Altar of Roha

A colossal statue stood gloriously amidst the lands of depression. A halo above its head, four featherless wings stretched out of its back. A ceremonial longswords within its grasp, pointing down. 

From the ground level, Asai could barely see the top half of the divine-being. The mist obscuring his vision as he rode on closer. Upon reaching the proximity between its feet. Asai noticed a strange phenomena. Whilst the rest of no-man's land was filled with dead trees, and an aura of uncertainty. The area just under the statue of Roha had healthy greenery growing. Colourful flowers emitted a sweet spring scent.

Upon the small patch of green, the humans found a marble altar. Miraculously, or perhaps due to divine intervention, the block of marble appeared pristine. Unscratched, unblemished and unfazed to the passing of time.

"Leslie, set up the tents. We'll rest here for today-"

"-Can I prepare our supper?" Violet, although not having learnt how to cook. Had remembered exactly how Asai had once prepared the cheeseburger, back in her humble hut down south. Realising her intentions, the duke passed the ingredients over to her.

Beef patties, a roll of cheese in which one had to melt to consume, lettuce, brioche buns and two tins of sweetcorn. Melted cheese mixed with sweetcorn would serve as desert for now.

Asai glanced back towards Leslie who was diligently setting the tents up. Wrapping the cloth material upon the poles.

"I'm still not sure whether or not I can trust him. He's been entirely obedient since the gnolls attacked us...Fuck it, better safe than sorry."

Four clones appeared as bodyguards for the dark-elf. 

Although the clones didn't cost much mana to upkeep, it was still a cost at the end of the day. Thus, when they weren't required, Asai would prefer returning them into his mana heart.


Satisfied that the camp would be set up in no time, the young duke went on ahead to investigate the marble altar.

As his legs moved him closer, the noises of the world, the wind, the rustling of leaves, the horses, all became numbed. The absolute silence sent shivers down the man's spine as he continued onwards. Eyes open for any hostile visitors.

In a world that lacked even white noise, stood a miniature version of the colossal statue. Except this smaller version had feathers upon its wings. Before it laid a ceremonial dagger, and a wooden bowl.

"I... I think I know what this is. System?"

[Ceremonial Dagger]  [Old Bowl]

"Well... I wasn't expecting much, but alright."

Finding the bowl to be an unmoveable object, Asai went for the dagger instead. The moment he thought about taking it home with him, or storing it within his [Inventory] the ceremonial dagger vanished, only to reappear upon the table.

Deciding not to waste anymore time. He swiftly sliced his palm with the small blade, allowing his life-essence to drip into the bowl. Once the container filled up half way, and Asai began to feel weak. His gaze was forcefully drawn to the small figure.

Met with a void of silence, Asai spoke, filling the world with vibrations that echoed.

"Goddess Roha, I humble human, Asai Trichia greets you."

Met with a void of silence, Asai continued.

"Goddess Roha, can you direct me towards someone important to me?" Within the man's mind, memories of Robin appeared. The one person within this world he knew he could trust without hesitation.

Just as his skills did, information was instantly injected into his mind. Although he knew for certainty it was impossible. He now had memories of flying through the clouds above, peering down upon the dead land.

At the beginning of the flight path, Asai saw himself in third-person, and then Violet who was drooling over the beef's aroma. Leslie was tending to the horses.

Then, his vision sped, flying through numerous woodlands, through the monsters and beasts, and stopping before entering what looked like an old abandoned mine. The vision lingered there for a moment before his mind returned to his vessel.

Upon opening his eyes, the deafening silence was gone. The gentle breeze, the squawking of the crows above, and the horses munching their feed returned to the world.

The bowl before him empty. The ceremonial dagger, gone.

For scientific reasons, Asai slit his palm again, but with [Yomi]

Drawing his blood, filling the bowl over two-thirds, before stopping.

After waiting a dozen minutes, and experiencing nothing. The man gave up, returning to his companions.

"Would they believe me if I told them I just had a wordless communion with a goddess?


Violet, faithfully following Rosemi's orders, deigned herself to support the man. 

Having days to think, and to reorganize her own thoughts and goals. She now saw Asai in another light. Of course, she already saw the man as someone incredibly powerful and influential. However, she didn't forget how forceful he was in recruiting her, forcing her hand, turning her into a traitor of the Ignis Kingdom.

In addition to remembering how Asai initially treated her, she didn't forget how the kingdom did technically give up on her, banishing her to the lands of the low.

"Asai Trichia... He gave my life purpose again did he not? I thought for sure that I was going to spend the rest of my life rotting in that backwater village. Achieving nothing within this life time. But he. He saved me, helped me and even taught me about my abilities.

If I wanted to, I could go back to Ignis, to the royal academy and show those who doubted me my strength. I'm a certified necromancer now, Her Majesty would have no choice but to make me a noble, as per traditions of the kingdom no? But... Would I achieve more in life in doing so?"

Her eyes turned to Asai's reassuring back.

"But if I follow him. Maybe I could reach even higher heights? If I did that, would I be able to repay him for the kindness he has given me? 

If I think about it, did he even ask for anything in return for helping me? Isn't he the knight in shining armour from those fairy tales that I used to laugh at?


Mother... What would you do?"

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