After taking a few minutes to navigate my mind and inner turmoil. I conclude that I am still one hundred percent human. I believe humans, elves and dhans are similar to Earth's English, Americans and Chinese. They're all still human, however they can be considered as their appearance differ slightly, and their religions, deity and gods have clashing rules on life. So, I consider myself to still be human, but I simply have a hostile god's blessing, which should explain my differences, my experience gain.

Kozumi, her appearance, her weapons of choice tells me of the nature of her role here. A stealthy infiltration. Perhaps the humans are still unaware of the dhans encroachment. According to her information, if the border dragons never existed. Perhaps the continent would've long since been conquered by the dhans and dekans.

I take this moment of respite to check my status.

[Asai: Lvl 26] 

[Skills unlocked:]


Sword and Dagger Mastery


Sweet baby Jesus! Finally, something that would help me. You can't be an isekai protagonist without something broken like magical storage right? I immediately attempt to use it. I take a hold of my dagger and will it.

"Inventory! Store! Item bag!" I shouted within my mind. Kozumi noticing my shenanigans snickered before pulling her own magic trick. Similar to how card magicians back on earth would keep flicking in and out of existence a random card, she was playing with her kunai.

Every time she opened her palm the kunai disappeared, when she twirled her wrist and closed her fist, it would be there again. Enjoying my frustration she decided to help me.

"You. you haven't learnt how to use your skills yet have you?" I nodded in response, better to say nothing and let her speak before she changes her mind, or demands compensation. "Look, you have to use your mana. Look into my eyes." On closer inspection I notice every time her weapon was stored or equipped, a little red glint would glimmer within her pupils. A little blush spread across her cheeks. "Aren't you staring too much?" She pouted.

"W-WAH? You, you pretty much molest me at every opportunity and you're here acting like a shy innocent pure lady?" I find myself gobsmacked...

"Hehe~" She stuck her tongue out and bonked herself on the head. She crawled over and sat behind me. "Stay still, I'll help you open your mana veins." Pulling me into her embrace, one hand landed on my chest, above my heart. The other down on my lower abdominals.

"FUC-" Something entered me. My heart burned, my body shivered like I was being tasered. I fainted.


Loha know how much time passed but when I awoke, I find her looking down at me. Ah, the legendary lap pillow.

"I'm eighteen years old by the way, in case you were wondering." Fuck me, why is everyone older than me. I'm surrounded by women who are out to eat-  "Congratulations, you now have access to mana." she rudely interrupted my thought process.

[Asai: Lvl 26]

[HP: 100 MP:100]

[Skills unlocked:]


Sword and Dagger Mastery


"Try it, imagine the mana coursing through your veins. Feel it travel from your heart, towards your limbs, into your fingers and into your toes." I did as she instructed, A black glimmer shun through my eyes, unsure whether imaginary or illusionary I saw a single vein of mana travel to my hand, the dagger vanished. I immediately had an understanding that my weapon was stored in a dimension exclusive to me. Willing it with intent, the dagger reappeared. "Well done~" She gave me a little peck on the cheek.

Having an older sister like woman dote on me isn't so bad to be honest. Seeing Kuzomi spin her kunai around, I become tempted. When I return to Einhoren, lets find a blacksmith and have him forge a few knives for me. specifically the karambit. If I am to go down the assassin route, then this should be perfect for me. I continued to practice activating my mana, like another limb I never knew I had, I repeated the process to familiarize myself with it.

"Oh, your mana is tainted. You really are a halfie~ [Inventory] is a dhan exclusive skill by the way. You would need our bloodline to have it. And considering you can use it without any problem, I'm guessing you also have access to human exclusive skills." She peered into my eyes, enjoying the excitement harboured within. Damn, she really knows how to tickle my protagonist complex.

"Come, lets get up. I'll teach you another skill belonging to our bloodline. [Psychic phantom] Once you've learned that, we'll take turns casting it to blast all this dirt and rock away to get out."

Ah~ She's the perfect giving tree that keeps giving and giving. <3

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