Isekai Rohan

306 Afterdark

In a feudal world, where most commoners relied upon grains, rice, potatoes and sweet-potatoes. And perhaps some diary, such as cheese. Foods that were high in carbohydrates, for survival. Being able to dine upon fresh meat was truly a luxury. Especially when Asai's [Inventory] kept everything time locked, and thus fresh.

Whatever grievances the trio had, were now entirely forgotten as they bit into the juicy medium rare steaks. The juicy fat overwhelmed their tongues, as they washed their food down with ale that warmed them up.

That was, until another hour passed and it was time for sun down.

Perched upon the walls, the four stood ready. Weapons in hand, pouches restocked. Skeletons and clones awaiting their orders.

Whilst the trio were expecting the previous pattern to return. A battle against 100 level 80 opponents. Asai was banking on the dungeon boss appearing. Little did they know, the divine-beings that were watching their finale had heard their desires. Thus, decided to grant both.

The planet began to rumble as earthquakes broke the lands apart. Fractures, and eruptions devastated the mountains, the lands and the sea. All that existed upon the planet faded out of existence, returning to the void. 

The only remaining haven, the small confines of Castle Judas. Where the four humans found themselves straddling against the stone walls. Doing their utmost not to fall out and into the oblivion.

"Stay calm! The arena's just changing!"

Asai having been in void arena's before, instantly recognise the stars that emerged within the heavens. The sky itself tore apart as darkness filled the skies like a virus. The thousands of corpses instantly fell into the endless pit of nothing.

A short stairway that was brimming with divinity materialized before them. Connecting them to a stone platform that floated amidst the chaos and destruction that continued to engulf the world.

Without needing any instruction, the trio followed the duke up the stairs. Finding it to be stable, as they were immune to the ongoing earthquakes.

Once they were upon the small platform, the stairs dematerialized. Whilst the twins were close to pissing themselves from seeing the world burn. The literal end of days, apocalypse. Miku sought the comforts of Asai's hand, as she forced herself to take in her environment, in case any threats appeared.

As the world ended, and all that remained was the four humans who stood upon the lone platform. Gazing into the abyss, their minds faltering as fear eroded their spirits.

Asai seeing this, for once realized.

"It's probably a good thing the gods above don't interfere, and fuck around with our world as much as they do huh." Asai could only imagine how batshit crazy everyone would become, if a divine being literally terraformed the planet before their eyes back on Earth. Shattering their views upon science and evolution. Perhaps even reverting back to their human sacrificial days.

"Everyone, don't forget, this isn't the real world. We're inside a dungeon. I understand that we've been stuck in here for a long time. Thus, your brain might lead you into believing this world to be real. But don't fret, everyone is still alive and safe, outside, there within the real world."

Within the void of nothing, the platform existed. Accompanied by only a small fleet of stars high above, that gently filled the world with light. Another stair case appeared. However, unlike before, rather than a straight staircase that lead to another platform, the stairs that materialized above them, twirled around. Endlessly spiralling into the heavens above, further than the eye could see.

"Fuck it, go now. Don't even wait for whatever is about to happen! Go!" "I've seen enough movies to know something bad is about to happen, and there's no need to wait for it to come!"

Being urged by the duke, the group quickly began their ascension. After climbing 20 steps up, blades of wind erupted all over the stairs around them.

Asai having been more alert, and rather than just focusing on controlling his stamina and endurance, upon the leg workout. Had foresaw an attack.

[Goddess of Wind Silva: Lvl 99]

A colossal being, emerged out of the infinite darkness. A golden crown sat atop her head, as equally golden wings sprouted from her back. The wings being twice her size as the very edges appeared dangerously sharp. With every flap of her divine-wings, a dozen blades of wind shot forth. Blasting their proximity.

Forcing them into a slow climb, as they sporadically defending against something as simple as wind. 

"Fuck! That's not even an attack, she's just flapping her wings and letting the gusts attack us. And even with just the breeze it's slowing us down this much!?"

To assist in their endeavours, the four phantom clones, as well as Miku's doppelganger continuously sacrificed themselves. Shielding their main bodies from the turbulence.

Miku's calves were beginning to cramp, staggering upon a step, she ended up glancing back down towards the platform that was now filled with undead. Hordes of skeletons clambered over one and another, also ascending the spiral stairs. 

A strange crazed madness overfilled them with desire to attack all that was living. As their eyes met with hers, sending her reeling back onto her butt.

Asai plucked her off the ground, carrying her over his shoulder.

"Drink a stamina potion now!"

The young duke had already noticed the mass of undead that was down below. And as they ascended, the platform, and the stairs began to sink into the void.

"Optimize your mana! Imbue only your lungs and your legs!"

[Skeleton Knight: Lvl 80]  [Skeleton Knight: Lvl 80]  [Skeleton Knight: Lvl 80]  [Skeleton Knight: Lvl 80]  [Skeleton Knight: Lvl 80]  [Skeleton Knight: Lvl 80]  [Skeleton Knight: Lvl 80]  [Skeleton Knight: Lvl 80]  [Skeleton Knight: Lvl 80]  [Skeleton Knight: Lvl 80]  

"Fuck! She's flapping her wings again!"  "Shields now!"

As Asai Trichia's gaze met Goddess Silva's. The divine-being gently smiled, as if meeting an old acquaintance.

"What are you smiling for you bitch!?"

As if she read his mind. A giant crystal crossbow appeared within her hands.



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