Isekai Rohan

312 Respite

After returning home and announcing the great success of yet another dungeon clear.

Something that would sooner or later, be placing his name within the history books. As the man continued to increase his dungeon clear record again and again. And seemingly without any intention of stopping either.

Already, Trichia was a name renowned and highly regarded within the adventurer's guilds. Thanks to Asai's focus on defence, and investing upon as many avenues as possible. The adventurer's guild now received state backing, monthly funds that basically hired them as part time defenders of the locations their guild homes were. 

Even basic training were provided to would-be adventurers. All for the greater good of the people.


After knighting both Olivia and Oliver, bestowing them with peerage that now designated them as nobility. The twins now received better benefits, better weapons and better pay. Their thoughts immediately returning to their mother, and relocating her closer to the heart of the Duchy. As the two together had received 400 coins from Silva. 

Since the short knighting ceremony had ended, Asai and the party had relocated to the garrison's canteen. The large hall with numerous wooden tables and benches was now filled with friends and food.

And although it was definitely overkill, considering it was only a knighting ceremony and not exactly a national celebration. The duke himself desired the food and booze to flow, personally paying for the luxuries. Rather than relying on the monthly stipend the Kingdom sent him.


Looking around himself. The duke of war found himself surrounded by familiar faces. People who had simply invited themselves in, the moment they heard he was back and also hosting a feast.

[Asai Trichia: Lvl 89]

[Victor Del Lagos: Lvl 88]  [Istvan: Lvl 74]  [Jin: lvl 57]

On his left with the first prince himself, dressed in his royal regalia. Looking entirely out of place, as this wasn't a fancy establishment, but an army's dining hall. However, the man seemingly didn't care. He was glad to be called back from the front lines. Returning back to the capital through Trichia, in preparation for the celebrations.

And although Victor Del Lagos, still struggled to believe that there could be someone so self-sacrificial, and benevolent, like Asai Trichia. Who invested so greatly in the people, rather than bathing himself in luxuries. He now had a growing respect for the young man, who had saved him from the literal jaws of death.

Istvan who seated besides the prince along with the elf Jin, were more concerned with drinking the booze than eating. Since the last large scale attack, the humans at Thrud castle were literally stuffing themselves with meat. Deigning to consume the stuff before it went bad, as they had only so many storage rings to freeze the stuff in.

His eyes, sporadically wondering over to Robin, Chloe and Violet who were seated upon their own table, along with their platoons.


[Robin: Lvl 84]  [Chloe: Lvl 84]  [Violet: Lvl 70]

The girl's were all dressed in the same black and gold attire that Asai designed for them. Albeit Chloe's buttons had the top few buttons undone, as her bosom was seemingly growing, filling out as she ate well, slept well.

By now, the three were completely used to being stared at, gazed at and revelled upon. Thus, they completely ignored the templar's constant staring. 

Whilst Robin mostly focused on eating and drinking, maintaining her dignity and manners. Violet was merrily listening to Chloe's stories. Her tales, adventures and experiences she had witnessed alongside Robin. Even stories that were borderline perverted were told, such as all the times Chloe was sad. She felt it impossible to sleep without hugging Robin like a teddy bear, even going so far as to sharing baths with her.

She had attempted to follow Robin during toilet breaks too, but Robin firmly rejected her. And before she could get to the stories regarding their times in the deadlands. Specifically when the dhans had helped them by stripping-

"-Enough!" Robin, having heard enough. Shoved food into Chloe's big mouth.


Talking about the dhans.

[Miku: Lvl 76]  [Olivia: Lvl 74]  [Oliver: Lvl 74]

Whilst Miku refused the peerage. Deciding it would be better for her cover to remain a commoner. To reduce the amount of attention people would pay her. Olivia and Oliver who were now full fledged knights, all sat upon the same table. Their camaraderie through the hell mode training had made them close.

Olivia was personally whispering into Miku's ears at every given moment, between bites of food and drink. Finding it extremely fun to tease the smaller girl with a "I know what you did last summer vibe." 

Whilst she did in fact, obtain the reaction she desired. Causing Miku to blush and flush uncontrollably, the dhan also became increasingly turned on, due to the public humiliation she was going through. Shooting glances towards the duke, hoping he would notice her struggles and desires.

As for Oliver, he was simply thankful to be back and alive, in one piece that is. As he rubbed his left wrist, massaging it. The other younger trainees who were friends with them shared the same table. And as they told their experience within the dungeon. Most simply figured the guy was bragging, a 15 minutes of glory type of brag, simply because he was lucky enough to catch the duke's attention.

"Magical worlds? Changing seasons that set the world on fire and then ice? A literal Goddess smiling upon you? Sure thing brother. Here, have a refill of your ale, you definitely need it."

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