Isekai Rohan

323 Dance –

Hand in hand, the duke led Her Majesty onto the dancefloor. Rather than causing a fuss, and before the other nobles could exit, leaving the entirety of the floor to the two. Prince Victor deliberately entered the stage with Daisy in hand. The two wore matching colours, symbolizing their union as they positioned themselves.

Duke Jeffrey De Lumix and his wife Duchess Alyssa De Lumix also entered the dancefloor. Seeing the top three families dance together, the nobles chose not to leave. Remaining upon the floor, and choosing to dance with them as a show of both friendship and desire.

Friendship, as their alliance to either of the three families. And desire, for the others who did not yet belong to any of their factions.

With such a clear showing of their alliance and union, whatever unsavoury rumours anyone with a IQ less than two digits, would instantly be voided and ignored. The kingdom of humanity needed to band together, especially during a time of uncertainty such as this one. Preparations were near completion, and if they didn't band together, to enjoy their current peace now. Then their chances may never return.

For all that were within high-nobility. They were already aware that the kingdom now faced multiple threats in different directions.

The kingdom of dekans, Rev'Deca and their army of dragonkin and beasts.

The kingdom of dhans, Par'Talucca and their army of assassins.

The kingdom of dark-elves, Ignis and their armies who utilized necromancy to summon undead armies.

As for the rest of the kingdom of humanity. It was only at the end of the next event, when morale was estimated to be at its highest, would the announcement and information be unveiled.

Thankfully, the humans weren't alone.  The kingdom of elves, Vena had already been sending her knights into Del Lagos to reinforce the north. Whilst Jenson De Lion, nephew of Jeffrey De Lumix, was still imbedded within the far south, guarding against the undead. Trade between the two previously hostile kingdoms were blossoming, as even Duke Trichia engaged in trade with them.

"Duke Trichia, how are you enjoying the night so far?"

Asai, desperately trying to keep his eyes away from her mighty cleavage. Started to recount the English alphabet, whilst gazing directly into her golden eyes. Her equally golden hair swayed as the two waltzed closely together.

"Damnit woman! Are you trying to give me a boner in the middle of all aristocracy!?" "I'm having a blast, thank you for asking Your Majesty."

Whether it was deliberate or not, her bountiful bosom squished upon his chest. Victoria herself was equally focusing her efforts into controlling her strength. A little slip up and she could end up either crushing his fingers, or destroying his foot. Her breasts however, could squish into the man as much as she desired. As they apparently had no attack value, either that, or Goddess Loha was playing another prank upon the poor girl.

"I see. I see. You must be getting excited, for what's coming next." 

"Please, Your Majesty, do tell. Stop teasing me please." 

"Two days from now, we'll be relocating to the arena for the final event. I can only assume, that you haven't read the event brochure closely? Your name and your vassals are included. You'll be showing your swordsmanship against monsters and beasts. All to show the people how powerful the sword of humanity is. All for morale you see~"

Victoria's old habits were getting triggered. She knew the duke was beginning to squirm, trying to hold his own desires and lust back. His gaze faltering, as they kept falling upon her milkies.

"The people need a hero, and you know it. So do me this favour, perform exceptionally well and I'll personally reward you-"

Her Majesty leaned in close. Whispering for his ears only, as her perfume assaulted his mind. Arousing his carnal desires.

"I'll personally fuck your brains out, and empty your balls completely!"

Readjusting their distance, holding her own urges to whip the man into submission. She gracefully and majestically continued to dance in tune. All other spectators and nobles were none the wiser, to their little exchange. All except Robin, who once again, was victim to her own ability of heightened hearing.

"Just so you know, I won't be performing within the arena of course. However, my brother will be joining you. As someone who will be leading our armies north, naturally he must prove his worth. Especially after his prior failure of a campaign."

Asai nodded. "Makes sense. Anything else I should know?"

"Well... I would tell you my room location, but that's something you already know. 

Ah! I should also tell you how soft my bed is, but that's also something you already know~"

"Fuck! Why is she teasing me so much? The cleavage, the perfume, the seduction, and now she's trying to make me remember our previous thing... Down little brother! Down!"

"Mmm~ There is one thing you should know. There's one applicant who will be fighting the beasts within the arena. She's just like you, came from an orphanage, no blood ties to know of. Supposedly skilled with the sword although being only 17. The count in charge of her location already tried to offer her peerage, but the girl actually refused. Started spouting nonsense about not wanting to being controlled, and desiring freedom...

So keep an eye on her, and tell me your thoughts later."

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