Isekai Rohan

298 Night 30

Night 30

The three trainees stood upon the castle walls. Surrounded by 50 undead allied skeletons, and 4 phantom clones.

Although they supposedly had the advantage of being within a defensive structure. Due to the thousands of corpses that remained piled up against the walls. Their enemies now had a literal path up and over the stonewalls. Try as they might, the corpse pile would only return night after night. And rather than wasting all their precious daylight by moving the bodies away. Asai had decided it was better to prioritize training, eating and resting.

As such, The duke of war charged out during the night alone. Aggroing roughly 50 of the level 60 lycans, to fight alone. Leaving his trainees, along with his summons to defeat the remaining half who were currently charging up the piles of corpses.

Whilst the tank orientated skeletons immediately rushed in, creating a wall of bones. Miku and her doppelganger vaulted simultaneously, slamming their respective [Psychic Phantom] into the large dogs.

Whilst Asai's own [Phantom Menace] clones didn't inherit the ability to utilize his skills. Miku, being a full blooded dhan. Her version of the skill did. Having a tactic understanding of her original's intent, the doppelganger continued to vault. Slaying beast after beast, almost as if it was competing against the original.

However, it was intelligent enough to acknowledge the risks the real Miku undertook during battle, as such, it did it best to ensure Miku survived. Knowing that if she were to perish, so to would she forever return to the void of nothing.

Olivia, fighting amidst the vanguard, unlike a priest usually would. Was supporting her team mates by attacking. Bestowing her mana shields upon them, undead included, as she considered them to be allies. However, because of this notion within her mind, she had to remember not to cast [Heal] as the skill would nuke the skeletons back into oblivion.

Every so often, after the skill went off cooldown. Something in which she could only explain as a weird tingling sensation. She would recast her [Astral Concussion] dropping it onto the largest of lycans, knocking them out of the fight as their fellow lycans ended up stampeding over them. Being able to stun 1/5th of the enemy was truly advantageous. Even if the lycans were currently higher level than the humans, due to the absence of skills, the beasts were quick to turn into minced meat, as Olivia's mace crushed yet another skull.

As for Oliver, the man was running on adrenaline. [Order Swing] had him feeling insanely powerful, for as long as he kept up his attacks. The skill continued to ramp up his damage. In addition to [Courageous Aura] that made him believe himself to be invincible, the added effect of his sister's mana shield made him fight more recklessly than before.

Although it took another 5 nights of battling. The trainees were now finally considered strong. Reaching level 60, a plateau in which the human templars usually peaked at.

[Oliver: Lvl 50->60]

[HP: 100 MP:100]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Half a Soul]

10% of Damage dealt recovers [Olivia] HP/MP/SP

[Olivia: Lvl 50->60]

[HP: 100 MP:100]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Half a Soul]

10% of Damage dealt recovers [Oliver] HP/MP/SP

[Miku: Lvl 50->60]

[HP: 100 MP:100]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Mortal Rising]

After entering [Vanish] First attack has +60% critical chance. Upon successful critical [Vanish] remains.


Day 31

The twins, feeling their spiritual connection strengthen, as if blessed by the heavens. Were overjoyed, finding meaning in their birth. As most others would believe twins to being only half a person, half a soul. For Oliver and Olivia, it now became something else. A blessing rather, blessed to live within a world as large as this one, one filled with so much strife and struggle, and all the while having a sibling who would forever be there for you, as they for you.

Miku, rather than focusing on emotions, immediately asked Asai to summon his undead. Even though his phantom clones would also suffice, deep down, it made her slightly unhappy, having to kill something that looked exactly like Asai.

As the system depicted, her first attack out of stealth had a 60% rate of being a critical. At the cost of the same amount of mana to activate [Psychic Phantom] the damage spiked, further penetrating through the old skeletal bones.

And whilst Asai would be forced to enter in and out of stealth whilst slaughtering his targets. During the successful critical attacks, Miku remained entirely hidden. The only thing that exposed her location was the sudden stream of mana, from [Psychic Phantom] that was only a single flash of brilliance, lasting no longer than a second.

Whilst Miku could simply rely on basic dagger attacks, in hopes of remaining entirely concealed. Landing a critical with such a weak attack barely provided any benefit. 


"Just nine more days of this All-you-can-eat buffet huh?" Thought Asai. "Would be nice if it continued up to fifty, might just help me hit ninety-nine."

"Just nine more days of this shitty hell mode training camp, huh?" Thought the three trainees, who desperately missed the comforts of their beds back in Trichia.

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