Isekai Rohan

295 Night 11

Day 11

"Well... The heavens has spoken I guess..." Asai quickly began his little tests upon Olivia's new skill. Swapping her sword out for a blunt mace. Something, she was actually quite happy to receive, as her swordsmanship was severely lacking when compared to her brother Oliver. Who appeared to instinctively understand the flow of the blade.

Allowing the girl to whack him upon the shoulder. Within his eyes, he could see a thin layer of mana cover her body like a barrier. However more she whacked the duke, albeit a little too enthusiastically. The shield strength didn't appear to strengthen any further, and upon taking damage. It would refill itself upon dealing further damage upon the duke.

"Does that mean the 10% is based on her attack stat? Or is it based off her mana stat? Now this is going to be quite strange huh? Prioritizing the increase of her attack stat, especially that of a priest rather than her defensive. All in order to end up with her defensive barrier becoming better? 


I need a stiff drink. This is hurting my head."

Whilst Asai was trying to figure out the mechanics behind her skill. As the descriptions were sometimes unspecific or incorrectly described, almost as if the gods spoke a different language, one they had to somehow translate for him to understand. Olivia was getting carried away with whacking the duke, seeing as he didn't even flinch, or bat an eye upon receiving her blows. She started to find it extremely fun, almost as if she had sadistic tendencies, and conquering such a powerful man was something she yearned for.


Miku who was linger around, was catching her breath. Her mind was constantly spinning, as she felt like vomiting, from her consecutive acrobatic vaults. Currently, her [Psychic Phantom] was entirely inefficient, as her mana sprayed all over rather than converging upon a single point of target. Thus, she could only catch her breath, puke up her breakfast, and continue vaulting. Forcing her body to adapt, to grow, or die.

Because of how easy it had been thus far. Dwarven King Caronia refused to answer his call for the entirety of this challenge. Giving excuses and reasons that he should be struggling, starving, dehydrated and tired from marching and the restless nights.

Another point of thought was that, apart from Miku who only just received her first attack skill. The others were entirely relying upon the default strikes and blows that were taught within the garrison, and training halls. Training drills and combat knowledge that were designed with the intention to assist non-mana personnel. Thus, Asai could only patiently wait for them to unlock their own unique attack skills that would build and grow as their own combat style.

Out of curiosity, Asai ran another test. Summoning a couple of his undead skeletons. The young duke had Olivia cast [Heal] on them. And as assumed, the holy restorative energy, brimming with life devastated the undead. This meant that Olivia although being level 33, could take on level 40 undead alone.

A shame, killing his skeletons granted no experience. Something he would've loved to abuse if he could.

Night 11: 100 level 22 Pixie Queens appeared.

Night 12: 100 level 24 Bergs appeared.

Night 13: 100 level 26 Berserker Bergs appeared

Night 14: 100 level 28 Vairokans appeared

Night 15: 100 level 30 Orcs appeared.

Night 16: 100 level 32 Orc Fighters appeared.

The monsters now having caught up to their levels somewhat. Now required greater finesse and skill to kill, as Miku found herself running upon fumes as she consecutively vaulted, just as she had seen her senior do so numerous times before within the training halls.

Whilst Oliver and Olivia would usually find themselves shaking in fear, and having to will themselves into action. Oliver's [Courageous Aura] greatly benefitted them as their minds remained clear and true. Following their combat manuals entirely, acting accordingly and conserving their strength even when the orcs towered over them.

As the strength of the monsters increased, Asai was forced to contribute more to the defensive efforts. And whilst this allowed the trainees to breathe and maintain their energies somewhat. They received lesser experience, as they personally killed lesser numbers than prior.

A delicate balance soon emerged, as the trainees were desperate to grow within such a short time frame, whilst the monsters consistently came back stronger without failure. And whilst their bodies could be healed from spells and potions. Their minds soon became fatigued, which resulted in their actions becoming sluggish, and slower.

Further forcing the young duke to take on more of the party's contribution percentage. Which once more, lessened the levels they gained although having killed so many.

[Oliver: Lvl 34->41] 

[HP: 100 MP:100]

[Skills unlocked:]


Increase Divine Elemental damage by 20% and Elemental defence by 10%.


[Olivia: Lvl 33->40] 

[HP: 100 MP:100]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Battle Maiden EX]

Caster's skills upgraded to AOE, effecting all allies within 15 m at 50% effectiveness.


[Miku: Lvl 32->40]

[HP: 100 MP:100]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Sealing Square]

Seals opponents that are within a 15 meter range

As much as Asai didn't want to. He ordered the trainees to rest and recover during the entirety of day 17 and Night 17. In which the young duke soloed the monster swarm with his 50 level 40 undead skeletons, versus the level 34 monster horde. Wasting away the opportunity for growth, as the three fell into deep sleep. Resting their aching muscles, their exhausted minds and numbing souls.

Day 18

Asai immediately took it upon himself to train them in their new skills.

Ensuring Oliver efficiently fuelled his weapon and shield with divinity, reducing waste and leakage.

Olivia's new skill was quite unique. Now, whenever she cast [Heal] her spell no longer effected just her target, but also all allies within 15m. Albeit at only 50% effectiveness. Her lingering mana shield now also applied to others, as well as her. Although the skill appeared amazing, a single punch from someone at Asai's combat level was all it took to break through the mana barrier. The allied shields running at 50% effect, only managed to cause his punch to delay a little before punching through.

However, when blocking a blow from an equal levelled opponent, such as one of his skeletons. The mana barrier was strong enough to block and stop the blow entirely. For the allied 50% shields, it was barely enough to halt the blow shortly. Thus, the skill still remained useful as it would present her allies with windows of opportunities to strike.

The cool down though, was high inconsistent upon shattering. Rather than an infinite amount of shields constantly renewing, the cooldown appeared to be in align with how much damage the previous shield was forced to absorb.

Miku, now had more on her plate to absorb. Vaults and summoning her red arena consumed the majority of her day. Before the trainees took their afternoon nap, in preparation for the long sleepless night.


[Oliver: Lvl 41]

[HP: 100 MP:100]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Sword & Shield Mastery]

50% boost in One Handed Sword damage and Shield defence

[Courageous Aura]

All allies and self within 30m +10 courage in battle.


Increase Divine Elemental damage by 20% and Elemental defence by 10%.


[Olivia: Lvl 40]

[HP: 100 MP:100]

[Skills unlocked:]


100% Intelligence and 100% Psyche are applied to recover target's HP

[Battle Maiden]

When utilizing a single handed mace, caster receives maximum 10% of damage dealt as mana shield.

[Battle Maiden EX]

Caster's skills upgraded to AOE, effecting all allies within 15 m at 50% effectiveness.


[Miku: Lvl 40]

[HP: 100 MP:100]

[Skills unlocked:]


Able to Vanish from players or monsters that are up to 10 levels higher.

[Psychic Phantom]

Additional 100% Damage added to a regular attack.

[Sealing Square]

Seals opponents that are within a 15 meter range

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