Isekai Rohan

283 Trichia

Strolling through his manor. Duke Trichia was feeling restless.

"Man... I'm not even twenty yet, and Annie wants me to become a father? Back on Earth, the average age for fatherhood was 33. I'm a decade early."

Through one of many windows, Asai glanced out upon the training grounds. Clam, Gary, Paul and little Dan were all running laps. Carrying their full combat equipment, in addition to their weighted rucksacks. Following far behind the lads was Chloe and Violet, who were drenched in sweat and gasping for air. 

[Clam: Lvl 75] [Gary: Lvl 75] [Paul: Lvl 32] [Dan: Lvl 12]

Robin stood upon her podium, watching from the distance. Her 10 holy swords gently hovered above her, as well as beautiful white pristine wings upon her back and smaller variants upon her ankles. Maintaining multiple skills for prolonged lengths of time consumed greater amounts of mana, as her heart had to continuously beat and thump, enforcing her body and supplying the skills.

[Robin: Lvl 84]

[HP: 100 MP:200]

Robin, being gifted with mana, constantly found herself fainting whenever she pushed herself too far. The blessing of mana also came at a cost it seems. Because her body was still quite small, and not yet fully developed. Her small frame struggled to hold such a large volume of astral energy. As such, the girl had to train her body to greater degrees, almost as if she were an Olympic athlete.

Whilst Chloe and Violet were ranged fighters, and wouldn't benefit as much from training their strength and muscles. Training their stamina would ensure that no matter the duration, the two wouldn't become dead weight. Chloe, for once was in a good mood, as she were no longer considered the weakest link. Seeing Violet struggling to follow behind her, her mithril staff soon became a mithril walking stick.


Within the large court yard garden, a thousand dwarves were loudly celebrating their recent achievements. Being able to accumulate greater military achievements even in death, they cheered and sang as beer and booze soon ran out. Resulting in the maids and servants of the manor constantly rushing in with more barrels. Desperately trying to sate their thirst.

Dwarven king Caronia laid upon the grass snoring away, as an empty mug fell from his hand.

The payment for their service in booze wasn't actually official. Being able to battle once more was already enough to satisfy the majority of the dwarves. The added clause of payment by beer was simply a joke from Caronia, attempting to gain a little more for his fallen brothers. Men who had truly lived and died for him. Night time come, and their physical manifestations will return to Goddess Roha's embrace, until once again called upon.

Duke Trichia, being filthy rich had no qualms with purchasing large volumes of the liquid for his new ally. Whilst it wasn't enough to create inflation, his spending on beer and food did at least stimulate the economy. As more coins flowed into the hands of the hard working people.


"Father, I wish to take this opportunity to thank you once more for accepting us into your family."

Having his thought process interrupted, Asai turned to the little girl who now considered him to be her father. 

[Miku: Lvl 19]

"Miku, how are the others? How are you finding the local cuisine?"

The girl had her blue hair tied into two braids that lingered just above her collarbone. Sweeping her bangs aside, revealing her purple gemstone eyes. Rather than her usual oriental attire, Miku was currently wearing a tailor made dress. Although Asai had personally given her a set of his military attire. The girl preferred to utilize her innocent and weak image to her advantage.

As someone who had trained in the ways of warfare, Miku had a keen eye for single combat. Especially after her perilous journey from the far north, through the deadlands and into the southern kingdom of humanity. The girl had her fair share of battle experience, being the oldest of the children. Thus, she was literally a combat maid. .

"The others are all happy. Sister Mary and Annie are very kind to us. Sir Leslie had passed your message to them, stating to treat us as if we were your very own children. And as such, I... We, are very thankful for your kindness-"

"... Ah fuck, now I know why Annie suddenly thinks its time for me to have children..."

"-And whilst we have been told we could do anything we desired. We have all decided to return your kindness with our skills. When the others grow up, they will become your shield in the night. Whilst I have been chosen to guard you during the day."

Asai nodded. Glad that they were fitting in so easily. Being refugees from a war-torn kingdom, Asai had worried whether they would suffer from PTSD or anything similar. And so, hearing that they all had goals and a purpose in life, to improve, for self-betterment and to live with reason. Asai sighed in relief.

"Alright, thank you for the update. Just tell the others that you're all still growing, so be sure to eat well, sleep well. And as children, try to enjoy your childhood whilst you can. The life of an adult isn't all that fun you see." Asai smiled, as he tried to appear warm and kind. Considering how he was towering over the petite girl, he was glad when she didn't appear to be afraid of him.

Stroking her blue hair, gently head patting her. He enjoyed the soft texture as he wondered whether or not to boost the girl's levels.


As for Kozumi and Mizumi. The two dhans were currently kept in a prison cell known only to Victoria Del Lagos. Killing them would be out of the image, as nobles within this feudal age were afforded ransom. As the two claimed to be of royalty, Victoria decided to imprison them for the time being. Perhaps she could exchange their lives in an exchange for ceasefire and armistice, if ever the current king of Par'Talucca decided to communicate with them with messengers. Which would allow the kingdom of humanity time to fight the dekans in a single front.

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