai gave the elf a couple dozen minutes to work his magic, inspecting the numerous footprints and directions in which they came from. But, the longer he waited, the more impatient he became. Eager to enlarge the distance between himself and the prince. He decided upon heading east. North would no doubt lead him closer to hostile territory, thus, he had to mentally coin flip between heading west and east.

Just a dozen minutes later, Istvan arrived with 30 templars. Whilst Prince Victor Del Lagos had decided for a more subtle approach, in investigating Asai's backgrounds and scrutinizing his achievements. Istvan had followed a more direct approach in regards to the young duke.

Within the templar's eyes, Asai had ignored authority without given reason. It was simply treason to slight the royal prince. Feigning ignorance was completely out of the window, especially when Victor's camp had dozens of royal banners flying. 

The man didn't care whether Victoria was seated upon the throne or not. That was simply temporary, his prince and lord, Victor Del Lagos, was destined for the crown. And as such, ignoring the future king of humanity was simply unforgiveable.


After hours of spurring their mounts onwards, the three came across an old sign post.

"Varvylon, Pine Plateau" Was their current location. Pointing north was "Bothan Penitentiary" Pointing further east was "Altar of Roha"

"I can read this?-"

"Your Grace, may I suggest retiring for the evening? I don't know about your horse, but mine is tired. I'm afraid anymore and it would collapse on us. Considering our current positioning appears optimal, I advise resting now better than later."

Violet was fervently nodding along, the girl's bottom was extremely sore from the long horse-ride. She looked upon the signpost, but evidently, she was unable to decipher its language.

Inspecting his surroundings once more. 

A small clearing within the woodlands. Clear visibility in all four directions, something his clones could easily position themselves in. 

Asai couldn't see it, but perhaps centuries ago, there used to be footpaths here.

"Alright. Set up camp, I'll survey our surroundings."

[Phantom Menace] !

"You four, defend the proximity." Asai ordered his clones, as he handed his horse to Violet. Who would leash their mounts onto the sign post. The duke himself, climbed the highest tree, furthering his observation of the lands.

Within the far north, beyond the trees and plains, he saw a large keep. However, rather than a medieval castle, it appeared more like a prison to him. A concept that was foreign to this world and its people. Sure, labour camps existed, but only children who didn't know better yet were sent there. Most adult criminals and evil-doers were fed to the Royal Colosseum, for the people's entertainment. And to also act as a clear warning to anyone who ever thought about becoming murderers or burglars. 

This land, out of Goddess Loha's influence. Was day in and day out covered by dull grey skies. If compared to the descriptions of Ignis, courtesy of Violet. Ignis would be seen as a land of raging inferno, perpetually angered and filled with wrath. Their current location, Varvylon appeared to be forever gloomy, dull and simply dead.

The trees existed, just as plants and grass. However, they all sported unhealthy colours, like a never-ending autumn. 

Looking towards the south, Asai could only see the border mountains that blockaded this world apart from Del Lagos.

"So, my choices are either the prison looking castle, or this altar of Roha."

Looking towards the far east, a colossal statue stood in the horizon. As big as the statue of liberty from Earth, which stood at a proud 93 m.

The statue stood gloriously amongst the lands of depression. A halo above its head, four featherless wings stretched out of its back. A ceremonial longswords within its grasp, pointing down.

And as Asai Trichia stared into its empty eye sockets. A horrible sensations shot through his body, almost costing him his footing upon the tree-branch.

He wasn't sure if it would work, but he tried it nonetheless.

"I humble human, Asai Trichia, greets you Your holiness, Goddess Roha."

Whatever rancid sensations that were assaulting his soul suddenly subsided. 

"The similarities are too great. She appears just like Goddess Loha, except her wings are featherless. Perhaps she is a divine being who has fallen from grace? Which would make sense if I think about it. These lands of hers are empty. Maybe her creations, her children had died out. Oh man, I sincerely hope she can't read my thoughts..."

Asai bowed deeply towards the colossal being, before climbing back down to re-join his companions.

Upon reaching the ground, he found there to be only two tents, the horses resting in between the two, separating them.

Violet was peeking out through the flaps of one of the tents, whilst Leslie was already loudly snoring away within his own.

Violet, noticing the man's eye sight, further moved the tent flap aside, revealing her breasts that freely hung in the open. Her grey soft hair gently flowed upon her shoulder.

The cutie tried to act alluring to seduce the man, but within his eyes, she looked absolutely adorable. Her actions of squeezing one of her breasts whilst having nervous puppy eyes was indeed eye-candy in its own flavour.


[Summon Skeleton]

Skill costs both HP & MP. Maximum [15->20]

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